AP World- Ch. 32 Vocab

  1. Eastern bloc
    Nations favorable to the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe during the cold war–particularly Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, and East Germany
  2. Harry Truman
    American president from 1945 to 1952; less eager for smooth relations with the Soviet Union than Franklin Roosevelt; authorized use of atomic bomb during World War II; architect of American diplomacy that initiated the cold war
  3. Iron curtain
    Phrase coined by Winston Churchill to describe the division between free and communist societies taking shape in Europe after 1946
  4. Marshall Plan
    Program of substantial loans initiated by the United States in 1947; designed to aid Western nations in rebuilding from the war's devastation; vehicle for American economic dominance
  5. NATO
  6. Warsaw Pact
  7. Welfare state
    New activism of the West European state in economic policy and welfare issues after World War II; introduced programs to reduce the impact of economic inequality; typically included medical programs and economic planning
  8. Technocrat
    New type of bureaucrat; intensely trained in engineering or economics and devoted to the power of national planning; came to fore in offices of governments following World War II
  9. Green movement
  10. European Union
  11. Berlin Wall
    Built in 1961 to halt the flow of immigration from East Berlin to West Berlin; immigration was in response to lack of consumer goods and close Soviet control of economy and politics. Wall was torn down at end of Cold War in 1991
  12. Solidarity
    Polish labor movement formed in 1970s under Lech Walesa; challenged USSR-dominated government of Poland
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AP World- Ch. 32 Vocab