T/F: You should never supplement your baby's feedings with water?
What should be supplemented in formula fed babies?
Iron & Fluoride
(breast feeding moms should drink fluorated water)
When should vitamins be supplemented into the baby's diet?
6 months
How long does the APA say you should breast feed for?
atleast 12 months
What stimulates milk production?
When is it produced?
-Produced when progesterone levels fall after placenta is delivered
What is the first milk produced?
Colostrum - thick, creamy, yellow fluid that is very nutritious to the newborn. Has a laxative effect on the baby to help the baby poo.
What milk is constantly formed and low in fat?
Fore milk
What is the stimulation of baby at breast, sound of baby. hind milk ejected?
Let-down reflex
Which type of milk is higher in fat and calories that is formed after the let-down reflex?
Hind milk
Infant Advantages of breast feeding?
- Less infection
- Ideal compensation for human baby
- Easy to digest
- Reduces obesity & diabetes later in life
- Decreased ear infections
- cheap!
Mother Advantages of breast feeding?
- Breast cancer prevention
- Release oxytocin
- Empowerment effect
- Bonding
- Cheap
- Destroys bad bacteria
How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk?
- Sleeps between feedings
- Loses no more than 10% of body weight
- Good skin turgor
- 6-8 wet diapers & 2-3 poopy diapers a day
How often should a mother breast feed in the first few weeks?
every 2-3 hours
How much should a baby be fed with formula per pound of body weight?
75-90 ml of flud per pound
How often should you assess the baby after circumcision?
every 15 min for first hour, then every hour for the next 24 hrs
When should you notify the physician after a circumcision?
Redness, discharge, swelling, strong odor, tenderness, decrease in urination or excessive crying of infant
A yellow mucus "crust" may forms over the glans after a circumcision - what should you do?
Nothing!! - it is normal
Basic Circumcision care?
- note first void
- apply diaper loosely
- clean area and check diaper every 4 hours
What is a normal jaundice and when does it occur?
Physiologic jaundice
It doesn't occur in first 24 hours of life
What causes Pathologic Jaundice and when does it occur?
Abnormal destruction of RBCs
Occurs in first 24 hrs and persists after 1 week
What increses the baby's chance of jaundice (hyperbilirubinemia)?
Rh or ABO incompatibility!!!
(others see ppt. slide)
Treatment for Jaundice?
- Early feedings
- Phototherapy
- Exchange transfusion
What is the L:S ratio that indicates fetal maturity?
If a mother has a TENDER ABDOMEN what should you suspect?
Abruptio Placenta
If a pregnant women has bleeding at 7 months and is PAINLESS what should you suspect?
Placenta Previa
When would you recieve chemo for Hydatiform Mole?
If HCG levels are increased
What is a pregnancy that ends before 20 weeks?
Spontaneous Abortion
Light spotting; cervix is closed and no tissue is passed - what should you suspect?
Threatened Abortion
Increased bleeding and cervix dialates - what should you suspect?
Inevitable Abortion
Bleeding dilation of cervix and passage of tissue - what should you suspect?
Incomplete Abortion
Passage of all products of conception, cervix closes and bleeding stops?
Complete Abortion
Fetus dies in utero but not expelled, uterine growth stops?
What are you at risk for?
Missed Abortion
SEPSIS is possible!
2 or more consecutive spontaneous abortions?
Recurrent Abortion
If a pregnant woman is actively bleeding, what should you do?
Keep the woman NPO because surgery may be needed
Hyperemesis Gravidum is characterized by what?
Excessive Nausea & Vomiting
Dehydration symptoms
Patient education for Hyperemesis Gravidarum?
- Reduce fears that trigger nausea & vomiting
- Keep I&O
- Frequent, small meals
S/S of Ectopic Pregnancy?
- Lower abdominal pain
- Light vaginal bleeding
Ectopic Pregnancy S/S if tube ruptures?
- Sudden severe low abdominal pain
- Vaginal Bleeding
- Signs of hypovolemic shock
- Shoulder pain may possible
Hydatiform Mole puts a mother at risk for what?
When is a Hydatidiform Mole more likely to occur?
Women at age extremes of reproductive life
S/S of Hydatiform Mole?
- Rapid Uterine Growth
- Failure to detect fetal heart activity
- Higher HCG
- No evidence of developing fetus
- Signs of hyperemesis gravidarum
- unusual developement of uterine measures
Bright bleeding occurs when cervix dilates, resulting in PAINLESS bleeding?
Placenta Previa
Dark bleeding with PAIN and enlarging uterus suggests that blood is accumulating in the cavity suggests what?
Abruptio Placentae
Placenta previa - abnormal or normal implantation of the placenta?
Abnormal implantation of placenta
Abruptio placentae - abnormal or normal implantation of the placenta?
Normal implantation of the placenta
When should you give Rhogam?
If the mother is Rh - and the baby is rh +
What is the reversal drug of Magnesium Sulfate?
Calcium Gluconate
When should RhoGAM be given?
28 weeks and within 72 hrs of delivery to the mother
What does HELLP stand for?
Hemolysis, Elevated Liver labs, Low Platelet count