FDR/New Deal
Franklin Delenore Roosevelt
New Deal was his ideals on how to get the U.S out of the Depression
Court Packing Plan
FDR used this to place his supports in the SUpreme Court to get his New Deal plans approved.
21st Amendment
Repealed the 18th Amendment
New Deal Agencies and Programs:
Civilian Conservation Corps: Build governement highways and railroad stations
New Deal Agencies and Programs:
Tennessee Valley Authority: in hcarage of electricity to Northern Alabama, Social Security was set up to benefit senior citizens.
New Deal Agencies and Programs:
Works Program Administration: GAve jobs to those who needed it
New Deal Agencies and Programs:
insures taht money is in the banks
New Deal Agencies and Programs:
Agricultural Adjustment Act: Set up subsidies to pay farmers to ruin crops
Payment to farmers to plow under crops and kill wild stock
Scottsboro 9& Norris v. Alabama
Lead to African Americans being allowed to serve on juries
France and Great Britian and their debt from WWI
Was not able to pay debt because Germant was unable to pay them reparations
Lessons not learned:
Hitler in Russia
Hitler signs agreement with Russia to not invade but does in the long run.
Lessons not learned:
France-Maginot Line and border with Belgium
MAginot Line in WWI but France did not build it up before WWII so Germany invaded the same way.
Kellogg-Braind Pact
outlawed war EXCEPT in cases of self-defense. Leads to WWII.
Start of WWI in the Pacific
Start of WWII in the Pacific started when Japan invades China (1932) the U.S gets involved when Japana bombs Pearl Harbor.
Mussolini and Fascists in Italy
Mussolini took over as dictator and his Fascist party overwhelmed the Italitan people and ran the country
Lebenrasaum, Volk and Volkswagon
Hitler created Volkswagen to have German tourists go to France and scout out where tanks would be able to travel
Hitler, Nazi, brown shirts
Hitler was the dictator of German. Followers called Nazi. Brown shirts were Hitler's thugs who would take care of any person who disgreed with Hitler.
Stalin was the ruler of Russia. USSR was Communist Russia
Allied Powers
- U.S
- France
- Great Britian
Strat of War in Europe
War starte in Europe when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939
Cash and Carry v. Leand/Lease
- Cash and Caryy was set up to avoid another debt. Anyone who wanted to buy from us would have to pay upfront and come and carry it away on their own ships.
- Lend/Lease was later in war to where we would lend/lease one of our ships to help carry supplies to an Allie
Lightening war (used by Germay when they used quick attacks)
Pearl Harbor
U.S naval base in Hawaii thata Japan bombed on Decemeber 7, 1941. Lead to U.S getting involved in WWII
Nations with a two-front war
U.s, Japan, and Germany fought two-front war
Leyte Gulf
Battle of Leyte Gulf was the largest naval battle. Battle took place in the Philippines
Women's war work-Rosie the Riveter
with all men at war the women of the country were needed to take over for the men in the work plave to be able to send supplies to troops overseas. Rosie the Riveter was created to inspire women to go to work.
Used so that more supplies could be sent to troops in Europe
Tuskegee Airmen
Most famous all black military group
Native American-Code
Navajo language was used as U.S code in war because no one could break it
Interment Camps
Place where 100,000 Japanese citizens were taken from west coast to prevent spies were sent. Was only done to Japanese citizens.
- June 6, 1944
- U.S stormed the beaches of Normandy to get involved in the war in Europe
Battle of the Bulge
Took place in Germany. U.S troops, led by McAuliffe, pushed into Germany ahead of theri supplies so Germans tried to cut off the supplies completely. Did not work in long run.
Meetings at Yalta and Tehran-creation of the UN
Meeting at Yalta and Tehran was used to end war by treaty. The UN was created to try and avoid another World War.
Division of Germany and Berlin
France, Great Britian, USSR, and America divided Germany to try and separate German powers.
killed around six million "unsure" people. Mainly concentrated on Jews. Any person involved in Holocasut was sent to concentration camps to be worked to death or immedietely killed.
Battle of Okinawa
Necessary for the invasion of Japan 300,000 soliders were lost.
Manhattan Project; Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- Manhattan Project was the creation of the atomic bomb.
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the two msot populated Japanese cities who had an atomic bomb dropped on to send message to Japanese leaders.
V-E Day
Victory in Europe- May 8, 1945
V-J Day
Victory in Japan- August 14, 1945
GI Bill
kept WWI veterans from being homelss when they came back to the States.
Baby Boom
(1945-1960) population went from 120-160 million
First Subdivison
Diplomatic policy aimed at avoiding war by making concessions to an aggressor.