Anatomy and Physiology Final Exam Ch 10-15

  1. The intergrative funtions of the nervous system are performed mainly by
  2. the highest density of valtage-gated ion channels is found on the
    nodes of ranvier
  3. the soma of a mature neuron lacks
  4. the glial cells that fight infections i sthe CNS are
  5. posttetanic potentiation of a synapse inreases the amount of in the synaptic knob
  6. An IPSP is of the postsynaptic neuron
    A hyperpolization
  7. Saltatory conduction occur only
    in myelinated nerve fibers
  8. some neurotransmitters can have either excitatory or inhibitory effects depending on the type of
    receptors on the postsynaptic cell
  9. differences in the volume of a sounds are likely to be encoded by differences in in nerve fibers from the inner ear
    firing frequency
  10. motor effects that depends on repetitive output from a neural pool are mos t likely to use
    reverberating circuits
  11. Neurons that convery info to the CNS ar called sensory or neurons
  12. To perform their role, neurons must have the properties of excitablility secretion and
  13. the is a period of tijme in which a neuron is producing an action potential and cannot respond to another stimulus of any strength
    absolute refractory period
  14. Neurons receive incoming signals by way of specialized extensions of the cell called
  15. In th CNS myelin is produced by glial cells called
  16. a myelinated nerve fiber can produce action potentials only in specialized regions called
    nodes of Ranvier
  17. the trigger zone or a neuron consists of its and
    axon hillock and initial seament
  18. the neurotransmitter secreted at an adrenergic synapse is
  19. A presynaptic nerve fiber cannot cause other neurons in its to fire, but it can make them more sensitive to stimulation from other presynaptic fibers
    faciliated zone
  20. are substances released along with a neurotransmitter that modify the neurotrasmitter's effet
  21. to make a muscle contract more strongly, the nervous system can activate more motor units. This process is called
  22. the funtional unit of a muscle fiber is the , a segement from one Z disc to the next
  23. Before a muscle fiber can contract, ATP must bind to
    the myosin head
  24. before a muscle fiber can contract, Calcium must bind to
  25. which of the following muscle proteins is not intercelluar
  26. smooth muscle cells have whereas skeletal muscle fibers do not
  27. ACh receptors are found maianlay in
    junctional folds
  28. single unit smooth muscle cells can stimulate each other because they have
    gap junctions
  29. a person with a hgh VO2 max
    experiences less muscle fatiue during exercise than someone with a low VO2 max
  30. slow oxidative fibers have all of the following except
    an abuncance of glycogen
  31. the minimum stimulus intersity that will make a muscle contract is called
  32. a state of prolongs maximum contraction is called
    complete tetanus
  33. parts of the sacroplasmic reticulum called lie on each side of a T tubule
    terminal cisternae
  34. thick myofilaments consist consist mainly of th eprotein
  35. the neurotrasmitter that stimulates skeletal musckle is
  36. muscle contains an oxygen binding pigment calleed
  37. the of skeletal muscle play the same role as sense bodies in smooth muslce
  38. in autonomic nerve bifers that stimulate single unit smooth muscle, the neurotransmitter is contained in swellings called
  39. a state of continual partial muscle contraction is called
    muscle tone
  40. is an end product of anaerobic fermentation that causes mucle fatifue
    lactic acid
  41. which of the following muscles is the prime mover in spitting out a mouthful of liquid
  42. each muscle fiber has a sleeve of areolar connective tissue around it called
    the endomysium
  43. which of these is not a suprhyoid musle
  44. which of these muscles is an extensor of the neck
    splenius capitis
  45. which of these muscles of the pelvic floor is the deepest
    levator ani
  46. which of thee actions is not performed by the trapezius
    adduction of the humerous
  47. both the nads and feet are cted upon by a muscle or muscles called
    the abductor digiti minimi
  48. which of the following muscles does not extend the hip joint
    quadriceps femoris
  49. both the gastocnemius and muscles insert on the hell byway of the calcaneal tendon
  50. which of the following muscles raises the upper lip
    zygomaticus minor
  51. the of a muscle is the point where it attaches to a relatively stateionary bone
  52. a bundle of muscle fibers surrounded by perimysium is called a/an
  53. The is the muscle that generates the most force in a give joint movement
    prime mover
  54. The three large muscles on the posterior side of the thigh are comony known as the muscles
  55. connectivef tissue bands called prevent flexor tendons of the forearm and leg from rising like bowstrings
    flexor retinacula
  56. the anterior half of the perineum is a region called the
    urogenital triangle
  57. the abdominal aponeuroses conbberge on a media firborus band of the abdomen called the
    linea alba
  58. a muscle that works with another to produce the same or similar movement is called a/amn
  59. a muscle somewhat like a feather with fibers obliquely apprroaching its tendon from both sides is called a/an
    bipennate muscle
  60. a circular muscle that closes a body openng is called a/an
  61. below 1.2, the vertebral canal is occupied by a bundle of spinal nerve roots called
    the cauda equina
  62. the brachial plexus gives rise to all of the following nerves except
    the obturator nerve
  63. nerve fibers that adjust the tension in a muscle spindle are called
    gamma motor neurons
  64. a stretch reflec requires the action of to prevent an antagonistic myuscle from interferng with the agonist
    reciprocal inhibition
  65. a patient has a gunshot wound taht caused a bone gragment to nick the spinal cord. the patient now feels no pain or temperature sensations from that level of the body down. most likely the was damaged
    spinothalamic tract
  66. which of these is not a region of the spinal cord
  67. in the spinal cord the somas of the lower motor neurons are found in the
    anterior horns
  68. the outermost connective tissue wrapping of a nerve is called the
  69. the intercostal nerves between the rib arise from whcih spinal nerrve plexus
  70. all somatic reflexes share all of the following preoperties except
    they are monosynaptic
  71. outside the CNS the somas of neurons are clustered in swellings called
  72. distal to the intervertebral foramen, a spinal nerve branches into an anterior and posterior
  73. the cerbellum receives feedback from the muscles and joints by way of the tracts of the spinal cord
  74. in the reflex contraction of flexor muscles in one limb is accompanied by the contraction of extensor myscles in the contralaterl limb
    crossed extension
  75. modified muscle fibers servng primarily to detect stretch are called
    intrafusal fibers
  76. the nerves arise from the cervical plexus and innervate the diaphragm
  77. the crossing of a nerve fiber or tract from the ride side of the CNS to the left or vice versa is called
  78. the nonvisual awareness of the body's position and movements is called
  79. the ganglion contains the somas of neurons that carry sensory signals to the spinal cord
    posterior root
  80. the sciatic nerve is a composite of two nerves, the and
    tibial and common fibular
  81. which of these is caudal to the hypothalamus
    the cerbral aqueduct
  82. if th telencephalon was removed fom a 5 week embryo which of th efollowinng sturcutes would fail to develop in the fetus
    cerebral hemispheres
  83. blood CSF barrier is formed by
    ependymal cells
  84. the pyramids of the medulla oblongata contain
    descending coritcospinal fibers
  85. while studying in a noisy caftertia you get sleepy and doze off for a few minutes. you awaken with a start and realize that all the cafeteria sounds have just come back. while you dozing this auditory input was blocked from reaching your auditory cotex by
    the reticular activation system
  86. which of the following does not receive any imput from the eyes
    the frontal lobe
  87. because of a bran lesion, a certain patient never feels full, but eats so excessively that she now weighs nearly 600 lbs the lesion is most likely in her
  88. the is most closely associated with the cerebelum in embryonic development and reamins its primary source of input fibers thourghout life
  89. dameage to the nerve could result in defecs of eye movement
  90. all of the following except the nerve begins or end in the orbit
  91. the right and left cerbral hemispheres are connected to each othe rby a thick Cshaped bundle of fibers called the
    corpus collosum
  92. the brain has four chambers called filled with fluid
    ventricles and cerebrospinal
  93. on a sagittal plane, the cerebellar white matter exhibits a branching pattern called the
    arbor vitae
  94. abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles can cuse a condition called
  95. cerobrospinal fluid is secreted partly by a mass of blood capillaries called the in each bentricle
    choroid plexus
  96. the primary motor area of the cerbrum is the gyrus of the frontl lobe
  97. a lesion in which lobe of the cerebrum is most likely to cause a radical alteration of the personality
  98. areas of cerebral conrtex that identify or interpret sensory info are called
    association areas
  99. linear analytical and verbal thinking occurs in the hemisphere of the cerebrum which is on the left in most people
  100. the motor pattern for speech is gereated in an area or cortex called the and then trasmitted to the primary motor cortex to be carried out
    Broca area
  101. the autonomic nervous system innervates all of these except
    skeletal muscle
  102. muscarinin recptorss bind
  103. all of the following crnial nerves except the carry parasympathetic fibers
  104. which of the following cranial nerves carries sympathetic fibers
    none of them
  105. which of these ganglia is not involved in the sympathetic division
  106. epinephrine is secreted by
    the adrenal medulla
  107. the most sidnificant autonomic control center within the CNS is
    the hypothalamus
  108. the gray communiction ramus contains
    sympathetic postganglionic fibers
  109. throught the auntonomic nervous system the neurotransmitter released by the preganglionic feber binds to receptors on the postganglionic neuron
  110. which of these does not result from sympathetic stimulation
    digestive secretion
  111. certain nerve fibers are called fibers because they secrete norepinephrine
  112. is a state in which a target organ receives both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers
    dual innervation
  113. is a state of continual back ground activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
    autonomic tone
  114. most parasympathetic pregnanglionic fibers are found in the nerve
  115. the digestive tract has a semiindependent nervous system called the nervous system
  116. MAO an COMT are enzymes that braek down at certain ANS synapses
  117. the adrenal medualla consists of modified postganglionic neurons of the nervous system
  118. adrenergic receptors classified as (greek letters) act by changing the level of in the target cell
  119. the sympathetic nervous systemhas short and long nerve fibers
    preganglionic and postganglionic
  120. sympathetic fibers to blood vessels maintain a state of partial vasoconstriction called
    vasomotor tone
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Anatomy and Physiology Final Exam Ch 10-15
Anatomy and Physiology