- to shock or offend someone very much
- 놀라게 하다
- feeling angry or upset because of a bad experience, especially when you think that you have been treated unfairly
- making you feel very unhappy or disappointmented
- something that is bitter has a strong sharp taste that is not sweet
- extremely cold in a way that makes you very uncomfortable
- 괴로운
- extremely violent
- extreme and unpleasant
- 잔인한
- a set of geligious beliefs
- 교리
- describing women according to breast size
- 곡선의
- to become worse
- immoral
- in a worse state that before
- 퇴폐한
- empty of people or things
- lonely and isolated feeling sad or unhappy
- 쓸쓸한
- the feeling that a situation is so bad that nothing you can do will change it
- 절망
- someone who is very enthusiastic about something
- enthusiastic: very interested in something or excited by it
- someone who follows a particular religion or religious leader
- 애호가
- the impressive behaviour of someone who controls their emotions in a difficult situation
- 품위
- the practice of making people obey rules of behaviour and punishing them if they do not
- a subject that people study, especially at a university
- 규율, 훈련
- the unhappy feeling that you have when you are not satisfied with something
- 불평, 욕구불만
- disagreement between people
- 불화
- to treat someone unfairly because of their religious,race, or other personnal features
- to recognize the difference between things
- 차별하다
Emancipation Proclamation
- to come out of something or out from behind something
- to stop being involved in a difficult situation or period of time
- 드러내다
- to cover or surround something in a way that harms or destroys it
- it controls your thoughts or feelings
- 휩쓸리다, 포로가 되다
- to praise someone or something very much
- to give someone a more important position or status
- 높이다
- involving very strong feelings such as determination, angrer, or hate
- very angry, or ready to attack
- 맹렬한
- the soft part of people's or animals' bodies that consists mostly of muscle and fat
- a person's skin
- the soft part of a fruit or vegetable that is under the skin
- 고기
- to make someone feel annoyed and impatient by preventing them from doing or getting something
- to prevent someone or something from succeeding
- 좌절하다
- someone who is not jewish
- 이교도
- a very strong feeling that you dislike someone or something very much
- 증오
- someone who will recieve money, property, or a title when another person dies
- the next person to have a particular job or continue someone's work or ideas
- 후계자
- to cut something solid such as rock or wood into a rough shape, using a large heavy blade
- 자르다
- used for emphasizing that two things always exist together and you cannot seperate them or consider them as separate
- 밀접하게
insofar as
- used for talking about the degree to which something happens, or the situation in which something happens
- 범위 내에서
- an asserted right of U.S. states to declare federal actions unconstitutional
- assert: to state firmly that something is ture, to claim that you have the right to do something or brhave in a paticular way
- 간섭
- to give someone more energy
- to make something stronger and more effective
- 기운나게 하다
- to make a noise by hitting small metal objects against each other
- to make someone feel very nervous
- 말다툼
- to fail to be successful or to improve
- to remail in a difficult or unpleasant situation for a long time
- 시들어 가는
- fair and reasonable
- allowed by the law, or correct according to the law
- 합법적인
- extremely enjoyable or exciting
- 놀라운
- militant behaviour and actions
- militant: using extreme and sometimes violent methods to achieve political or social change
- 투쟁성
- to have a bad effect, or to reduce a good effort
- a legal theory that a State has the right to nullify, or invalidate, any federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional
- 파기, 연방법의 실시거부
- to treat people who are less powerful in an unfair and cruel way
- cruel: brutal
- to make someone feel very worried or unhappy
- 압박하다
- to promise seriously and publicly to do something
- to give something valuable to someone as a way of promising that you will pay them money later
- 서약
- a situation in which someone does not have enough money to pay for their basic needs
- a lack of something, especially ideas or feelings
- 가난
- very great or impressive
- 거대한
promissory note
- a document giving the detail of your promise to pay someone a particular amount of money by a specific date
- 약속어음 (P/N)
- the process of trying to achieve something
- the process of chasing someone or something in order to catch them
- 추구
- happening between people of different reces
- relating to someone's race
- 인종간의
- making someone free from the power of evil, especially in the Christian religion
- 되찾은, 속죄의
- not polite
- used about things that happen suddenly and have a strong effect on you
- made or designed in a simple way
- 무례한
- connected with religion
- considered to be holy or connected with God in a special way
- so important that you should not change, question, or criticize
- criticize: to say what you think is wrong or bad about something
- 신성한
- to walk in an uncontrolled way, as if you are ging to fall over
- to suprise and shock someone
- to continue doing something despite great difficulty
- 비틀거리게 하다
- to try hard to do something that you find very difficult
- to use your strength to fight against someone or something
- 노력하다
- brightly lit by the sun
- 볕이 드는
- to be affected in an uncomfortable way by extreme heat
- 더위에 지친
- a limit at which an arrangement changes
- a level at which something happens
- the floor at the entrance to a room or building
- 문지방, 기준점
- to make someone less nevous or upset
- 진정시키다
- a problem or a difficulty
- Trials and Tribulatios
- 시련
- an inalienable right cannot be taken awat from you or given to someone else
- 뺏을 수 없는
- to move, or to make something move in water to feel in emotion
- to spend a lot of time feeling a negative emotion, especially because you want sympathy from other people
- sympathy: agreement with, or support of, a group, idea, plan etc.
- to lie down and roll around in water, dirt, or mud like a pig
- 뒹굴다