Known Listenings MuHis 330 Part 2

  1. Verdó 'l mio sol (2)
    1 & 2.) Woman singing with lots of ornaments and hapsicord.
  2. L'Orfeo (6)
    • 1.) SSLSLSLL, ritornello, followed by a man
    • 2.) High woman, slow, harpsicord.
    • 3.) Man, slow, then woman slow.
    • 4.) Low woman, slow, lute, crescendo
    • 5.) Man, harpsicord and string, solo, no one else on this track.
    • 6.) Angry sounding man
  3. Cruda Amarilli (3)
    • 1.) Full choir, homophonic, high soprano and striking dissonance.
    • 2.) Male voice holding out, moving men lines
    • 3.) Male voice in imitation with woman then homophonic, staccato
  4. O Quam Tu Pulchra Es (3)
    • 1.) Harpsiscord, solo slow high male voice, "Oooo."
    • 2.) Lilty, solo high male voice, harpsicord
    • 3.) Harpsicord, solo high male voice, slow, "Surge veddy veddy."
  5. Saul, was verfolgst du mich (4)
    • 1.) Saul, Saul, Saul Saaauuul, starts with a low man.
    • 2.) High man, German, SAUL!
    • 3.) Man and woman, low man, high woman, followed by imitation.
    • 4.) Everyone Saul, then tenor randomly. Solo, tutti, solo, tutti, etc.
  6. Historia di Jephte (6)
    • 1.) Solo high woman, chromaticism, harpsichord, minor.
    • 2.) Solo high woman, chromaticism, harpsichord, minor.
    • 3.) Solo high woman, chromaticism, harpsichord, minor.
    • 4.) Solo high woman, chromaticism, harpsichord, minor.
    • 5.) Men start, then full choir, harpsichord, slow, sad.
    • 6.) everyone, high voice singing, rest of the voices are accompanying and echo.
  7. Lagrime mie (5)
    • 1.) Harpsichord, high woman goes down chromatically, melismatic.
    • 2.) Harpsichord, slow solo woman, but of imitation in harpsichord with voice.
    • 3.) Triple feel, harpsichord, high slow woman
    • 4.) very speechlike, harpsichord, high slow woman, a bit faster rhythmically
    • 5.) very speechlike, harpsichor, high slow woman, slower three
  8. L'incoronazione di Poppea (6)
    • 1.) slow, beautiful ritornello, uwoman "signor" going up.
    • 2.) dialogue between 2 women, building intensity.
    • 3.) strong violin ritornello, sequencing, soprano woman
    • 4.) happy ritornello, wind flute , "Signor" going down.
    • 5.) dialogue between 2 women, building intensity with chromaticism.
    • 6.) dialogue between 2 women, fast vs slow rhythms between the singers.
  9. Orontea (2)
    • 1.) ritornello --> strings, low woman pice, slow, and with ritornello.
    • 2.) lower woman, string accompaniment, "Al mio," speech like rhythms.
  10. Ricercare after the credo (2)
    • 1.) Organ solo voice, 2nd bar chromatic line up.
    • 2.) Organ - ♩♩♫ ♩♩♩♩
  11. Sutie No. 3 in A minor (3)
    • 1.) Harpsichord, free form, starts low
    • 2.) Lots of trills harpsichord
    • 3.) Lots of lower trills, harpsichord, brief homophony between octaves.
  12. Vingt-cinquième ordre (1)
    1.) Very cutsy, harpsichord, 2 voices
  13. Trio Sonata, Op. 3, No. 2 (4)
    • 1.) Long violin not with moving 8th notes in other voices)
    • 2.) Imitative, starts with high violin, reminds me of the Haydn.
    • 3.) Slow, ^du ^du (down) duuuu (sequencing), starts low cadence
    • 4.) 6/8 starts with high violin for 2 bars, imitative
  14. Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A minor, Op. 3, No. 6, Allegro (8)
    • 1.) Pick up then repeated notes, ♪♬ ♪♬, all voice playing
    • 2.) Solo violin, then repeated notes, ♪♬ ♪♬.
    • 3.) Short ritornello, pick all voices, ♪♬ ♫.
    • 4.) Solo violin, lots of notes, running sixteenths
    • 5.) Pick up then repeated notes, ♪♬ ♪♬, all voice playing
    • 6.) Takes ♬♬ ♪♬ ♫ up a fourth, solo violin
    • 7.) 2 bar everyone, solo violin, lots of notes
    • 8.) Slur 3, tongue 1, ♬♬♫ ♬♬♫
  15. Arimide (3)
    • 1.) Violin, dotted rhythms, kind of slow, begins with a snare roll.
    • 2.) ♩♫ ♩♩, faster violins - imitative
    • 3.) Slow, homophonic, dotted rhythms
  16. Hippolyte et Aricie (5)
    • 1.) Lots of notes with little flute flourishes, then chorus
    • 2.) Solo men, then high women, lots of notes in accompaniment
    • 3.) Solo woman, sad,e cho with choir and instruments
    • 4.) Solo woman, sad, lots of notes in the accompaniment
    • 5.) Strong instrument chord then solo woman, angry sounding.
  17. Giulio Cesare (1)
    1.) Starts with instrumental pick up, solo woman, sounds hopeful --> homophonic accompaniment, opening rhythm is imitative.
  18. Saul, Act II, Scene 10 ( 5)
    • 1.) Eight, dotted eight, sixteenth, solo man, dotted rhythms, not a whole lot of instruments playing when he is singing, "The Time at length is come!"
    • 2.) "O fatal consequence", chorus, imitative
    • 3.) "Furious monster," staccato, chorus, homophonic
    • 4.) "From crime to crime," chorus, imitative, chromatic
    • 5.) "Destruction," chorus, melismas, imitation
  19. Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 62
    • 1.) Oboe & Strings, staccato with lots of running 16th notes
    • 2.) "Kumm" imitative voice in men
    • 3.) Oboe & Strings, staccato with lots of running 16th notes
    • 4.) Imitaton in women and men
    • 5.) Oboe & Strings, staccato with lots of running 16th notes
    • 6.) Long soprano notes, staccato accompaniment
    • 7.) Oboe & Strings, staccato with lots of running 16th notes
    • 8.) Imitaton in women and men "Got siche bert"
    • 9.) 3/8, connect, solo man, with staccato basso
  20. Prelude et Fuga in A minor, BWV 543
    ORGAN SOLO PIECE - faster, the one with no chromaticism.
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Known Listenings MuHis 330 Part 2
Characteristics to remember which piece is which.