convincing readers of the soundness of a particular opinion on a controversial issue using clear thinking and logic; incorporates all other modes of writing, including description, narration, exposition, analysis, reporting
utilizes emotional language and dramatic appeals to readers’ concerns, beliefs, and values in order to convince the reader and urge him/her to commit to a course of action
soundness of argument: facts, statistics, examples, authoritative statements; must be unified, specific, adequate, accurate, and representative
emotional power of language; appeals to readers’ needs, values, and attitudes, encouraging them to commit themselves to a viewpoint or course of action; relies on connotative language
credibility and integrity of the writer; establish authority by demonstrating personal knowledge and experience that make you trustworthy, appealing to experts who agree with you, being reasonable, take opposing views into account, avoid excessive emotional appeals
thesis or proposition of an argumentative paper
statements that require support
claim of opinion
judgment based on facts and arguable on the basis of facts
claim of fact
potentially verifiable and thus not arguable
claim of belief
while seemingly arguable, is not based on fact and so cannot be contested on the basis of facts
must relate to readers’ needs, values, and experience; must be unified, adequate, specific, accurate, and representative
an opinion, a principle, or a belief that ties evidence to claims: the assumption explains why a particular piece of evidence is relevant to a particular claim assumptions are not flaws, but necessities; however, if your audience does not share your assumptions, it will be harder to convince them of your claims
those who hold an opposing viewpoint; you should respectfully acknowledge your opposition and their counter-claims, make concessions when appropriate, and refute their counter-claims when possible
- inference of generalization based on specific evidence; in inductive reasoning, you present your case and then form a conclusion based on the evidence
- specific to general
- begin with a premise/assumption (generalization, belief, or principle), provide evidence or new information, then draw a conclusion
- general to specific then back to general
- logical equation used in deductive reasoning
- syllogistic errors can lead to faulty conclusions, which are the basis for many logical fallacies (see list 9 terms)
Classical argument
state claim; provide evidence (weakest to strongest); anticipate and refute counter-claims; conclude
Toulmin arguemnet
- Three parts of an argument:
- Claim—thesis, proposition, or conclusion
- Data—evidence
- Warrant—underlying assumption that justifies moving from evidence to claim
Rogerian arguement
- goal is to reduce conflict rather than produce a “winner” and “loser”
- use a respectful, conciliatory posture and empathetic tone
- emphasize shared interests and values / common ground
- Structure:
- Begin my making a conscientious effort to understand the viewpoints with whom you disagree; put yourself in their shoes and focus on what they believe and why they believe it
- Open your essay with an unbiased, even-handed restatement of opposing points of view (shows you’re fair and open-minded).
- When appropriate, acknowledge the validity of some of the arguments raised by those with differing views.
- Point out the areas of common ground.
- Finally, present evidence for your position.
either/or fallacy
assuming that a complicated question has only two answers, one good and one bad, both good or both bad
post hoc fallacy (Latin: after this, therefore because of this)
assuming that because A preceded B, then A must have caused B
reductive fallacy
oversimplifying the relation between cause and effect
sweeping generalization
making an insupportable statement; these are often absolute statements involving words such as all, always, never, and no one that allow no exceptions; can also be stereotypes
hasty generalization
making a claim on the basis of inadequate evidence
ad hominem (Latin: “to the man”)
attacking the qualities of the people holding the opposing view rather than the substance of the view itself
inviting readers to accept a claim because everyone else does
pathos (appeal to fear or pity)
substituting emotions for reasoning
red herring
introducing an irrelevant issue intended to distract readers from the relevant issues
non sequitur (Latin: “It does not follow.”)
linking two or more ideas that in fact have no logical connection
begging the question
treating an opinion that is open to question as if it were already proved or disproved
logical fallacy
errors in argument, which either evade the issue or treat the argument as if it were much simpler than it is