
  1. 1. What is the extent of violence in the United States? It is alarming. National health care organizations now view violence as a major health problem and are focused on preventing and treating violence.
  2. 2. Define Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Abuse. Domestic violence and intimate partner abuse are behaviors used by a person in a relationship to control the other. Domestic could be anyone in your family or close friends, and intimate partner abuse is self- explanatory lol.
  3. a. Identify traits or characteristics associated with abusive individuals. Over possessiveness, excessive jealousy, poor control of impulses, desire to control and dominate, low tolerance for frustration, history of poor mental health or personality disorder, history of abuse as a child by own parents, dependence on elder for financial support and accommodation, etc.
    • b. Name 12 actions are associated with physical abuse? Pushing, shoving, dragging or pulling, kicking, hitting, or beating with fists or objects; locking a person out of the home or in a room or closet or abandoning him/her in a dangerous place; or biting, choking, or physically restraining; or threatening with a weapon.
    • c. Define sexual abuse. Name 4 actions associated with sexual abuse. Sexual abuse involves any forced or nonconsensual sex: sexually criticizing person, hurting during sex, and/or treating that person as property or a sex object.
    • d. Define psychosocial abuse. Name 10 actions associated with psychosocial abuse. Psychosocial abuse involves threats of harm, abuse of pets, constant downgrading and criticizing in front of others, insulting family or friends, keeping the person from seeing friends and family, and threats to kidnap the children. May involve keeping the person from going to work or school, censoring mail, taking away car keys or money, accusations of having affairs, or forbidding use of the telephone.
    • e. List five reasons victims may not leave the abusive situation. Women are threatened with loss of children or with death if they do not return home, women have been taught to be self-sacrificing for the goods of others and may feel responsible for abusers actions and may feel guilty and want to keep family together at almost any cost. Many women are financially dependent on their abusive partners. Abused victims may turn to family for support but will be told they are at fault in turn causing victim to lose self-esteem and self-worth and discourages them from persevering.
    • 3. Define Child Abuse. Abuse to a child that may include physical, sexual, emotional abuse that may negatively affect moral development, academic and social pursuits, psychological adjustment, etc. Describe 10 characteristics of abused children. Physical: burns, bruises, fractures, abdominal injuries, and head or spinal injuries. Bruises on back, feet, forehead, shin, cheek are suspicious as well. Sexual: perineal rashes, genital-rectal irritation or tissue trauma, frequent UTI’s, presence of STD, etc.
  4. 4. Define Elder Abuse. Differentiate between domestic elder abuse, institutional elder abuse, and self-neglect. Domestic elder abuse is usually abuse performed by family or friends to the elderly victim. Institutional elder abuse is abuse occurring in residential facilities such as nursing homes. Self-neglect in characterized as the behavior of the elderly person that threatens health and safety; it is usually a failure to provide sufficiently for himself or herself. Describe six types of elder abuse. Physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, neglect, and abandonment. Describe clinical situations that may suggest elder abuse. When there is a delay b/w injury or illness and seeking of medical attention, when accounts of patient and caregiver do not agree, when severity of injury does not fit explanation given by caregiver, etc.
  5. 5. Which two groups are most vulnerable to violence in the community? Children and Elderly. Describe the effects of community violence on children, on the elderly. Children are particularly vulnerable because violence can result in disruption of normal developmental trajectory: anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress syndrome symptoms are results that can disrupt child’s developing socialization, social interactions, and concentration in school. Elderly are vulnerable as well because they are often easy victims of crimes such as mugging, theft, and robbery. Violence keeps them at home for fear of being assaulted. This contributes to isolation, loneliness, fear, and depression.
  6. 6. Describe risk factors for school violence. Parent rating of hyperactivity, low academic performance, peer delinquency, and availability of drugs in the neighborhood predicted violence at ages 10, 14, and 16.
  7. 7. Define workplace violence. Workplace violence: physical assault or homicide, threats and verbal abuse. What are the consequences of workplace violence? Loss of productivity, work disruptions, employee turnover, litigation and legal costs, and other incident-related costs. Identify five types of occupations that are at risk for workplace violence. Those who exchange money with the public, make deliveries, carry passengers in vehicles, work alone in small groups during late night or early morning hours, or work in community settings in high crime areas. What should training of employees include to prevent workplace violence? Should include recognizing potential violence, defusing violence, and dealing with the aftermath of the violence.
  8. 8. List the Healthy People 2010 Objectives for violence and abuse prevention. Reduce homicides¸ reduce maltreatment of children, reduce child maltreatment facilities, reduce rate of physical assault by current or former intimate partners, reduce annual rate of rape or attempted rape, reduce sexual assault other than rape, reduce physical assaults, reduce physical fighting amongst adolescents, reduce weapon carrying by adolescents on school property.
  9. 9. Define terrorism. Politically motivated violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, with the intent to instill fear. What is the role of the Public Health System in reducing, preventing, treating victims of terrorism? To help major U.S. cities develop plans for coping with the health and medical consequences of a terrorist attack with chemical, biological, or radiological (CBR) agents. What is included in the term “weapons of mass destruction”? Nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.
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