What are the Organs of the Urinary System?
- Kidney
- Ureter
- Urinary Bladder
- Urethra
- Sits at T-12 (Thoracic Vertebrate 12)
- Surrounded by a fatty layer, then dense connective tisssue, then more fat
- Pretty Well Protected
- Size of fist and shape of bean
- Takes the urine from the kidney and takes it to the urinary bladder
- Urine through peristalsis makes its way to bladder
- Ureters don't come in from the top, but from the bottom, because now the bladder can enlare without knotting up the ureter
Urinary Bladder
- Transitional Epithelium
- 3 openings
- -2 for ureters
- -1 for urethra
- Goes to the outside
- 8 inches in male
- 1.5 inches in female
Micturation (Voiding) Peeing
- Bladder has sympathetic nervous system
- Inernal sphincter relaxes --> smooth muscle in bladder contracts
- Somatic nervous system for external and internal sphincter
- Bladder has autonomic nervous stimulation
- Internal sphincter relaxes, smooth muscle in bladder contracts, and pushes down on itself
Functions of the Urinary system
- Excrete metabolic wastes: urea, creatine, uric acid, ammonium
- Nitrogen Based waste
- When we break down amino acids, we get urea, which makes our pee smell
- Ammonium is when liver is breaking down toxins
- Creatinine is a product of breaking down muscle
- Maintain water-salt and acid-base balance
- Secrete hormones: Renin, erythropoietin, activate Vitamin D
- Erythropoietin - Tells bones marrow to make red blood cells
Kidney Structure
- Calyces
- Renal Vein
- Renal Pelvis
- Renal Medulla
- Renal Cortex
- Renal Artery
Urine Process
- Urine ismade in the renal pyramids
- Dripped into the Calyx
- Put into the Renal Pelvis
- Into the Ureter
- To the Urinary Bladder
- Out the Urethra
Microscopic Kidney Structure
- GlomerulusCapillaries
- Not for gas exchange this time
- All arteriole in the glomerular capsule
- Has to do with filtering stuff out of blood
- Glomerular Capsule
- Proximal Convoluted Tubule
- Loop of Henle
- Distal Convoluted Tubule
- Collecting Duct
- Tubular structure called the nephron filters blood to form urine
- Network of capillaries that performs the first step of filtering blood
- Proximal Convoluted Tubules
- Loop of Henle
- Distal Convoluted Tubules
- Collecting Duct
Juxta-Glomerular Apparatus*
- Kidney has to do with our water content
- Salt concentrations
- Juxta=next to
Urine Formation
- 1. Glomerular Filtration - Filtration of the glomerulus
- 2. Tubular Reabsorption - Sending stuff back to where it came from
- 3. Tubular Secretion - Stuff that wasn't filtered that is still in
Glomerular Filtration
- Water, Glucose and Sodium can get through
- Protein can get through if you have kidney damage
Tubular Reabsorption
- Descending Limb
- -2/3 water leaves the tubule, because of concentration gradiant
- Ascending Limb
- -Use ATP to send sodium out, and water goes through diffusion
Tubular Secretion
- 2nd chance for stuff to get out of the blood
- Getting hydrogen ions or drugs out
- Takes Active Transport
- ADH and aldosterone effect here
What is left of original filtrate PLUS what is secreted enters renal pelvis for excretion
Regulatory Functions of the Kidney
- Water-salt balance
- Maintain blood volume, thus blood pressure
- Acid-Base balance
Water-Salt Balance
99% Sodium reabsorbed causes 90% water reabsorbed
- Hormones involved:
- -Renin --> Aldosterone (comes from adrenal gland and has to do with salt and water concentrations in the gland)
- -Sodium Reabsorption
- -Happening in the tubules
- -ADH (Anti-Durietic Hormone) --> Keeps you from peeing out wtaer, so water goes to blood, and blood volume goes up and blood pressure goes up
- -ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone)
- -ANP
- Increase urine flow
- becaue more water in your urine
- Caffeine increases renal blood flow and decreases sodium reabsorption
- alcohol inhibits ADH
- Water pills decrease sodium reabsorption
- Smoking Decreases renal blood flow; thus, smoking and alcohol = no change
Acid-Base Balance
Blood is 7.4
Maintaining Blood pH
- Buffering systems - chemicals hat absorb extra H+ or extra OH-
- Carbonic Acid/Bicarbonate (ECF)
- CO2+H2O <--> H2CO3 (Carbonic Acid) <--> H++HCO3-
Controlling Blood pH
- Respiratory control - quick
- "Blow off" CO2 to raise pH
- Renal control
- - Reabsorb bicarb into blood and/or excrete H+ into urine
- - Smaller but can handle a lot mor eacid or a lot more base
Kidney Failure
- Go on dialysis
- Machine that does the 3 steps
- Hemodialysis
- Measure urea, creatine,sodium concentrations, and weight
- Make special solution for the gradient, so that the right things can diffuse through
Peritoneal Dialysis
- Same solution and catheter goes into abdomen
- Flows by gravity
- Drain out 4-8 hours every night and happens when you're asleep
- Inside peritoneal cavity
Kidney Transplants
- Transplants get plugged in
- Kidneys do not get taken out