Greece Exam 2

  1. What civilization invented the 365 day caldendar?
    Archiac. It was created in Egypt to determine when the river would flood again.
  2. The sixty second minute?
    Second millennium B.C. base-60 nummerical system for telling time
  3. What civilization invented Algebra?
  4. What civilization(s) developed geometry and surveyed boundaries?
    Eyptians and Babylonians
  5. How did this influence the Ionian Enlightenment?
    Mesopotamian learning and Greek institutions fused
  6. What is the Ionian Enlightenment?
    • Miletus is the home of I.E.
    • More focused on why than how?
    • Interested in natural causes
    • Systemized learning
    • Where the world came from?
  7. Thales
    Said water was the source for everything and that all matter was water in three forms: solid, liquid, gas. He predicted solar eclipse of 585 B.C. and calculated the height of pyramids by shadows
  8. Anaximander
    Made the first map. Claimed that earth is not surroundedin water, but hnags in nothingness. He believed the primary element is infinite and questioned how fire can come from water. Infinite is boundless, but has four qualities. (hot, cold, wet, and dry). Said stars are hot a dry and that earth is wet and cold; life emeraged from warm slime (hot wet). Ealiest creatures were fish, humans evelved from them. Made the first theory of cosmos.
  9. Anaximenes
    Defined the infinite as air. Air-water, water-ice, heat reverses. All matter will return to airs.
  10. Pythagoras
    Fled from Samos to Croton. Said the human soul is a spark of divinity. Through transmigration, spark dwelled in every living thing. Moral purity and ascetic practice, free spark to rejoin divine. Math was key to comprehend kosmos' order. Created music theory and the Pythagorean theorem.Seized Croton and created a utopia to conform to mathematical theories. Created civil wars.
  11. Hecataeus
    Improved Anaximander's map. Wrote a account of all the peoples around the Mediterranean. Wanted to rationally explain human behavior.
  12. Psyche
    Greek for soul- rarified air
  13. kosmos is made up of what?
    The unlimited-bad, and the limiting-good
  14. Herodutus
    Father of history. Traveled, investigated, asked questions. Made up speeches and was the first to investigate human causes of human events.
  15. What is a symposium?
    an all male drinking party
  16. Who is Archilochus?
    the earliest lyric poet
  17. Sappho
    From the island of Lesbos. Wrote for weddings
  18. Daedalic Style
    Near Easter features, stiff posture, Egyptian wig
  19. Describe a kore
    young woman; 2 deimensional, frontal pose. Always dressed
  20. what is a ka? Describe how the Egypt influenced Greek
    Ka is vital essence.Egypt had a huge influence on Greek statues and art. Greek statues had straight arms, clenched firsts, left foot foward, but were now free standing (3D)
  21. Kouros
    young man
  22. Describe Kritios Boy
    Was the last Archaic sculpture. first classical sculpture. Showd a "natural" face, real musculature, figure seems alive, natural pose.
  23. Describe the Doric Order
    first style and largest columns (masculine)
  24. Describe Ionic order
    second style. had a scroll at the top of the column. the column is skinnier (femine)
  25. Describe Corinthian order
    Plant leaves at top of column- Roman later took over the idea
  26. Stylobate
    raised platformed columns
  27. Entablature
    where sculptures were held (top)
  28. Pediments
    filled with sculptures
  29. Cella
    main room- usually held a sculpture of a god.
  30. Opisthodomos
    treasure room- gifts brought to the gods
  31. Colonnade
    rows of columns- public place
  32. Describe Orientalizing phrase of pottery
    Strong Near East influence
  33. Red figure
    onversion of the black figure
  34. Lycurgus
    law giver created all the law of Sparta. Made Spartan men equal, regulated lives, and forged Spartan army.
  35. Life of Spartan women
    were able to parade around the city nude, so the men could make them their wives if they so choosed. They were encouraged to work out and be fit/strong. They exercised and competed and would only earn a tombstone if they died in combat or by giving birth.
  36. Life of a Spartan boy
    If born sickly or weak you were thrown off of a cliff. They enrolled in a troop at 7 and their life was geared to war. They ate only enough to survive and were encourage to steal what they didnt have but needed, but couldnt get caught. Older men took them as lovers.
  37. Spartan Government
    2 Kings- from 2 royal families.Controlled war and religion. Kings served with 28 other members on the Council of Elders. Controlled law. Elected by the Assembly. Must be over 60.
  38. Peloponnesian League
    Sparta and its allies: Swore “to have the same friends and enemies, and to follow the Spartans wherever they lead.” Didn’t pay tribute.Couldn’t be forced into war.Primarily defensive.
  39. Eupatridai
    ruling elite that fell apart
  40. Cylon
    instituted a failed coup. he and his followers were massacred.
  41. Alcmaenid
    family played a large role in the massacre
  42. Dracon
    621 B.C. set up law code and prescribed death for every crime
  43. Solon
    the Athenian lawgiver. Eupatridai chose Solon to end class warfare
  44. Pisastratus
    aristocrat launched coup. he was pushed aside by Megacles and Lycurgus.Pisistratus marries Megacles’ daughter and Megacles helps him regain tyranny. Pisistratus is paraded through town. Has “unnatural sex” with daughter and is driven out of town again. Staged coup, again with his sons. Strengthened institutions of the state.
  45. Hippias
    Oldest son of Pisistratus
  46. Harparcus
    co-ruler with brother, Hippias. Hipparchus fell in love with the boy Harmodius. Harmodius was the eromenos of Aristogeiton, the erastes. Harmodius and Aristogeiton decided to murder tyrants. Hippias survived. The plotters were killed.
  47. Clisthenes
    Alcmaeonid tyrant.Ceded power to ordinary Athenians in return for help. Broke up the 4 tribes that were the source of aristocratic power. He made 10 tribes, of 3 trittyes each. One from the three areas of Attica:Inland, urban, coastal.
  48. Demokratia
    power of the people: rich didnt like being "equal" to the poor
  49. Osctracism
    vote to send one man away for ten years
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Greece Exam 2
Humanities of Greece