
  1. what are the 6 World views?
    • 1. naturalists
    • 2. tribal
    • 3. monotheistic
    • 4. monism
    • 5. chinese
    • 6. religion
  2. Define Naturalists:
    for the moment
  3. Define Tribal:
    views of supernatural
  4. Define Monotheistic:
    Religious views
  5. Define Monism:
  6. Define Chinese worldview:
  7. Define the Religion worldview
    individual experience
  8. 6 Dimensions of religion:
    • 1. Doctrine
    • 2. Myth
    • 3. Ethics
    • 4. Experience
    • 5. Social
    • 6. Ritual
  9. Define Doctrine
  10. Define myth:
    complex of stories (sometimes true, sometimes not)
  11. Define ethics
  12. Define experience
    individual experience to something
  13. Define social
    groups coming together for their rituals
  14. List the Gurus
    • Nanak
    • Amar Das
    • Ram Das
    • Arjun Deu
    • Gobind Singh
  15. Caste System
    • Brahmins (priest)
    • Kshatriyas (warrior)
    • Vaishyas (merchant)
    • Untouchables (outcast)
  16. Indian gods
    • Brahma
    • Vishnu
    • Shiva
    • Shakti
    • Avatars
  17. Four noble truths
    • 1. suffering - dukha
    • 2. Arising of suffering - attachment
    • 3. End of Suffering - ending attachments
    • 4. The way to end suffering
  18. Holy Eightfold Path
    • Right view
    • Right attitude
    • Right speech
    • Right action
    • Right livelihood
    • Right effort
    • Right mindfulness
    • Right meditation
  19. 5 precepts of Buddhism
    • 1. Not to take a life
    • 2. Not to steal
    • 3. Not to lie
    • 4. Not to engage in sexual misconduct
    • 5. Not to take intoxicants
  20. 3 main deities in hinduism
    • 1. sanatana dharma
    • 2. varna
    • 3. jati
  21. Types of Buddhism
    • 1. Theravada
    • 2. Mahayana
    • 3. Hinayana
    • 4. Vajrayana
  22. Sacraments
    • 1. baptism
    • 2. communion
    • 3. confirmation
    • 4. reconciliation
    • 5. matrimony
    • 6. holy orders
    • 7. annointing of the sick
  23. Indian concepts
    • 1. Atman
    • 2. Brahman
    • 3. Mayo
    • 4. Moksha
    • 5. Samsara
    • 6. Dharma
    • 7. Karma
  24. 5 religious impacts
    • 1. individual
    • 2. social
    • 3. economic
    • 4. military
    • 5. political
  25. Triple GEm:
    • 1. Buddha
    • 2. Dharma
    • 3. Sangha
  26. 5 pillars
    • 1. Shahadah
    • 2. Salat
    • 3. Zakat
    • 4. Sawm
    • 5. Hajj
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