Exercise Physiology

  1. Off Season Goals
    • 1) Prevent Excessive Fat Weight Gain
    • 2) Maintain Strength and Endurance (Aerobic Base)
    • 3) Maintain Strength of ligaments, tendons and bones
    • 4) Resonable skill level (provide variety to prevent burn-outs, low intensity/higher volume, and restance training suggestions for power athletes)
    • 5) Flexability
  2. Pre-Season Goals
    (8-12 Weeks prior to competition)

    Maximize "E" System Used (High Intensity-Sport Specific-Low Volume)
  3. In-Season Goals
    Maintain fitness achieved during pre-season. (Technique-taper so recovery can be given in a single week-High intensity training days should be considered game days)
  4. Mistakes in Training
    • 1) Indertraining
    • 2) Exercises that aren't sport specific, therefore, don't create the right motor units
    • 3) Failure to taper
    • 4) Overtraining (meausre HR)
    • 5) Failure to schedule
  5. Microcycle
    Smaller amount of time
  6. Macrocycle
    Larger amount of time
  7. Static Stretching
    Stretch and hold
  8. Dynamic Stretching
    Stretching with a bounce
  9. Training for Improved Flexability
    • * Static vs. Dynamic Stretching
    • * 30 mins. 2 x a week increases flexability within 5 weeks
    • * Hold each stretch for 30 + seconds (3-5 stretches for each muscle group)
    • * Add PNF stretching (stimulate GTO's
  10. Year round conditioning of athletes consists of:
    • 1) Pre-Season
    • 2) In-Season
    • 3) Off-Season
  11. How is rate of work determined?
    • 1) H.S. and collegiate athletes=
    • 80-90% of HRR
    • 85-95% of HRM
    • Greater than or equal to 180 BPM

    • 2) T-12-7
    • Repitions
    • Dependent on distance covered (about 1.5-2 miles)
    • ie: 220 yd = 12-16 reps
    • 440 yd= 6-8 reps
  12. Inbetween reps the HR should get down to:
    140 BPM
  13. In between sets the HR should get down to:
    120 BPM
  14. Continuous Running (HRR/MHR)
    • HRR= 70-85% HRR
    • MHR= 80-95% MHR
  15. Continuous Fast Running
    • HRR=80-90% HRR
    • MHR=85-95% MHR
  16. Normally _________ % of our VO2 is used to breath
    • 5%
    • 2.5% in Trained Athletes
    • 25% in those with COPD
  17. Most efficient way of breathing=
    Taking large breaths less often
  18. VE
    Minute Ventilation
  19. DA
    Anatomical Deadspace
  20. VE Equation
    VE= TV *BPM
  21. What if VA=0 ml/min
    We can't breath like this long because VO2/CO2 exhange is not occuring
  22. Boyles Gas Law
    As ventilation increases, pressure decreases
  23. Which one is the best way to go about resistance training?
    C is the best because it gives your body recovery time. If you start for a workout, after a period of time you give yourself a rest period and start at step 2 vs. going back to the beginning, but then you go one step further than the previous time.
  24. Overtraining results in:
  25. The lungs provide an exceptionally large surface for:
    Gas Exchange
  26. Which is better, A or B?
    B. Lower lactic acid when splitting it up in multiple bouts, which is better.
Card Set
Exercise Physiology
Final (Chapters 12 and 14)