Security+ Basic Control Types

  1. Technical Control
    • a control that uses technology to reduce vulnerabilities.
    • The principle is of least priviledge is a technical control.
  2. Management Controls
    Primarily administrative and include items such as risk and vulerability assessments.
  3. Operational Controls
    • Help ensure day to day operations of an organization comply with their overall security plan.
    • Some examples include training, configuration management, and change management.
  4. Preventive Controls
    • Attempt to prevent an incident from occuring.
    • Examples: Change management plans, Security gaurds, account dissablement policies, and user training.
  5. Detective Controls
    • Detect when a vulnerability has been exploited.
    • Examples: Security Audit, periodic view of user rights, closed circuit tv system and can show a persons actions, such as theft.
  6. Corrective Controls
    • Attempt to reverse the impact of an incident or problem once it has occured.
    • Examples: Active IDS, backups, system recovery plans.
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Security+ Basic Control Types
Basic Control Types