1. Assessment:
    -Situations (Daily/New)
    -Give alternate
    -Select best
    -Make plan
    -Evaluate decisions
    Problem Solving
  2. Intervention:
    -Frame as a question
    -Teach different perspectives
    -Compare/contrast alternates
    Problem Solving
  3. Provides info primarily on cognition but also provides discourse and "meta" data.
    Organization tasks
  4. Assessment:
    -How to find an item in a new store
    Organization tasks
  5. Problems:
    -How many strategies used?
    -How many prompts needed?
    -Compare reports to teacher/family's
    Organization tasks
  6. Intervention:
    -Teach strategies
    Organization tasks
  7. Something that assists the students with understanding like an outline or listening. Any aid the student is given to help them understand.
  8. Provides information on comprehension and production of linguistic features, cognition, conversation, and nonverbal communication.
    Getting and Giving Direction tasks
  9. Assessment:
    -Describe how to play game followed by task that req.
    -Student to follow instruction (barrier games)
    -Organize main idea
    -Sequence ideas
    -Communicate clearly
    Getting and Giving Direction tasks
  10. Problems:
    -Organization, clarity, & precision check
    -Verbal mazes/false starts cause confusion
    -Use of low-info words or omission of critical elements
    Getting and Giving Direction tasks
  11. Intervention:
    -Vocabulary/clarity of message
    -Communication repair strategies
    -Clarification asked pragmatically appropriate
    Getting and Giving Direction tasks
  12. Production and comprehension of linguistic features and narration.
    Informational listening tasks
  13. Assessment: 3-grade appropriate video tapes
    1-Oral Lecture
    2-Taped lecture w/ outline
    3-Tape of high interest
    Informational Listening tasks
  14. Problems:
    -Ability to identify main idea/relevant details
    -Accuracy consistency
    Informational Listening tasks
  15. Intervention:
    -Printed outline
    -"Selective listening?"/provide counseling
    Informational Listening tasks
  16. Info on discourse and cognition
    Omit task if all info tasks show poor performance
    Critical Listening tasks
  17. Assessment:
    -Ads or political speeches
    -Identify false, prejudices, inferences, biases, etc.
    Critical Listening tasks
  18. Problems:
    -Patterns of response (fact vs. opinion)
    -Combare to cognitive skills
    -Classroom difficulty
    Critical Listening tasks
  19. Intervention:
    -Cognition enhancement
    -Able to problem solve? Focus on this...
    Critical Listening
  20. -Basic "survival language" skill
    -May omit if this has been generated in other tasks
    Question Asking and Answering tasks
  21. Assessment:
    -Jeopardy/Imaginary situations/role-play
    -Job interview role play/requesting info/increase complexity
    Question Asking and Answering
  22. Problems:
    -Appropriate syntax/content?
    -Variety of forms
    -Comprehension problems
    -Response to "why" appropriate?
    Question Asking and Answering
  23. Intervention:
    -Train variety of forms
    -Teach in variety of situations/formats
    Question Asking and Answering
  24. Focuses on comprehension and production of linguistic features and discourse.
    Word Retrieval tasks
  25. Assessment:
    -Receptive vocab baseline
    -Sentence completion task
    -Naming upon description
    -Word association
    Word Retrieval
  26. What type of variables are these to success of assessment?
    -Word frequency
    -Age of acquisition
    -Category type
    -Abstract degree
    -Word class (nouns easier)
    • Intrinsic variables
    • Word Retrieval
  27. What type of variables are these to success of assessment?
    -Naming in context easier than confrontational
    -Syntactic req. (simple/complex)
    -Priming (influence of prev. words)
    • Extrinsic variables
    • Word Retrieval
  28. Problems:
    -Likely not vocab if able to select from MC
    -Nature of substitutions
    -Response accuracy
    -Speed of response
    Word Retrieval
  29. Intervention:
    Vocab focus
    Word Retrieval
  30. -Assistance with higher level concepts/vocab
    -Teach functional/social communication
    -Help mastering formal operational thought
    -Reduce drop-out
    -Documentation of growth in language from intervention
    -More cost-effective for taxpayers
    Rationale for Services
  31. What are the 3 service delivery models?
    • Traditional
    • Collaborative Consultation
    • Comprehensive
  32. What service delivery model is considered "pull out." Services provided individually or in small groups within SLP resource room.
    Traditional delivery model
  33. SLP, regular/spec ed teachers, & parents work together to facilitate student's comm. & learning in reg. classroom. It's an indirect model where SLP doesn't provide direct service to student.
    Collaborative Consultation delivery model
  34. What are the 3 different forms of collaborative consultation?
    • Formula model
    • Communication Enhancement model
    • Curriculum-based model
  35. Which model of collaborative consultation does the SLP & partner co-lesson plan and each then teaches a lesson to a different group of students in classroom?
    Formula model
  36. Which model of collaborative consultation does the SLP guest teach a demo lesson for all students as classroom teacher assists?
    Communication Enhancement model
  37. Which model of collaborative consultation does the SLP note language of instruction of classroom, then provides complementary lesson components and advises how language can be taught for effectively/efficiently?
    Curriculum-Based model
  38. Characteristics:
    -Skills plateau 4/5th grade
    -Large group instruction
    -Assumes higher-order skills
    -Teacher autonomy
    -Students want to blend in
    Collaborative Consultation delivery model
  39. Challenges:
    -Needs exceed time avail.
    -Needs smaller/intensive tx
    -Strategy deficits
    -Teachers need to be convinced
    -Time limits impact understanding of difficulties
    -Classroom setting may need to be used
    Collaborative Consultation delivery model
  40. Most effective delivery model where services are provided by SLP through a course that has the same req. as any other course the student takes (a grade is given). Credit is given toward graduation
    Comprehensive delivery model
  41. What are the 6 components of Comprehensive delivery model?
    • Information Dissemination
    • Identification
    • Assessment
    • Program Planning (credit course)
    • Intervention
    • Follow-up
  42. Activities in which SLP has actual contact with student.
    Direct Services
  43. Activities in which SLP does NOT have actual contact time with student.
    Indirect Services
  44. Encompasses structured learning situations and SLP's interactions w/professionals and paraprofessionals in those settings.
    Educational System
  45. Synonymous with "marketing the product" and refers to educating people about communication disorders.
    Information Dissemination
  46. -Expectations/problems
    -Norm dev. data
    -Benefits of adequate communication
    -Self-referral process
    Information Dissemination
  47. -Publications
    -Career days/job fairs
    -Class lectures
    -Intake screening
    Information Dissemination for the students
  48. -Inservice
    -Info/support meetings
    Information Dissemination for educators/parents
  49. Process of defining which students have suspected comm. disorder that warrants further eval by SLP
  50. Refers to "the use of a systematic procedure to identify provisionally those from a population who are likely to manifest an attribute which is judged to req. special attention."
  51. Why is screening not appropriate for adolescents?
    • Time it would take isn't warranted
    • Non-existence of a screener sensitive enough to pick up range of comm. probs that may contribute to poor performance.
  52. Instead of screenings what is done?
    Educating key people in students lives so that referral will be made.
  53. Model which detects students who fail to match the expectations of others within a particular environment (high school)
    Match-mismatch model
  54. Match/mismatch with expectaions for communication
  55. -Self-referral
    -Selective screening
    Identification adolescents make
  56. Observational checklist referral form.
    Identification protocol for educators/parents
  57. Thorough documentation of communication performance, should confirm or reject impressions of comm. disorder observed during identification.
  58. History
    Learning type
    Emotional intelligence
    Social skills
    Linguistic Features
    Written communication
    Nonverbal communication
    Assessment of adolescents
  59. -Informal procedures
    (interviews, questionnaires, profiles, rubrics, portfolios, directed tasks, etc.)
    -Formal instruments
    Ways to assess adolescents
  60. -Structure of educational system
    -Teacher language/classroom routines
    -Curriculum variables
    Assessment of educational environment
  61. -Checklist of education structure
    -Self-evaluation technique
    -Curriculum analysis form
    Ways to assess educators
  62. -Family members
    -Peer group
    -Employment setting
    Assessing student's environmental conditions
  63. Interviews
    Ways that family/friends can assess student's environment
  64. Connecting link between assessment and intervention. IEP must be drafted and must also prepare for student's movement from school to post-school activities.
    Program Planning
  65. Involvement/Motivation
    Program selection
    Program Planning in adolescents
  66. -Writing goals/objectives
    -Motivational procedures
    -Selecting programs
    How students program plan
  67. -Educational policies/procedures
    -Peer involvement/attitude modification
    Educators Program Planning
  68. -Administrator's involvement
    -Collaborative approach
    -Peer tutoring
    Ways that educators program plan
  69. -Attitude/behavior alteration/maintenance
    -Awareness of referral agencies
    -Sibling acceptance/involvement
    Ways that parents can program plan
  70. Recognition of student's efforts by offering communication intervention as a course at middle or junior high level.
    Course for Credit
  71. What are some grading options for a credit course in communication?
    • Percentage
    • Participation points (can be removed for behavior)
    • Contributes to grade in another course
    • Report Card
    • Progress report included like regular report card
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