
  1. Art and its patronage differed in Holland
    • 1. Art was done for protestant merchants.
    • 2. Wealthy families commissioned their interests.
    • 3. Without church commissions, artists competed for sales on their work.
  2. Rococo 1st 1/2 of 18th Century Characteristics.
    • 1. A love of the elegance in both style and subject matter
    • 2. An age of craftsmanship and luxurious living
    • 3. An idyllic world without ugliness
  3. An aristocratic party
    fetes galantes
  4. View paintings, pictorial souvenirs
  5. French Neoclassical Characteristics
    • 1. A return to reason and morality
    • 2. Often, classical appearing subject matter
    • 3. Heroic portrayals and self-sacrifice
    • 4. Napoleon proclaims his empire
  6. Churches counter reformation demand of the arts (3)
    • 1. Art was used as a catalyst to proper religious propaganda
    • 2. The purpose was to educate the public with new simplified ideals
    • 3. Art was to make Christian principles accessible and understandable
    • 4. To encourage the viewer to identify with christian suffering and redemption
  7. The changing rules for women (5)
    • 1. The only opportunities for intellectual and artistic pursuits, for women in the middle ages, were monasteries
    • 2. As long as the 15th century craft guilds began to exclude women
    • 3. Art works that can be assigned to specific women are rare
    • 4. Women were excluded in order to protect the economical status of male masters and journeymen
    • 5. Women artists have long been overlooked in the arts because of long standing cultural prejudices and widely accepted stereotypes
    • 6. Women first emerged as serious artists when exposed to the workshop skills of established fathers, husbands, or other male relatives.
  8. A kind of intaglio printing employing acid
  9. Realistic depictions of the common place, domestic theme
  10. A term describing paintings (particularly 17th century Dutch still-lifes) that include references to death
    vanitas paintings
  11. Romanticism (characteristics 4)
    • 1. Understanding through feeling, not through reason
    • 2. All that shocks and horrifies
    • 3. Coax's out your emotion
    • 4. Painted landscapes reveal exulted aspects of nature
  12. A direct attack of paint on canvas
    Alla Prima
  13. When the artworks appearance of visual elements is dissimilar
  14. 17th century Baroque Social Issues (4)
    • 1. Baroque art expresses the art of the counter-reformation
    • 2. Protestantism is on the defensive
    • 3. End of confident humanism of the renaissance
    • 4. The Baroque style was in many respects created by the popes of Rome
  15. Baroque Visual Characteristics (4)
    • 1. Turbulent compositions
    • 2. Exaggerated emotions
    • 3. Often, extreme light and dark effects
    • 4. Displayed dynamic movements, energy and tension
  16. Baroque architectural characteristics (4)
    • 1. Richly decorated surfaces
    • 2. complex geometric forms
    • 3. undulating walls
    • 4. theatrical lighting with mysterious shapes and deep recesses
  17. A canopy on columns over an alter
  18. The underlying story or meaning of a work of art
  19. An agreed upon method of portraying things
  20. The visible results: the lines, shapes, textures, values, and colors in a work of art
  21. The study of themes and symbols in a work of art
  22. An equal distribution of elements around a central point
  23. exaggerated and violent contrasts of light and dark
  24. Employing mirrors and reflective metallic objects
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art history test 2 a