practical info.

  1. ROM for tmj depression
    • open mouth as wide as possible
    • measure from bottom of top teeth to top of bottom teeth

    normal 35-50mm
  2. ROM tmj lateral deviation
    • deviate mouth as far as possible
    • measure middle of top teeth to middle of bottom teeth

    normal 8-12mm
  3. ROM tmj protrusion
    • push bottom jaw out as much as possible
    • measure bottom of top teeth to top of bottom teeth

    normal 3-10mm
  4. MMT tmj depression
    • open mouth as far as possible
    • push up to try to close pts mouth

    • lateral pterygoid
    • suprahyoid
  5. MMT tmj elevation
    • keep mouth closed
    • try to open pts mouth

    • temporalis
    • massester
    • medial pterygoid
  6. MMT tmj lateral deviation
    • deviate jaw
    • try to push pt out of deviation

    • lateral pterygoid
    • medial pterygoid
  7. MMT tmj protrusion
    • protrude jaw out
    • try to push jaw back in

    • lateral pterygoid
    • medial pterygoid
  8. MMT cervical extension
    • pt lays prone and extends head up
    • gravity min= pt lays prone, head fully supported by table, and pt can flex head partial range

    • erector spinae/paraspinales (ILS)
    • *hold hand under pts head...SAFETY
  9. MMT cervical flexion
    • lay supine, flex head
    • gravity min= rotate head, pt can perform partial range

  10. MMT cervical rotation
    • pt lays supine (if testing left m, rotate to right), rotate head to neutral and cant let you push it back down
    • gravity min= sitting, pt completes partial ROM

    SCM, scalenes
  11. MMT cervical flexion to isolate single SCM
    • pt lays supine, (rotate head to left if testing right side), rotates and lifts head, you try to push back down
    • gravity min= pt still lays, and can complete partial ROM

  12. MMT trunk extension
    • pt lays prone, arms behind head for 5,4 (4 wavers a little bit), arms at sides for 3,2,1
    • grade 2 is partial ROM

    erector spinae/paraspinale
  13. MMT trunk flexion (dance)
    • pt lays supine, and has to clear inferior angle
    • 5-arms behind head, 4-arms crossed, 3-arms straight, 2,1-knees bent, arms at side (flex up)
    • grade 2 if scapula does not clear inferior angle

    rectus abdominis
  14. MMT trunk rotation (same motions as dance)
    • pt lays supine, lifts up and rotates.. 5-arms behind head, 4- arms crossed, 3- arms straight, 2,1- knees bent, arms at side
    • grade 2= pt cant clear inferior angle (lifts arm with rotation), can observe depression of ribs

    obliques (internal oblique on the inside curve)
  15. ROM cervical flexion
    • 0-45
    • axis- external auditory meatus
    • SA- straight to ceiling
    • MA- bottom of nares
    • up to 90 is ok
  16. ROM cervical ext/hyperext
    • 45
    • axis- external auditory meatus
    • SA- straight to ceiling
    • MA- bottom of nares
    • 90 is ok
  17. ROM cervical lateral flexion (L&R)
    • 0-22
    • axis- C7
    • SA- through vertebrae
    • MA- center of occipital protuberences
  18. ROM rotation
    • 0-75
    • axis- middle of top of head
    • SA- AC joint
    • MA- center of bridge of nose
  19. ROM thoracic and lumbar flexion
    • 4" or 10 cm
    • measure from C7 to S2 (pt bends down to touch hands to floor)
  20. ROM lumbar flexion
    • 6-7 cm
    • find S2, measure up back 15cm, measure flexion from there (pt bends to touch floor)
  21. ROM thoracic and lumbar ext/hyperext
    • no normal
    • measure C7 to S2 (bend backwards)
  22. ROM lumbar ext/hyperext
    • 2 cm
    • S2, measure up 15cm, and measure from there (bend backwards)
  23. ROM thoracic and lumbar lateral flexion (SB)
    • no normal
    • have pt SB and touch middle finger to floor, measure from tip of finger to the floor
  24. What special test checks for a disc bulge, or hernitated disc?
    • valsalva
    • pt holds breath and bears down
    • (+) if symptoms reproduce in neck/arms

    valsalva lumbar, symptoms reproduce in low back/legs
  25. What special test checks for subclavian artery occulsion?
    • adson
    • take pts pulse, bring the arm back and around (pt keeps looking at you)
    • (+) if theirs a change in pulse
  26. What special test checks for a pinched nerve or disc (possible bulge or herniation)?
    • compression test (cervical spine)
    • apply pressure to top of head 30-60 seconds
    • (+) if symptoms reproduce
  27. What special test checks for a pinched lumbar nerve?
    • straight leg raise
    • lift leg in air, DF pts foot
    • (+) if theres pain up the leg with DF
  28. What special test checks for the biceps tendon popping out of the groove?
    • yergason
    • ER and supinate pts arm together and apply resistance to both
    • feel for mvmt at longhead biceps origin
    • (+) if you feel mvmt
  29. What special test checks for rotator cuff tears?
    • drop arm
    • arm straight out (horiz. abd) and pt slowly lowers (controlled)...can give a little push
    • (+) if pt cant slowly lower arm, it just drops, or pt cant hold resistance
  30. What special test checks for shoulder dislocation?
    • apprehension test
    • ER and abduct the arm
    • (+) if pt gets a look of apprehension
  31. How do you perform a caudal glide (shoulder), and what motion does it help with?
    • abduction
    • 55 abduction, 30 horizontal adduction

    push out with armpit hand, then push head of humerus down towards their feet
  32. How do you perform a posterior glide (shoulder) and what motion does it help with?
    • shld flex, IR, horizontal adduction
    • 55 abduction, 30 horizontal adduction

    • use ASIS for distraction, rotate body and bend down, push down on head of humerus (twist and dip)
    • be on inside of pts arm, pt close to edge
  33. How do you perform an anterior glide (shoulder), and what does it help with?
    • shld ext, ER, horizontal abduction
    • 55 abduction, 30 horizontal adduction

    • use knee for distraction, twist and dip, push ant. on head of humerus
    • pt lays prone, stay on inside of pts arm (arm is towards the floor)
  34. ROM shoulder flexion (complex) (if goni lined with scapula your measuring GH motion)
    • 0-180, pt supine
    • axis- lateral aspect of greater tubercle
    • SA- parallel to mix axillary line of thorax
    • MA- midline of humerus, lateral epicondyle, olecranon process
  35. ROM shoulder ext/hyperext
    • 0-60, pt prone, bend elbow
    • axis- lateral epicondyle of greater tubercle
    • SA- parallel to mid axillary line of thorax
    • MA- midline of humerus, lateral epicondyle, olecranon process
  36. ROM shoulder abduction
    • 0-180, pt supine
    • axis- anterior aspect of acromion process
    • SA- parallel to sternum
    • MA- medial epicondyle
  37. ROM shoulder IR (2 measurements)
    • GH= 0-60, complex= 0-90, pt supine, towel
    • axis- olecranon process
    • SA- straight toward ground
    • MA- ulna (use styloid and olecranon process)
  38. ROM shoulder ER
    • 0-90, pt supine, towel
    • axis- olecranon process
    • SA- straight to ground
    • MA- ulna (use styloid and olecranon process)
  39. MMT shoulder flexion
    • flex arm to 90 with pt sitting on an unsupported chair, support scapula, push proximal to elbow
    • grade 2 completes partial range
    • palpate ant. deltoid

    ant. deltoid
  40. MMT shoulder ext
    • pt prone, ext arm up, support at scapula, push proximal to elbow
    • grade 2 is partial range
    • palpate around shoulder

    latissimus dorsi, post. deltoid, teres major
  41. MMT shoulder abduction
    • abduct to 90 with sitting on unsupported chair, support at shoulder, push proximal to elbow
    • gravity min is supine (pt completes partial ROM in sitting, or full ROM in supine) support wrist as pt is going thru ROM; palpate deltoid

    deltoid, supraspinatus
  42. MMT shoulder horizontal abduction
    • pt prone, pull elbow up, stabilize at scapula, push above elbow
    • gravity min pt sits up, support arm as pt moves thru full ROM (stand behind); palpate post. shoulder above axilla

    posterior deltoid
  43. MMT shoulder horizontal adduction
    • supine, bringing elbow across body, stabilize shoulder, pull above the elbow towards you
    • gravity min is sitting, support arm as pt completes full ROM; palpate chest

    pectoralis major
  44. MMT shoulder ER
    • pt prone, arm at 90 angle and rotate towards head, stabilize shoulder, use 2 fingers to push at wrist
    • gravity min= arm dangles, and pt completes full ER motion; palpate at top of arm, scapula

    infraspinatus, teres minor
  45. MMT shoulder IR
    • pt prone, arm at 90 angle, rotate towards back, support shoulder, use 2 fingers to push at wrist
    • gravity min= arm dangles, pt completes full IR; palpate in armpit

    subscapularis, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, teres major
  46. ROM elbow flexion
    • 0-145, supine, towel under elbow
    • axis- lateral epicondyle
    • SA- along humerus, acromion process
    • MA- midline of radius (head a styoid)
  47. ROM elbow extension
    • 0, supine, towel under
    • axis- lateral epicondyle
    • SA- along humerus, acromion process
    • MA- midline of radius (head and styloid)
  48. ROM forearm supination
    • 0-80, use small goni, arm tucked at side
    • axis- medial and proximally to ulnar styloid process
    • SA- parallel to anterior midline of humerus
    • MA- across ventral aspect, proximal to styloids
  49. ROM forearm pronation
    • 0-80, use small goni, arm tucked at side
    • axis- lateral and proximal to ulnar styloid process
    • SA- parallel to anterior midline of humerus
    • MA- across dorsal aspect, proximal to styloids
  50. MMT elbow flexion
    • pt sitting, stabilize shoulder, push at wrist
    • flex pts arm, then release it a little
    • gravity min= bring arm to side and support while pt completes full ROM

    biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis
  51. MMT elbow extension
    • pt prone, extend arm out, stabilize elbow, push at wrist
    • gravity min= sitting, support arm out to the side while pt completes full ROM

  52. MMT forearm supination
    • pt sitting, arm flexed to 90, start in pronation, then supinate, stabilize ulna, try to pull radius (take out of supination)
    • gravity min= parade wave, support elbow and have pt supinate thru full ROM

    supinator, biceps
  53. MMT forearm pronation
    • pt sitting, arm flexed at 90, start supinated then go into pronation, stabilize ulna, pull radius, try to take out of pronation
    • gravity min= parade wave, support elbow and have pt pronate thru full ROM

    pronator teres, pronator quadratus
  54. What is the test to check for a tear or stretch in the medial/lateral collateral ligaments?
    ligamentous stability

    • push on sides of elbow
    • (+) if theres too much play in the ligament, too much motion
  55. What is the test to check for neuromas in the arm, or extra sensitivity?
    tinel sign

    • tap on pts elbow
    • (+) if area is extra sensitive or tingly
  56. What is the test to check for tennis elbow?
    tennis elbow test

    • straighten arm, extend wrist, and push down on the wrist
    • (+) if theres pain with pressure on the wrist at the lateral epicondyle
  57. How do you do a HU distal glide, and what does it help with?
    • flexion, 70 flex, 10 supination
    • rest pts arm on your shoulder
    • hands at ulna, push down then scoop up
  58. How do you do a HU radial glide, and what does it help with?
    • flexion, 70 flexed, 10 supination, rest on distraction
    • stabilize humerus, push towards radius (varus)
  59. How do you do a HU ulnar glide, and what does it help with?
    • extension, 70 flexed, 10 supinated, rest on distraction
    • stabilize radius, push humerus laterally (valgus)
  60. How do you do a HR dorsal glide, and what does it help with?
    • extension, fully extended and supinated
    • hold 2 fingers around the head of the radius, support humerus, push down, no distraction
  61. How do you do a HR volar glide, and what does it help with?
    • flexion, fully extended and supinated
    • 2 fingers around head of radius, support humerus, push up, no distraction
  62. How do you do a proximal RU dorsal glide, and what does it help with?
    • pronation, 70 flexed, 35 supinated
    • pt holds you arm or rest on shoulder, stabilize ulna, pull down and in on radius
  63. How do you do a proximal RU volar glide and what does it help with?
    • supination, 70 flexed, 35 supinated
    • pt holds onto your arm, or rest on your shoulder, stabilize ulna, push up and out on radius
Card Set
practical info.