How is poultry enteritis controlled? 4
- Increase time between flocks
- Fresh litter
- Insect control
- Vx breeders
What is an acute fatal viral disease of young turkeys, 6-12 weeks, sudden death, bloody feces, adenovirus type II, blood soiled vent region?
hemorrhagic enteritis
What is a viral disease of young chickens with sudden onset, high mortality, and hepatitis. Is caused by an adenovirus, vertical and horizontal transmission, acute mortality increase, pale skin?
inclusion body hepatitis
How are paratyphoid infections transmitted? 6
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Eggshell contamination
- Brooders
- Feed
- Rats/Birds
C/S of paratyphoid lesions in young birds? 5
- Failure to hatch
- yolk sacculitis
- Septicemia
- Blindness
- Mult Organ Inflammation
What agents are involved in pullorum disease? 2
What diseases are involved in the National Poultry Improvement Plan? 4
- Pollorum disease
- Fowl typhoid
- Mycoplasmosis
- Avian influenza
What is also a human pathogen, involves diarrhea, fever, abrominal cramping, nausea, chills, linkage to consumption of raw or improperly cooked eggs?
salmonella enteritidis
What are coliform gastrointestinal pathogens? 7
- E coli
- Pseudomonas
- Klebsiella
- Citrobacter
- Aeromonas
- Bacillus
- Enterobacter
What is the causative agent of tuberculosis?
mycobacterium avium
C/S of tuberculosis? 3
- Progressive debilitation
- Localized infections (joints, gut, & respiratory)
- Gray-white nodules in Liver, Spleen & Intestine.
What is the causative agent of campylobacteriosis?
campylobacter jejuni
What causes ulcerative enteritis?
clostridium colinum
What causes necrotic enteritis?
clostridium perfringens
What causes gangrenous dermatitis?
clostridium perfringens
What are the lesions of ulcerative enteritis? 2
- GI ulcers
- Liver/Spleen Infarcts
- (Secondary peritonitis can mask enteric disease)
Necrotic enteritis is promoted by what type of diet? 2
What are the lesions of necrotic enteritis? 2
- Fibrinonecrotic enteriti
- Hepatic infarction
What is the causative agent of thrush?
candida albicans
Where do ascarid eggs hatch in the chicken? 2
How long does it take L5 stage or ascarid to mature in the chicken?
28-30 days
When are ascarid eggs infective?
in 7-28 days
Tapeworm intermediate host: 4
- Beetles
- Grasshoppers
- Snails
- Flies
Methods for coccidia control in commercial poultry: 4
- Vaccines
- Ionophore
- Develop immunity
- Coccidia-cidal drugs
What cecal worm causes histomonas meleagridis?
heterakis gallinarum
Lead poisoning in birds is diagnostic at ___ in blood & ___ in liver/kidney
- blood= >0.5 ppm
- liver and kidney= >6 ppm
What level is diagnostic for zinc poisoning?
> 4 ppm
What level is diagnostic for iron poisoning?
1000+ ppm