R & J characters

  1. Romeo
    • a montegue
    • emotional
    • 16
    • talks in oxymorons
  2. Juliet
    • a Capulet
    • 14
    • tells Romeo she wants to marry him
  3. Tybalt
    • Juliet's Cousin
    • drew sword to try to keep peace
  4. Prince
    • Escalus
    • of Verona
    • says to stop fighting or you will be killed
  5. Paris
    • wants to marry Juliet
    • has permission from Juliet's father
    • Prince's Kinsman
    • Juliet's suitor
  6. Mercutio
    • the Prince's kinsman
    • Romeo's friend
    • Paris' page
    • has a big imagination
  7. Friar Lawrence
    • member of the church
    • Romeo's counsler (nurse)
  8. Nurse
    • Loves Juliet very much
    • treats her like her daughter (who died)
    • talks alot
    • breast fed Juliet
  9. Benvolio
    • Romeo's cousin
    • inapporpriate
    • funny
  10. Rosaline
    doesnt like Romeo
  11. Lord Montegue
    Romeo's father
  12. Lord Capulet
    • hosts party where R & J meet
    • funny (drunk)
    • thinks Paris is a good match for Juliet
  13. Lady Montegue
    Romeo's mother
  14. Lady Capulet
    • Juliet's mother
    • uncomfortable talking to Juliet
  15. Sampson & Gregory
    • servents of the Capulets
    • in the fight at the beginning of the book
  16. Abram
    Montegue servingman
  17. Halthasar
    Romeo's servingman
  18. Peter
    • Nurse's servent
    • a servingman
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R & J characters