Sedative Hypnotics

  1. Zaleplon (Sonata) General Information (5)
    • -Approved for short term use (7-10days)
    • - may NOT increase total sleep time
    • - may NOT DECREASE number of awakenings during sleep
    • - Caution w/ depressed pt's
    • - Dose reduced in pt w/ mild to moderate liver impairment
  2. Zaleplon (Sonata) Side Effects (6)
    • 1. Depression
    • 2. Nausea
    • 3. Dizziness
    • 4. Headache
    • 5. Impaired Coordination
    • 6. Short-term memory impairment
  3. Zaleplon (Sonata) (1)
    Interaction (1)
    • Drug Interaction w/ Cimetidine (Tagamet)
    • - dosage of Zaleplon should be reduced
  4. Zolpidem (Ambien)
    General information (6)
    • -Approved for short-term (7-10 days)
    • - Caution w/ depressed pt's
    • - Dosage Reduce in Older pt's
    • - Dosage reduced pt w/ hepatic impairment
    • - REBOUND INSOMNIA 1 or 2 nights after stopping drug
    • - WITHDRAWAL symptoms if stopped abruptly after 1 week
  5. Zolpidem (Ambien)
    Side Effects (4)
    • 1. DAYTIME Drowsiness
    • 2. Dizziness
    • 3. Nausea
    • 4. Diarrhea
Card Set
Sedative Hypnotics
Sleep Drugs