1. impingement of coronoid process on zygomatic arch causes what?
  2. an elongated face would be from bilateral ___, ___ and ___ fractures
    subcondylar, angle or body
  3. bilateral parasymposis fractures could cause what appearance in a clinical exam?
    retruded chin
  4. An anterior openbite would result from bilateral ___ or ___ fractures, while posterior openbite would be from anterior alveolar process or parasymphosis fractures
    condyle or angle fractures
  5. An ipsilateral angle and parasymposis fracture cause what clinical condition
    openbite on one side
  6. Midline symphsis and condylar fractures could case a ___ ____
    posterior crossbite
  7. It is advisable to have views of the mandible in at least __ planes oriented (45, 90) degrees to each other
    2, 90
  8. The pan film is most favored. name two reasons why, and 2 disadvantages, one of which is difficulty in gauging (B/L or M/D) displacement, and lack of fine detail in which to areas of the mandible?
    simple technique and most detail


    pt needs upright, difficult to det B/L disp, lacks fine detail in CONDYLE and SYMPHYSIS regions
  9. name to injuries that could also occur during jaw fracture to look for
    • cervical spine
    • pneumothorax
    • ruptured spleen
  10. what is the PRIMARY goal of tx of mandible fracture
    re-establish occlusion
  11. name 4 reasons you would extract a tooth when fixing a fractured mandible.
    • sig mobility
    • root exposed, markedly distracted
    • tooth interferes w/ reduction or fixation of fracture
    • gross dental pathology
  12. When fixing a jaw fracture it is routine to remove the 3rd molars. Name the 2 situation when you should NOT remove them.
    they are erupted into occlusion, good condition, not mobile

    they are fully impacted in bone, non mobile, without root fracture and it is part of maintaing the ruduction of the fracture
  13. most mandibular fractures are repaired by: a) IMF b) closed reduction (wire shut)
    a) closed reduction

    IMF varies with clin situation and pt age and health - 6 weeks heal time for IMF
  14. decide which is advatage of closed reduction and which is adv of open reduction

    1 quick, cheap, simple
    2 done on outpatient basis, less tissue morbidity, no foreign material put into body
    3 normal nutrition, less airway probs
    4 primary bone healing
    5callus formation (bridging of bony gaps)
    6bone fragments re position via direct vision
    7 early return to function
    closed red: 1, 2, 5

    open red 3, 4, 7
  15. name 3 disadvantages of open reduction
    • increased oper time
    • prolonged anest
    • expensive hardware
    • more parasthesia risk
    • more skill needed
    • scarring
    • unforgiving procedure
  16. state whether it is an indication for open or close reduction

    1displaced unfav fract thru angle, body or parasymphosis :
    2non displaced favorable fract
    3grossly comminuted
    4multiple facial bone fractures
    5midface fract, and displaced bilat condlyar fract
    6mand fractures in children w developing dentition
    7coronoid fracture
    8fract of edentulous mand w severe displacement
    9edentulous maxilla oppose mand fracture
    10delayed tx w/ interposing soft tissue
    11condylar fracture
    12asthma, COPD, claustriphobic pt
    13 edentulous mandible fractures
    OPEN 1, 4, 5, 8, 9,10, 12

    CLOSED 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 13
  17. what is the most common technique for closed reduction

    Direct ID wiring
    Indirect ID wiring (Ivy loops)
    Arch bars (Erich)
    Gunning splints/llingual splints
    External pin fixation
    Arch bars most common
  18. which CR technique(s) is simple but requires a suitable number shape and quality of teeth present on each jaw fragment?
    Ivy loop, Arch bars
  19. State for each if it is an advantage of Intraoral or extraoral open reduction

    1 negligible scar
    2 allows visualization of buccal lingual and inferior cortices
    3 min risk of facial nerve injury
    4 relatively quick and simple dissection
    5 easy to manipulate segments
    6 can use pre existing lacerations if present
    Intraoral OpenReduction: 1, 3, 4

    Extraoral: 2, 5, 6
  20. name 3 disadvantages of intraoral open reduction

    name 3 disadvantages of extraoral open reduction
    • Intraoral:
    • limited visibility
    • cumbersome fragment manipulation
    • increased risk of facial nerve injury

    • Extraoral:
    • scar formation
    • (thats all that was listed)
  21. what are the 4 classification of condylar fractures?

    Extra interesting surgery class
    • extracapsular
    • intracapsular
    • subcondlylar
    • condylar head
  22. the most commonly used managments of condylar fractures are ____ (closed, open ) reduction or ___ ____.
    closed reduction or non surgical
  23. Condylar fractures:
    closed reduction or non surg is most common, but what would be the 4 indications of open reduction?
    • fracture into Middle cranial fossa
    • Inability to open mouth after 1 week due to mech. obstruction
    • Lateral extracapsular displacement of condyle
    • Foreign body in the joint capsule
  24. no IMF, early mobilization with active jaw movement and pysical therapy are parts of n____ s_____ management of condylar fractures
    non surgical
  25. for closed reduction of condylar fractures early mobilization and physical therapy are indicated, T or F
  26. Night elastics are part of which management of condylar fractures

    Closed reduction
    Open reduction
    Closed reduction
  27. T or F IMF is used for closed reduction of condylar fracture
    True, for 3 weeks
  28. Place in order of most common to least common type of condylar fracture location

    condylar process
    coronoid process
    alveolar process
    29 BODY > 27 ANGLE > 24 CONDYLE > 19.5 SYMPHOSIS >> RAMUS (2.4), >>> CORONOID (only .2 percent)
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