Rat Models

  1. Metabolic X syndrome includes which 3 components
    • Glucose intolerance
    • Hyperlipidemia
    • Hypertension
  2. Zucker Fatty Rat is a model for what disease
    Genetic Obesity (leptin receptor mutation)
  3. SHROB is a model for what disease?
    • Genetic obesity, metabolic disease
    • Kol is the lean littermate
  4. DIO is a model for what disease
    • Nutritional obesity- normal leptin
    • metabolic syndrome X
  5. Osborne-Mendel is a study for what disease?
    • Nutritional diabetes
    • spontaneous tumors
  6. BBDP is a model for what disease?
    • BBDP/Wor for Type I diabetes
    • BBDR/Wor
  7. ZDF rat is a model for what disease
    ZDF-Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  8. What is the gender difference with ZDF rats?
    Male ZDF develop diabetes in a different diet, females need more fat and lower protein
  9. Cohen Diabetic Rat is a model for what disease?
    Type II diabetes
  10. Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat is a model for what disease
    Type II diabetes, ESRD
  11. Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty Rat (OLETF) is a model for which disease?
    Type II diabetes
  12. Wistar Fatty Rat is a model for which disease?
    Type II diabetes
  13. Injection of STZ in the neonate causes what?
    Type II diabetes (n-STZ)
  14. Injection of STZ in the adult rat causes what?
    Type I diabetes
  15. SHR is a model for what disease?
    • Spontaneous hypertension
    • WKY
  16. Genetically Hypertensive Rat (GH) are a model for what disease?
    Spontaneous Hypertension
  17. Fawn Hooded Hypersensitive rat (FHH) is a model for what disease?
    Spontaneous hypertension
  18. Lyon Hypertensive rat is a model for what disease?
    Spontaneous hypertension without hyperinsulinemia
  19. Sabra Hypertension Prone (SBH) is a model for what disease
    Spontaneous hypertension, salt sensitive and testeosterone dependent
  20. Milan Hypertensive (MHS) is model for what disease?
    Spontaneous hypertension
  21. Dahl Salt sensitive (SS/Jr) is a model for what disease
    Salt sensitive hypertension
  22. Young SS/Jr is a model for what disease
    renin hypertension
  23. Genetically Epilepsy Prone Rats (GEPR/3 and GEPR/9) are a model for what disease?
    generalized genetic epilepsy
  24. WAG/Rij is a model for what disease
    Genetic petit mal or absence epilepsy
  25. Genetic absence epilepsy rat from Strasboug (GAERS) is a model for what disease?
    Genetic absensence epilepsy
  26. When giving a DA rat complete Freunds adjuvant +MBP, what happens?
    Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Multiple Sclerosis
  27. When giving a LEW rat incomplete Freunds adjuvant +MBP what happens?
  28. What are the 3 compounds that can be given to a rat to induce Parkinsons
    rotenone, MPTP, and 6-hydroxy dopamine
  29. ZDF and BB/Wor have been studied for what besides diabetes?
    Peripheral neuropathy
  30. Lobound Wistar (LW) rat is a model for what disease
    Prostate cancer
  31. Noble rat is a model for what disease?
    Prostate cancer
  32. COP and WF are models for what disease and how do they differ?
    COP is a negative model, dominant resistant gene to mammary carcinogenesis

    WF- mammary cancer suceptible
  33. ZSF1 rats are a model for what disease?
    End Stage renal disease
  34. Han:SPRD Cy/Cy is a model for what disease?
    Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
  35. Brattleboro rats are a model to what disease?
    Diabetes Insipidis, neurogenic
  36. M520/DI is a model for what disese
    diabetes Insipidius
  37. SHPSP is mode for waht disease
    cerebrovascular lesions, proteinuria
  38. SHHF is a model for what disease
    Spontaneous Hypertensive Heart Failure Rat is a model for type 2 diabetes, CHF, and Obesity
  39. JCR:LA-cp is a model for what disease?
    cp corpulent, cardiovascular disease
  40. Name 5 compounds that can be injected to create a model for autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis
    • Type II collagen
    • complete Freunds adjuvant
    • Incomplete Freunds adjuvant
    • Pristane
    • Streptococcol wall (LEW)
    • DA is very susceptible, BB (DR)
Card Set
Rat Models
Rat Models