TEST 1 chapter 17

  1. A client is noncompliant about adhering to dietary restrictions designed to manage his diabetes. Which statement by the nurse would be most likely to motivate the client to comply with treatment?
    A."I don't understand why you don't follow your diet."
    B. "I understand that following this diet is hard for you. Can you share with me why this has been difficult?"
    C. "Not following your diet may shorten your life."
    D. "Let me review your diet with you again, because you don't seem to understand it."
    "I understand that following this diet is hard for you. Can you share with me why this has been difficult?"
  2. Based on the concept that health is a highly individual perception, which of the following individuals would consider himself/herself healthy?
    A. A senior citizen who has high blood pressure and refuses to leave home
    B. An honors college student who has multiple sclerosis and uses a wheelchair for mobility
    C. A college student who is seen in the student clinic for minor complaints at least once a week
    D. A homeless person who walks several miles each day looking for food
    An honors college student who has multiple sclerosis and uses a wheelchair for mobility
  3. A client states that her cancer is the result of punishment from God for her sins. This client will most likely be:
    A. A passive recipient of health care
    B. Rigidly compliant to all aspects of the treatment regimen
    C. Interested in alternative therapies for her cancer
    D. Highly motivated to seek health care
    A passive recipient of health care
  4. Which of the following descriptions best fits the eudaemonistic model of health?
    A. Health is defined in terms of the individual's ability to fulfill societal roles.
    B. Health is a process of adaptation.
    C. Health is identified by the absence of disease or injury.
    D. Health is the realization of a person's potential.
    Health is a process of adaptation.
  5. An otherwise healthy 59-year-old client is hospitalized with multiple fractures of the lower extremities after an automobile accident. Where would this client be placed on Dunn's high-level wellness grid?
    A. Protected poor health in a favorable environment
    B. Poor health in an unfavorable environment
    C. Emergent high-level wellness in an unfavorable environment
    D. High-level wellness in a favorable environment
    Protected poor health in a favorable environment
  6. A 63-year-old client with diabetes depends on her husband and daughter to bring her to the clinic. She refuses to give herself insulin, and complains to the nurse, "I don't understand why my blood sugar is always so high." What should the nurse consider when providing diabetic teaching for this client?
    A. The client is probably externally controlled, and may need help to assume responsibility for her own health.
    B. The client is probably externally controlled, and therefore will be able to take responsibility for her own health.
    C. The client's husband will need to take control of her health care.
    D. The client is probably internally controlled, and therefore will be able to take the initiative for her own health care.
    The client is probably externally controlled, and may need help to assume responsibility for her own health.
  7. A client at a cardiology clinic is having difficulty following his low-fat diet. Which of the following actions by the nurse would be least likely to foster compliance from this client?
    A. Using teaching aids, such as pamphlets
    B. Motivating the client by telling him that he'll be dropped from the clinic if he doesn't follow the diet
    C. Demonstrating caring by asking about the client's home situation.
    D. Establishing a therapeutic relationship by using her knowledge and skills.
    Motivating the client by telling him that he'll be dropped from the clinic if he doesn't follow the diet
  8. A 76-year-old client with diabetes has had an above-the-knee amputation and is almost ready to return home from the hospital. The client lives alone.
    What is the best way to help the client adjust to the change in his health status?
    A. Talk with the client about self-care measures and adaptive equipment for home use.
    B. Advise the client he should not live alone, because of his disability.
    C. Tell the client's family he should be in a nursing home.
    D. Tell the client he will be fine at home.
    Talk with the client about self-care measures and adaptive equipment for home use.
  9. List examples of healthy lifestyle choices.
    Regular exercise, weight control, avoidance of saturated fats, alcohol and smoking avoidance, seat belt use, bike helmet use, immunization updates, regular dental checkups, regular health maintenance visits for screening examinations or tests.
  10. Acute illness is characterized by:
    severe symptoms of relatively short duration
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TEST 1 chapter 17