ANT Review 3

  1. Criteria of Stratification
    • Wealth: the accumulation of material resources or access to the means of producing these resources; can take different forms ($$$)
    • Power: the ability to control reources in one's own interest; can use money to influence ppl- media, politics
    • Prestige: social honor or respect within a society
  2. Egalitarian Societies
    • Societies that recognize a few differences in status, wealth, or power
    • Inequality is discouraged among foragers because they rely on one another for survival
  3. Rank Societies
    • Societies in which people have unequal access to prestige and status but not unequal access to wealth and power
    • Found in redistribution
    • Kinship-based prestige
  4. Stratified Societies
    • Societies characterized by considerable inequality in all forms of social rewards---pwr, wealth, prestige
    • All complex societies
    • Caste (ascribed social position, closed sys. of strat.) vs. Class (achieved social position, open sys. of strat.)
  5. Caste System in traditional India
    • 4 Varnas:
    • Brahmins (priests and scholars)
    • Kshatriyas (warriors)
    • Vaisyas (merchants)
    • Shudras (cultivators and servants)
    • (Untouchables (Dalits))
    • Sanskritization: upward social mobility; dress like Brahmins, become vegetarian, move to urban areas
  6. Social Class in the United States
    • Material basis of class: yacht, big house, fancy car
    • Social classes as subcultures: determined by income
    • Privileged class (CEO's) = 1%
    • Upper middle class (professionals) = 14%
    • Middle class (teachers) = 30%
    • Working class (factory wrkrs) = 30%
    • Working poor (service jobs) = 13%
    • Under class (unemployed) = 12%
  7. Explaining social stratification
    • The Functionalist Interpretation: soc. strat. exists b/c it contributes to the overall well-being of a society (teachers do a more important job than singers but are paid less)
    • The Conflict Theory Interpretation: soc. strat. results from the constant struggle for scarce goods and sevices btwn the bourgeoisie(those who own the means of production) and the proletariat(the wrking class who exchange their labor for wages); by Karl marx; greed? (gov't may need to close gap btwn the haves and the have nots)
  8. Racism
    • The belief that some races are superior to others.
    • Race: no biological differences btwn races; race is not scientific
    • IQ: intelligence as a mix of different faculties IQ test as culturally coded test; 1950's, Asian Americans scored the highest and African Americans scored the lowest
    • Social Darwinism: ?
  9. Ethnicity
    • Objective Aspect: the observable culture and shared symbols of a particular group (ex: head scarf; flag; language; food; clothing)
    • Subjective Aspect: the internal beliefs of the people regarding their shared ancestry (ex: share a history; have an emotional attachment)
  10. Patterns of Ethnic Relations
    • Pluralism: different ethnic groups co-exist (Little Italy)
    • Assimilation: cultural assimilation (take up beliefs and behaviors of a more dominant group); biological assimilation (inter-racial marriage)
    • Segregation: physical and social segregation (Jim Crow Laws)
    • Ehtnic Cleansing: remove certain ethnic groups
    • Genocide: the Holocaust- 6 mil; Yolanda- 5 mil
  11. Ethnic Relations in the USA
    • 3 Tiers
    • "Old Immigration" (1820-1880): Irish, Germans
    • "New Immigration" (1880-WWI): Eastern Europeans(Jews), Italians
    • The Newest Immigration (after the 1960's): all over, Latin America, Asians
    • Multiculturalism: ?
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ANT Review 3
Review for Final