Medica Terminology and Basic Anatomy and physiology Section.

  1. Bleharorrahaphy
    Suturing of the eyelids.
  2. Cystorrhagia
    a hemorrhage of the bladder
  3. Lipolysis
    The splitting up of, or the destruction or breakdown of fat.
  4. Hysteroptosis
    Prolapse of the uterus
  5. Ptosis
    Indicating sagging of the indicated organ
  6. Nephromegaly
    Enlargement of the kidney
  7. Melanoma
    Is a darkly pigmented cancer
  8. pyogenic
    Means pus
  9. Renal Pelvis
    It serves as a collecting funnel for the urine in each kidney, and the urine is then passed through the two ureters into the bladder and stored until urination
  10. Diathermy
    Means generating heat through tissues. It invloves the use of high-frequency electric current for therapeutic or surgical purposes. It requires special care in its use, since severe burns may occur from improper usage.
  11. Gingivitis
    Inflammation of the gums
  12. Enuresis
    Term that refers to bed wetting.
  13. Functional Incontinence
    Occurs due to impairment of physical or cognitive functioning.
  14. Stress incontinence
    as in sneezing or coughing and total incontience.
  15. Syngergetic
    Means working together.
  16. Macrodactylia
    Abnorma largeness of the fingers or toes
  17. polyarthritis
    Inflammation of many joints
  18. prodrome
    Is a term used to indicate symptoms of an approaching disease
  19. Macroglossia
    Large tongue
  20. Bradycardia
    An abnormally slow puse.
  21. Myelocele
    A herniation of the spinal cord through a defect in the vertebral column.
  22. Neurotripsy
    Surgical crushing of a nerve.
  23. Stomato
    A combining form meaning mouth.
  24. Phas/o
    A combining form for speech.
  25. Clysis
    • A suffix meaning irrigation.
    • It is also used to mean the infusion of fluid into tissue or a body cavity, such as enema.
  26. Tripsy
    Means crushing.
  27. Diplo
    Means double and is found in the word meaning double vision.
  28. Cheilo
    A combining form that means lip
  29. Cheilorrhaphy
    The repair of a cleft lip.
  30. Cheilophagia
    The habbit of bitting one's own lip.
  31. Cheilosis
    Is the dry scaling and breaking of the lips and angles of the mouth
  32. Kinesio
    A combining form that means movement
  33. Kinesioneurosis
    A function disorder marked by tics and spasms..
  34. Litho
    Means stones or calculus.
  35. Centisis
    A word element meaning puncture.
  36. Dactylo
    A combining form that means fingers or toes.
  37. Dactylitis
    Inflammation of fingers or toes.
  38. Men/o
    A combining form that means menses, menstruation, or month.
  39. Xanth/o
    Means yellow
  40. Hidro
    A combining form that means sweat.
  41. Stasis
    means stoppage of the flow of blood or other body fluid or intestinal contents.
  42. Anabolism
    Is the constructive putting together pahse metabolism.
  43. Catabolism
    Is the breaking down phase of metabolism by cells that releases energy.
  44. Metabolism
    The sum of all the chemical reactions of the body.
  45. Anabolism and Catabolism
    The two stages of Metabolism
  46. Colp/o
    Means Vagina.
  47. Necr/o
    A combining form referring to death
  48. Necropsy
    Another term for autopsy
  49. Necrosis
    Meaning death tissue
  50. Ectopic
    Means misplaced
  51. Ectopic heart beat
    Means irregular or abnormal.
  52. Visceroptosis
    A prolapse or downward displacement of the viscera or organs.
  53. Erythroderma
    A medical word that means blusing.
  54. Pyrexia
    Means fever.
  55. laparo
    Means abdominal wall.
  56. Anorexia
    A sustained loss of appetite and is seen in malaise, illnesses, drugg addiction, alcoholic excesses, and other conditions.
  57. Malaise
    Means discomfort, uneasiness, or indisposition, often indicative of infection.
  58. Autolysis
    Means self-destructing.
  59. Lysis
    used as independent word and as a suffix, in both cases meaning destruction.
  60. Anteversion
    Means turning forward or tipping of an organ as a whole, without bending.
  61. Retro
    Means turning backwards.
  62. Ankylo
    • Means stiff.
    • It could also mean:
    • Bent
    • Crooked in the form of a loop, or adhesion.
  63. Dis
    Means free of, reversal, or separation
  64. Dys
    Means painful or difficult.
  65. The frontal plane
    It divides the back from front of the body
  66. Carpo
    A combining form that meaning wrist.
  67. Carpal Tunnel
    A syndrome, an occupational diseasen affecting the wrist, is caused by stress or overuse.
  68. Caudal
    Means away from the head.
  69. Cephalic or Cephalad
    Means pertaining to the head.
  70. Sagittal Planes
    Divide the body verically into left and right portions.
  71. Midsagittal
    Divides the body into equal right and left halves.
  72. Coronal or verticale plane
    Divides the body into front and back regions.
  73. Transverse plane
    Divides the body horizontally into top and bottom cross-sections.
  74. Algia and Dynia
    Means pain or suffering
  75. Trachealgia
    Means pain in the trachea
  76. Thrombectomy
    Means excision of a clot.
  77. Corneitis and Keratitis
    Both means inflammtion of the cornea
  78. Omphalorrhexis
    A rupture of the navel or umbilicus.
  79. rrhexis
    Means rupture
  80. Menorrhagia
    Abnormally profuse menstruation.
  81. Metr/o
    Refers to uterine tissues
  82. Suppuration
    Means the fomation or discharge of pus.
  83. pertussis
    Is whooping cough, an infectious disease of the respiratory tract causing peculiar bouts of coughing, ending in a prolonged whooping respiration. Immunization is given in the DPT shots in infancy and with booster shot before entering school.
  84. Atresia
    Means without opening.
  85. Hives
    Is a transient vascular reaction of the skin to various causes, such as allergic reactions to food or drugs, infection, or emotiona stress.
  86. Rubella
    Is the medical term for German measles, also called 3-day measles. The disease is caused by virus. It is most common in children from ages 3-12 years old.
  87. Strabismus
    A condition commonlyreferd to as squint or crossed eyes
  88. Varicella
    • Commonly called chicken-pox.
    • It is caused by a herpes virus, which may also cause shingles at a later time in life.
  89. Mumps
    Is the contagious, epidemic form of parotitis caused by the mumps virus.
  90. Conjunctivitis
    The medical term for pinkeye, which is an inflammation of the thin membrane that covers the eyeball and lines the eyelid. It may be caused by bacteria, viruses, chemicals, or allergies. The infectious is highly contagious and should be handled with care to prevent its spread.
  91. Phren/o
    May refer either to the diaphgram or to the mind.
  92. Schiz/o
    Means split or fissure
  93. Tome
    Means cutting instrument.
  94. Microtomes
    Machines that slice sections of tissue for microscopic viewing
  95. Plantar Flexion
    Is the movement that flexes the foot toward the sole so that the forepart of the foot is lower than ankle.
  96. Plantar
    Its a word that concerns the sole of the foot.
  97. Goniometers
    Are instruments that measure joint motion and angles.
  98. Quadriplegia
    Paralysis of both arms and legs
  99. Hemiplegia
    A paralysis of either the right or the left half of the body and occurs on the side opposite the brain damage. The most frequent cause is a cerebra brovascular accident caused by hemrothrombosis, cerebral embolism, or cerebral hemorrhage.
  100. Fibrillation
    Is the condition of rapid heartbeats (350 or more/min) characterized by uncoordinated contractions because small regions of the myocarduim contract independently of the other areas.
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Medica Terminology and Basic Anatomy and physiology Section.
Medical Terminology study guide