
  1. Prototheria
    • Prebeasts, egg laying mammals 5
  2. Monotremata
    • Single hole, monotremes 5
    • Prototheria
  3. Orinthorhynchidae
    • Bird beak, platypus 1
    • Monotremata
    • Prototheria
  4. Tachyglossidae
    • Fast tongue, spiny anteaters 4
    • Monotremata
    • Prototheria
  5. Metatheria
    Approx. beasts, marsupials 319
  6. Australidelphia
    • Australian womb, australian marsupials
    • Metatheria
  7. Macropodidae
    • Big foot, kangaroos, wallaroos, wallabies
    • Australidelphia
    • Metatheria
  8. Vombatidae
    • Wombat, Wombats
    • Australidelphia
    • Metatheria
  9. Phascolarctidae
    • Leather bag bear, Koala
    • Australidelphia
    • Metatheria
  10. Ameridelphia
    • American womb, new world marsupials
    • Methatheria
  11. Eutheria
    True beasts, placental mammals, 4674
  12. Xenarthra
    • Strange joint, ancestrial south american mammals
    • Eutheria
  13. Pilosa
    • Hairy, sloths and anteaters, 10
    • Xenarthra
    • Eutheria
  14. Folivora
    • Leaf eater, sloths
    • Pilosa
    • Xenarthra
    • Eutheria
  15. Bradypodidae
    • Slow foot, three-toed sloths
    • folivora
    • pilosa
    • eutheria
  16. Megalonychidae
    • Huge nail, two-toed sloths
    • folivora
    • pilosa
    • xenarthra
    • eutheria
  17. Verilingua
    • Worm tongue, anteaters
    • pilosa
    • xenarthra
    • eutheria
  18. Myrmechophagidae
    • Ant eater, American anteaters
    • Vermilingua
    • pilosa
    • xenarthra
    • eutheria
  19. Cyclopedidae
    • Circle foot, silky anteaters
    • verilingua
    • pilosa
    • xenarthra
    • eutheria
  20. Cingulata
    • Belted, armadillos
    • Xenartrha
    • Eutheria
  21. Dasypodidae
    • Hairy-foot, armadillos
    • cingulata
    • xenarthra
    • eutheria
  22. Afrotheria
    • African beasts, ancestral African mammals
    • Eutheria
  23. Afrosoricida
    • African shrews, tenrecs and golden moles, 40
    • afrotheria
    • eutheria
  24. Macroscelidae
    • Large leg, elephant shrews, 15
    • afrotheria
    • eutheria
  25. Macroscelididae
    • large leg, elephant shrew
    • macroscelidae
    • afrotheria
    • eutheria
  26. Tubulidentata
    • Pipe tooth, aardvark, 1
    • Afrotheria
    • eutheria
  27. Hyracoidea
    • Mouse form, hyraxes 4
    • afrotheria
    • eutheria
  28. Procaviidae
    • before rodent, hyraxes
    • Hyracoidea
    • afrotheria
    • eutheria
  29. Sirenia
    • sea nymph, sea cows, 4
    • afrotheria
    • eutheria
  30. Proboscidea
    • front feeder, elephants, 3
    • afrotheria
    • eutheria
  31. Elephantidae
    • elephant, elephants, 3
    • proboscidea
    • afrotheria
    • eutheria
  32. Laruasiatheria
    Laurasian beasts, ancestral laurasiatheria mammals
  33. Artiodactyla
    • complete toe, even-toed ungulates, 237
    • laurasiatheria
  34. Ruminantia
    • ruminates
    • Artiodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  35. Bovidae
    • Ox, cattle, antelopes, sheep, goats
    • ruminantia
    • artiodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  36. Cervidae
    • Stag;deer, Deer
    • Ruminantia
    • artiodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  37. Giraffidae
    • Giraffe, giraffe, okapi
    • Ruminantia
    • artiodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  38. Moschidae
    • Musk, musk deer
    • ruminantia
    • artiodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  39. Antilocapridae
    • Antelope goat, pronghorn
    • ruminantia
    • artiodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  40. Tragulidae
    • Little goat, chevrotains
    • ruminantia
    • artiodactlya
    • laurasiatheria
  41. Tylopoda
    • pad foot
    • artiodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  42. Camelidae
    • camel, camel, llamas
    • tylopoda
    • artiodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  43. Suiformes
    • pig form
    • artiodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  44. Suidae
    • Pig, pigs
    • suiformes
    • artiodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  45. Tayassuidae
    • Peccary, peccaries
    • suiformes
    • artiodactyla
    • laruasiatheria
  46. Hippopotamidae
    • River horse, hippopotmauses
    • suiformes
    • artiodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  47. Cetacea
    • Whale, whales, dolphins 82
    • Laurasiatheria
  48. Odontoceti
    • Toothed whales
    • Cetacea
    • laurasiatheria
  49. Physeteridea
    • Blow-pipe, sperm whales
    • odontoceti
    • cetacea
    • laurasiatheria
  50. Delphindiae
    • Dolphin, dolphins
    • odontoceti
    • cetacea
    • laurasiatheria
  51. Phocoenidae
    • Porpoise, porpoises
    • odontoceti
    • cetacea
    • laurasiatheria
  52. Platanistidae
    • Flat, indian river dolphins, river dolphines
    • odontoceti
    • cetacea
    • laurasiatheria
  53. Monodontidae
    • Single tooth, Narwal, white whale
    • odontocenti
    • cetacea
    • laurasiatheria
  54. Ziphiidae
    • Sword, beaked whales
    • odontoceti
    • cetacea
    • laurasiatheria
  55. Mysticeti
    • Moustached whales
    • cetacea
    • laruasiatheria
  56. Balaenidae
    • Whale, right whales
    • mysticeti
    • cetacea
    • laurasiatheria
  57. Balaenopteridae
    • Winged whale, rorquals
    • Mysticeti
    • cetacea
    • laurasiatheria
  58. Eschrichtiidae
    • After DF Eschricht, gray whale
    • mysticeti
    • cetacea
    • laurasiatheria
  59. Pholidota
    • Loaded with scales, pangolins, scaly anteaters 8
    • laurasiatheria
  60. Manidae
    • Ghost, pangolins, scaly anteaters 8
    • pholidota
    • laurasiatheria
  61. Carnivora
    • flesh eater, carnivores, 290
    • laurasiatheria
  62. Feliformia
    • cat-like
    • Carnivora
    • laurasiatheria
  63. Felidae
    • Cat, cats
    • Feliformia
    • carnivora
    • laurasiatheria
  64. Herpestidae
    • Creeper, Mongooses
    • Feliformia
    • Carnivora
    • Laurasiatheria
  65. Hyaenidae
    • Hyena, hyenas
    • Feliformia
    • carnivora
    • laurasiatheria
  66. Nandiniidea
    • Palm civet (african), African palm civet
    • Feliformia
    • carnivora
    • laurasiatheria
  67. Eupleridae
    • Complete, Malagasy carnivores
    • Feliformia
    • carivora
    • laurasiatheria
  68. Viverridae
    • Ferret, civets, binturong
    • Feliformia
    • Carnivora
    • Laurasiatheria
  69. Caniformia
    • Dog-like
    • carnivora
    • laurasiatheria
  70. Canidae
    • Dog, dogs, foxes
    • caniformia
    • carnivora
    • laurasiatheria
  71. Ailuridae
    • Cat bear, lesser panda
    • Caniformia
    • carnivora
    • laurasiatheria
  72. Procyonidae
    • Before dog, raccoons, kinkajous
    • caniformia
    • carnivora
    • laurasiatheria
  73. Mustelidae
    • weasel, weasels, otters, wolverines
    • caniformia
    • carnivora
    • laurasiatheria
  74. Mephitidae
    • bad odor, skunks
    • caniformia
    • carnivora
    • laurasiatheria
  75. Ursidae
    • Bear, bears
    • caniforma
    • carnivora
    • laurasiatheria
  76. Phocidae
    • seal, true seals
    • caniformia
    • carnivora
    • laurasiatheria
  77. Otariidae
    • Ear, sea lions and fur seals
    • caniformia
    • carnivora
    • laurasaitheria
  78. Odobendidea
    • Tooth walker, walrus
    • caniformia
    • carnivora
    • laurasiatheria
  79. Perissodactlya
    • Odd toe, odd-toed ungulates 16
    • Laurasiatheria
  80. Hippomorpha
    • horse form
    • perissodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  81. Equidae
    • horse, horses, 7
    • hipppomorpha
    • perissodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  82. Ceratomorpha
    • horn form
    • perissodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  83. Tapiridae
    • Tapir, tapirs, 4
    • ceratomorpha
    • perissodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  84. Rhinocerotidae
    • Nose horn, rhinoceroses, 5
    • Ceratomorpha
    • perssodactyla
    • laurasiatheria
  85. Chiroptera
    • Hand wing, bats, 1106
    • laurasiatheria
  86. Megachiropteria
    • Large bats
    • chiroptera
    • laurasiatheria
  87. Microchiroptera
    • Small bats
    • chiroptera
    • laurasiatheria
  88. Soricomorpha
    • Shrew form, insectivores, 358
    • laurasiatheria
  89. Erinaceomorpha
    • Hedgehog form,Hedgehogs, moonrats, 24
    • laurasiatheria
  90. Euarchontoglires
    True high beings and rodents
  91. Lagomorpha
    • hare form, rabbits, hares, pikas, 92
    • euarchontoglires
  92. Leopridae
    • Hare, rabbits, hares
    • lagomorpha
    • euarchontoglires
  93. Ochotonidae
    • Pika, pikas
    • lagomorpha
    • euarchontoglires
  94. Rodentia
    • gnaw, rodents 2016
    • euarchontoglires
  95. Anomaluromorpha
    • strange tail
    • rodentia
    • euarchontogrlires
  96. Castorimorpha
    • beaver form
    • rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
  97. Castoridae
    • beaver, beavers
    • casorimorpha
    • rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
  98. Geomyidae
    • Earth mouse, pocket gophers
    • castorimorpha
    • rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
  99. Heteromyidae
    • Other mouse, pocket mice and kangaroo rats
    • castorimorpha
    • rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
  100. Mymorpha
    • Mouse form
    • rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
  101. Muridae
    • Mouse, old world mice, rats, geribls
    • Myomorpha
    • rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
  102. Dipodidae
    • Two foot, jerboas, jumping mice
    • myomorpha
    • rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
  103. Sciuromorpha
    • Squirrel form
    • rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
  104. Sciuridae
    • Squirrel, squirrels marmots, etc.
    • Sciuromorpha
    • rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
  105. Hystricomorpha
    • in rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
  106. Caviidae
    • Cavy, guinea pings, cavies, maras
    • hystricomorpha
    • rodentia
    • euarchnotoglires
  107. Dinomyidae
    • Terrible mouse, pacarana
    • hystriocomorpha
    • rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
  108. Dasyproctidae
    • hairy rump, agoutis and acuchis
    • hystricomorpha
    • rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
  109. Chincillidae
    • chincillia, chincillas and visachas
    • hystricomorpha
    • rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
  110. Octodontidae
    • eight tooth, deugas, viscacha rats
    • hystricomorpha
    • rodentia
    • euarchontogirles
  111. Petromuridae
    • rock mouse, african rock rat
    • hystricomorpha
    • rodentia
    • euarchontogilres
    • eutheria
  112. Bathyergidae
    • deep worker, african mole-rats
    • hystricomorpha
    • rodentia
    • euarchontoglires
    • eutheria
  113. Scandentia
    • climber, tree shrews, 20
    • euarchontoglires
    • eutheria
  114. Dermoptera
    • Skin wing, colugos, 2
    • euarchontoglires
    • eutheria
  115. Cynocephalidae
    • Dog head, colugos
    • dermoptera
    • euarchontoglires
    • Eutheria
  116. Class
  117. Kingdom
  118. Subclass
    Eutheria, prototheria, metatheria,
  119. Super orders
    • Laurasiatheria
    • Xenarthra
    • Euarchontoglires
    • Afrotheria
    • Ameridelphia
    • Australidelphia
  120. Orders
    • Monotremata
    • Pilosa
    • Cingulata
    • Afrosoricida
    • Acroscelidea
    • Tululidentata
    • Hyracoidea
    • Sirenia
    • Proboscidea
    • Artiodactyla
    • Cetacea
    • Pholidota
    • Carnivora
    • Perissodactyla
    • Chiroptera
    • Soricomorpha
    • Erinaceomorpha
    • Lagomorpha
    • Rodentia
    • Scandentia
    • Dermoptera
  121. Order of taxonomy
    • Kingdom
    • phylum
    • class subclass
    • superorder
    • order
    • suborder
    • family
    • genus
  122. Suborder
    • Hippomorpha
    • certomorpha
    • megachiroptera
    • microchiroptera
    • anomaluromorpha
    • castorimorpha
    • myomorpha
    • scuiromorpha
    • hystricomorpha
    • ruminantia
    • tylopoda
    • suiformes
    • odontoceti
    • mysticeti
    • feliformia
    • caniformia
    • folivora
    • vermilingua
Card Set
Taxonomy up to primates