Case Study
research method in which one person is studied in depth in order ot reveal general principles of behavior
Defense Mechanism
the ego's protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distrorting reality
What people do to lessen their anxiety
reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings and memories according to Freud
- Operates on the pleasure principle
- * think of dog humping leg**
- Know's what it wants and wants it now
-operates on the reality principle
- -seeks to gratify id's impulses in realistic ways
- mediated demand of the id, superego and realisty
- part of personality that represents internalized ideals, and provides standard judgements and for future aspirations
- "voice of the unconscience"
- -right and wrong
Psychosexual Stages
- Oral (0-18m)
- Anal (18-36)
- Phallic (3-6 yrs)
- Latency (6- puberty)
- Genital (puberty onward)
Opedipal Complex
a boys sexual desires toward his mother and feelings of jealously and hatred for the rival father
children incorporate their parents' values into their developing superegos
According to Freud
If conflicts in early psychosexual stages aren't resolved, fixation occurs, on whatever pleasure seeking stage it is at...
ak conflict in oral stage, fixation may be sucking thumb
- banishes anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories from consciousness.
- -think insomnia, forget bad experiences
- an individual faced with anxiety retreats to a more infanitile psychosexual stage
- ex) 1st day of school anxiety brings old thumb sucking from oral stage
Reaction Formation
- ego unconsciously switches unacceptable impulses into their opposites
- ex) unaccepatble "I hate him" becomes "I love him"
*think reaction is the opposite of what you'd think"
Free Association
method of exploring the unconscious in which the person relaxes and says whatever comes ot mind, no matter how trivial or embarrising (psycho analysis)
Freud's theory of personality that attritubes thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts; technique is used in treating psychological disorders by seeking to expose and interperet unconscious tensions
Projection (Mod 44)
- disguise threatening impulses by attributing them to others
- ex) "He doesn't trust me"--> "I don't trust him" ---> " I don't trust myself"
**think it's gonna be a project to get him to trust me**
- we unconscioiusly generate self -justifying explantions to hide from ourselves the real reason for our actions
- ex) I drink only to be socialable, thats all
*think rationalize as in make up reasons for your actions*
- shifts sexual/aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person
- ex) kicking dog, snapping at roommate
Collective Unconscious
- Carl Jung's concept of a shared, inherited reservoir of memory traces from our species history
- **mother's symoblic for nuturance
Projective Test
a personality test, presents an ambiguous stimuli and then ask the test taker to describe or tell a story about it, hoping to reveal a projection into their interest and conflicts
Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT)
projective test in which people express their inner feelings and interest through the stories they make up about ambiguous scenes
*think TAT as in a have a tatoo story for you :)**
Rorschach Inkblot Test
most widely used projective test, set of inkblots designed by Herman Rorschach; seeks to indentify people's inner feelings by analyzing their interpretations of the blots
Terror Management Theory ( Mod 44)
Proposes that faith in one's worldview and the pursuit of self-esteem provide protection against a deeply rooted fear of death
Self Actualization
Abraham Maslow, the need to fufill one's potential
Unconditional Postive Regard
according to Rogers, an attitude of total acceptance toward another person
- **family, client-centered therapy,
- Think parent's have unconditional love for you
Self -concept
all our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, an answer to the question "Who am I?"
a characteristic pattern of behavior or a disposition to feel/act as assessed by self-report inventories and peer reports
Personality Inventories
questionaire covering wide range of feelings and behaviors
Minnesota Muliphasic Personality Inventory (Mod 46)
objective test to designed to measure personality
The Big "5" Personality Factors
- Conscientiousness
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
- Openness
- Extraversion
Empirically Derived Test
a test developed by testing a pool of items and then selecting those that discriminate between groups
Social-cognitive perspective
views behaviors as influenced by the interaction betwen persons (and their thinking) and their social context (situation)
*think social -sitation and cogntive-thinking
Reciprocal Determinism
the interacting influences between personality and environmental factors
Personal Control
our sense of controlling our environment rather than feeling helpless
External locus of control
perception that chance or outside forces beyhond one's personal control determines ones fate
Internal Locus of control
perception that one controls ones own identity
Learned Helplessness
Passive behavior produced by repeating exposure to unavoidable, aversive events
ex) Bella not needing to tye her shoe cuz dad always would
scienctific study of optimal human functioning
Spotlight Effect
Thinking more people are paying attention to you than really is, aka you think everyone will notice your little stain when no one really does
tendency of people to over estimate the extent to which other people are noticing/evaluating them
An individual's sense of self worth
Self-Serving Bias
Tendency to perceive oneself favorably
A procedure for statistically combining the results of many different research studies
study of the effects of drugs on mind and behaviors
biomedical therapy
prescribed medication or medical produres that act directly on the patient's nervous system
Tartive dyskinesia
involuntary movements of the facial muscles, tongue, and limbs; possible side effects of long term use of antipsychotic drugs that dopamine receptors
*think you will look psychotic if this happens to you***
electroconvulsive therapy
a biomedical treatment in which electric shock is used to produce in cortical seizure accompanied by confulsions; used primarily for treatment of depression
*think convulsive causing convultions and seizures*
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulations
application of repeating pulses of magnetic energy to the brain; used to stimulate or suppress brain activity
surgery that removes or destroys brain tissue in an effort to change behavior
a now rare psychosurgicalprocedure once used to calm uncontrollably emotional and violent patients
therapy that teaches people new, more adaptive ways of thinking and acting
* changing the way we think can result in positive changes in the way we act and feel
Cognitive-Behavior therapy
Aims to alter ways people think and act and to make them aware of their irrational negative thinking
Family Therapy
therapy that treats family as a system
an emotioonally charged, confiding interaction between a trained therapist and someone who suffers from psychological difficulties
Active Listening
empathic listening in which the listener echoes, restates, and clarifies
Behavior Therapy
Replaces learned behaviors with constructive ones, no underlying cause
a behavior therapy procedure that conditoins new responses to stiumli that trigger unwanted behaviors; based on classical conditioning
**enclosed space of elevator with relaxed response**
-exposure therapies
Exposure Therapy
treate anxieties by exposing people to thing they fear and avoid
Systematic Desensitization
A type of conterconditioning that associates a pleasant relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety-triggering stimuli.
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy
progressively exposes people to simulations of their greatest fears, such as airplane flying, spiders, or public speaking
Aversive conditioning
type of counterconditioning that associates an unpleasant state (such as nausea) with an unwanted behavior (such as drinking alcohol)
Token Economy
an operant conditioning procedure in which people earn a token of some sort for exhibiting a desired behavior and can later exchange the tokens for various privledges or treats
Electic Approach
uses a blend of approaches
might be the inability to remember certain details you block from your conscious to
the patient's transfer to the analyst of emotions linked with other relationships
- Providing insight on your underlying wishes, dreams, etc,
- *giving a meaning of why you may not want to talk about your mother
Client-centered therapy
A humanistic therapy based on carl Roger's belief that an individual has an unlimited capacity for psychological growth and will continue to grow unless barriers are placed in the way
an emotionally charged, confiding interaction between a trained therapist and someone who suffers from psychological difficulites
social psychology
the study of how what others do and say affect how we think, speak, and act
attribution theory
people judge others actions based on the individual's personality and situation
fundamental attribution error
people will judge actions more heavily based on personality a nd tend ot minimize the situational effect
how people feel and believe, which ultimately may affect an action or response
Foot-in-the-door phenomenon
people tend to believe/agree to a large idea or action after being first introduce to a related but simplier idea/action
cognitive dissonance theory
when it's recongnized by an individual that a belief and action are not consistant, they take action to allow the belief and action to agree
adjusting to a group standard, may involve confusion to what an individual thought they knew
Normative social influence
changing/conforming to what seems to avoid you from becoming rejected or the "odd ball" **wanting approval
Informational socal influence
occurs when one goes along with anothers opinion or idea after hearing the facts
Social Facilitation
when an individual perfrms better under observation
Social loafing
When working with a group one may participate less effort than when working individually
occurs when one becomes less self conscious and reserved when in a group, may cause chaos
**aka food fight
group polarization
groups grow when disscussion are in action about common ideas within the group
thoughts/ideas become unrealistic during the process of trying to reach harmony,
**often occurs when president discusses plans
an attitude/feeling about a group of people that's unfair and unjust
catogorizing a group of people for what one seems to be true about all members
ACTING a certain way toward someone/roup based on stereotypical beliefs,
inlcude "yourself" in a group "us"
inluces "them"; a group you are not a part of and you view as someone you are not
Ingroup bias
favoring your own "ingroup"
scapegoat theory
it's easy for people to find someone to blame in situations, helps boost themselves when they are able to put blame towards another person
Just-World phenomenon
idea that people get what they deserve: Evil is punished as good is rewarded
any verbal expression or phsycial expression that is intended to cause harm
frustration-aggession principle
when people get frustrated, anger follows which then may lead to acts of aggression
a dispute/disagreeance caused by ideas/thoughts, beliefs that are not compatable
social trap
situations where when multiple individual same decisions for themselves it's a lose-lose but when decisions are made for/with someone people all win. Harm collective well-being by persuing personal interest
mere-exposure effect
the more exposure to something the stronger chances a person begins to like such stimuli
passionate love
usually begining stage of relationship in which arousal is caused and coinsidingly positive absorption towards each other is felt
compassionate love
usually later, stage when love is felt due to the involvement in each other's lives
an equal amount of give and take
telling personal details about oneself
an unselfish concern for others welfare
bystander effect
people are more likely to notice a situation, help someone, when no one else is around. bystanders decrease the likeliness for an individual to help in an emergency situation becuase htey believe someone else will
socal exchange theory
people weigh the cost and rewards to decifer if an act is worth it
Reciprocity Norm
we should help those who have helped us
social responsibility norm
something we are taught, to help those who need our help
superordinate goals
goals in which opposing groups have to work together to reach, otucoming in cooperation
Graduated and Reciprocated Initives in action redeption's acts to reduce tension but not lose strong reputation
psychological disorder
deviant, distressful, dysfunctional behaviors
*Has 3 o's soy rmember the 3 d's**
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
characterized by 1) extereme inattention 2) hyperactivity or 3) impusivity
medical model
psychological disorders are illnesses that can be diagnosed, treated, and in most cases cured
DSM-IV American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Menual of Mental Disorders
provides a widely used system of classifying psycholigcal disorders
Anxiety disorders
involve distressing, persisitent anxiety, or aladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety
generalized anxiety disorder
person is continualy tense, apprehensive, and in a state of autonomic nervous system arousal for no apparent reason
Panic Disorder
episode of intense dread accompanied by chest pain, dizziness, or choking
anxiety disorder characterized by persistent, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object or situation
person experiences uncontrollable repetitive thoughts and actions
haunting memories, nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxeity and/or imsomnia lasting 4 weeks or more after the traumatic experience
dissociative disorders
person appears to experience a sudden loss of memory or change in identity
dissociative identity disorder
person exhibits 2 or more distinct and alternating personalities (multiple pesronality disorder)
Personality disorders
inflexible and enduring maladaptive character traits that impair social functioning
antisocial personality disorder
person is aggressive, ruthless, and shows no sign of a conscience that would inhibit wrong doing
*socio/psycho paths)
mood disorders
emotional extremes
Major depressive disorder
occurs when a person exhibits the lethargy feelings of worhtlessness, or loss of interest in family, friends, etc or characteristics of depression for more than 2 week period
wildly optimistic, euphoric hyperactive state that alternates with depession in biopolar disorder
**norepinephrine is over abundant**
biopolor disorder
mood disorder in which a person alternates between depression and manic state
group of severe disorders whose symptoms may include disorganized and delusional thinking, inappropriate emotions and actions, and distrurbed perceptions
- Subtypes :
- Paranoid-hallucinations
- disorganized-jumbling speech, actions
- catonic - immbolity or excessive movement
false beliefs that often are symptoms of psychotic disorders
* I am Mary Poppins
interdisciplinary field that applies behavior and medical knowledge to the treatment of diseases and to the promotion of health
health psychology
application fo psychological concepts and reasearch illness prevention and treatment to health advancement
process by which people appraise and cope with environmental threats and challenges
General Adaptation Syndrome GAS
- 3 stage sequence of bodily reaction to stress outlined by Hans Selye
- 1. alarm reaction
- 2. resistance
- 3. exhaustion
Coronary heart disease
clogging vessles that nourish the heart
Type "A"
reactive, hard driving, competitive, verbally aggressive, easily angered
Type "B" (mod 41)
easy going, relaxed people
psychophysicological illness
any genuine illness, such as hypertenision and headahces that is apparently linked to stress rather than caused by a physical disorder
Lymphocytes (Mod 41)
- two types of white blood cells of the immune system:
- b lymphocytes-fight bacterical infections
- t lymphocytes - fight viruses, cancer cells, and foreign substance in the body
refers to any effort to alleviate stress using emotional, congnitive, or behavioral methods
problem-focused coping
involves reducing stress by directly changing a stressor or how interact with it
ex. family fight we will go directly to member to work things out
emotion-focused coping
reducing stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to the emotional reaction it triggers
*reaching out to friends to help address our own emotional needs
Aeroboic exercise
any substained activity such as running, swimming, or cycling that promotes heart and lung fitness and may help alleviate drepression and anxiety
refers to a system for electronically recording, amplifying and feeding back information regarding subtle physiological state
complementary and alternative medicine
collection fo health care remedies and treaments that have not been accepted by medical science or verified by controlled research trials
emotion (mod 38)
- response of the whole organism involving:
- 1. pshycial arousal
- 2. expressive beahviors
- 3. conscious experience
James-Lange Theory (Mod 38)
emotial experience based on an awareness of the body's response to the emotion-arousing stimuli
**heart race, then you feel fear
a stimulus triggers the body's respons that in turn trigger hte expereinced emotion
Cannon-Bard Theory
emotional ocurs at the same time as they body's physical reaction
Two-Factor Theory
emotions have phsycial arousal and a cognitive label,
lie detector, measures several of the phsyciological responses accompanying emotion
* some brain signals are the same for stress and guilt and other things so not realiable
emotional release; according ot the cathariss hypothesis, by expressiong our anger, we can reduce it
feel-good, do-good phenomenon
tendency of people to be helpful when the are in a good mood
subjective well-being
a person's sense of satisfaction with his/her life
adaptation-level phenomenon
our tendency to judge things relative to our prior experience
**ex, now when color goes out on big tv freaks out over when little tv was amazing, he adapted to big tv
relative deprivation
perception that we are worse off relative to those when we compare ourselves
a need or desire that energies and directs behavior
complex behavior that is ridgidy patterned throughout a species and is unlearned
Drive-reduction theory
when physiological need occurs, the drive to satisfy such need increases
body's tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state
positive or negative environmental stimuli that motivates behavior
Hierarchy of Needs (MASLOW)
- 1. Phsyiological needs (food, water)
- 2. safetly needs (feel safe, secure, stable)
- 3. belongingness and love needs ( need for recongition/respect from others)
- 4. Esteem Needs ( avoid lonliness)
- 5. Self actualization needs ( live up to full potential)
blood sugar, the major source of energy for the body's tissues
Set Point
an individual's regulated weight level, which is maintained by adjusting food intake and energy output
Basal metobolic rate
the body's base rate of energy expenditure when resting
Anorexia Nervosa
an eating disorder, most common in adolscence femals, in which a person restricts food intake to become significally underweight and yet they still feel fat
Bulimia Nervosa
eating disorder characterized by episodes of overeating followed by vomiting, laxatie use, fasting or excessive exercise
sexual response cycle
- cosist of 4 stages of bodily reaction:
- -excitement
- -plateau
- -orgasm
- -resolution
refractory period
resting period after orgasm, during which a male cannot be aroused to another orgasm
sexual disorder
problem such as erectile dysfunciotn, premature ejaculation, adn orgasmic disorder, that consistently impairs sexual arousal or functioning
sex hormone secreted in greater amounts by females than males
sex hormone secrted in greater amounts by males than by females
sexual orientation
a persons enduring attraction to members of either the same or opposite gender
flow (mod 37)
- ** could be painting and get so into it you lose track of time
- state of focused consciousness on a task that optimally engages a person's skills, often accompanied by a diminished awareness of self and time
Industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology
subfield of psychology that studies and advises on issues related to optimizing behavior in work-places
Personnel Psychology
subfield of industrialorganizational psych that applies psychological methods and principles to the selection and evaluation of workers
organizational psychology
subfield of I/O that explores how work environments and managements styles affect worker motivation, satisfaction, and productivity
structured interview
one in whch an interviewer asks the same job related quesions of all interviewers, who are then rated on establishe evaluation scales
achievement motivation
a desire for significant accomplishment; for mastery of things, people or ideas and for attaining a high standar
task leadership (mod 37)
setting standards, organizing work, and focusing attention on goals
social leadership
group oriented leadership that builds teamwork, mediates conflict and offers support
the mental activity associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating info
mental grouping of similar objects, events and people
step by step procdure that guarantees a solution
best example of a particular category
simple strategies, rule of thumb short cuts
- a sudden and often novel realization of the solution to a problem.
- ** when something you can't remember suddenly pop in your head**
confirmation bias
search for info that confirms our ideas
an inability to approach a problem in a new way
mental set
the tendency to continue applying a particular problem-solving strategy even when it is no longer helpful
functional fixedness
type of fixation in which a person can think of things only in terms of their usual functions
* go look for a screw driver even if dime could have done the job
representativeness heuristic
tendency to judge the likelihood of things in terms of how well they conform to ones prototype
availability heuristic
based on estimating the probability of certain event in terms of how readily they come to mind
the tendency to overestimate the accuracy of one's belifs and judgements
the way an issue or question is posed
belief bias
the tendency for a person's preexisting beliefs to distort his/her logical reasoning
belief perserverance
tendency for people to cling to a particular belief even after the info that led to the formation of belief is discredited
spoken, written, or gesture word's and how we combined them to communicate meaning
- smallest distinctive sound
- ---CHAT----
- has 3 phenonmes CH-A-T
- smallest unit of language that convey meaning
- has 4 morphemes
a system of rules that enables us to communicate with and understand others
semantics (mod 30)
aspect of grammar that specifies the rules used to derive meaning from morphemes words, and sentences in a given language
rules for combining words in grammatically sensible sentences in a given languages
babbling stage
begins around 4 months, cHaracterized by spontaneous utterance of speech sound
1-word stage
1-2 years children speak mostly in single words
2-words stage
two word sentences
telegraphic speech
economical, telegramlike speech of children in 2-word stage
linguistic determinism
Bemjamin Whorf's hypothesis that language determines the way we think
the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations
factor analysis
statistical procedure that identifies factors or clusters of elated items, that seem to define a common ability
general intelligence (mod 31)
- * g factor
- factor that underlies the various clusters
savant syndrome
low intelligence score, yet posses one exceptional ability
emotional intelligence
ability to perceive manage, understand, and use emotions
an ability to produce novel and valuable ideas
Intelligence Test
measure people's mental aptitiudes and compare them to others through numerical scores
mental age
concept of Binet, the chronological age that most typically corresponds to a given level of performance
Lewis Terman's widely used revision of Binet's original intelligence test
Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
aptitude test
designed to predict future performance
achievement test
measure of a person's curren knowledge
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
most widely used intellignece test contains 11 subtest and yields seperate verbal and performance intelligence score
process of defining meaningful scores by companson with a pretested standardization group
normal curve
bell shaped curve that represents the distribution of many physical and psychological attributes
test produce consistency
test measure what it was designed to measure
content validity
behavior, test taps the pertinent behavior
aka road test because the test faces the actually task you'll have to do to become a driver
the behavior that test is designed to predict
predicitve validity
the extent to which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict
mental retardation
IQ below 70, difficult adapting to normal demands of independent living
Down syndrome
severe retardation from reult of the extra 212 chomrosome
proportion of variation among indiviuduals in a trait that is attributed to gentic factors
stereotype threat
the phenomenon in which a person's concern that he/she will be evaluted based on negative sterotype is actually followed by a lower performance
relatively permanent changing an organism's behaviors due to experience
observational learning
learning by watching and limiting the behaviors of others
process of watching and then imitating a specific behavior and is thus an important means through which observational learning occurs
mirror neurons
found in brain's frontal lobe, may be neural basis for observational learning. These neurons generate impulses when certain actions are performed on when another individual who performs those actions is observed
prosocial behavior (mod 23)
opposite of antisocial, positive, helpful, and constructive is subject to the same principles of observational learning as is undesirable behavior, such as aggresion
associative learning
organisms learn certain events occur together
operant conditioning
type of learning for which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforce or diminished stimuli followed by a punisher
respondent behavior
occurs as autonomic response to some stimulus
operant behavior
behavior that operateson the environment, producing consequences
law of effect
behaviors followed by favorable consequences are likely to reoccur and that behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become lesslikely
operant chamber
an experiment chamber for operant conditioning fo an animal such as a pigeon or rat (skinner box)
establishing a new ressponse by reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior
any event that strenthens the behavior it follows
positive reinforcement
presenting a typically pleasurable stimulus after that response
ex) cookie after obey
negative reinforcement
strenthens a response by removing an aversive stimulus after that response
ex) take something away to get desired behavior
primary reinforcers
inborn and do not depend on learning
conditioned reinforcers (mod 22)
stimuli that acquire their reinforcing power through their association with primary reinforcement, are learned
continuous reinforcement
operant procedure of reinforcing the desired response everytime it occurs
partial reinforcement
operant procedure of reinforcing a response intermmittenly
fixed-ratio schedule
reinforcement is presented after a set number of responses
*people paid on commission
variable-ratio schedule
- reinforcement is presented after a varying number of responses
- *slot machines
fixed-interval schedule
- response is reinforced after a specificied time has elapsed
- *check to see mail, when usually comes around same time everyday
variable-interval schedule
responses are reinforced after varying intervals of time
*when text messages come in
presentation of an aversive stimulus such as shock, which decreases the behavior it follows
cognitive map
mental picture of one' s environment
latent learning
learning that becomes apparent only when there is some incentive to demonstrate it
intrinsic motivation
the desire to perform a behavior for its own aske, rather than for some external reason, and to be effective
extrinsic motivation
desire to perform a behavior in order ot obtain a reward or to avoid a punishment
classical conditioning
type of learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes capable fo triggering a conditioned response after having become associated with unconditioned stimuli
view that psychology should be an objective science that studies only observable behaviors without reference to mental processess
unconditioned resospones, U. R
unlearned, involuntary response to undconditioned stimuli
ex. slavation
unconditioned stimulus,
stimulus that naturally and automatically triggers the reflexive undcontioned stimulis
ex. dog food
conditioned response
learned response ot a previous neutral conditined stimulus, which results from acquired association between CS and US
ex. salvation
conditioned stimulus, CS
an orginally neutral stimulus htat comes to trigger a CR after associatioon with an undconditoined stimulus
ex. bell noise
the initial stage of conditioning in which the new response is established and gradually strenthened
weakening of a CR when the CS is no longer followed by the US
spontaneous recovery
reappearance of an extinguished CR after a rest period
the tendency once a response has been conditioined, for stimuli similar to the CS evoke a CR
ability to distinguished the CS from similar stimuli that do not signal a US
our awareness fo ourselves/environments
biological rythm
periodic fluctuations in our body's psysiological states
circadian rhythm
any regular bodily rhythm, such as body temp and sleepwakefullness, follows 24hf cycle
REM sleep
sleep stage whcih brain and eyes are active, muscles are relaxed, vivid dreams occurs "paradoxical sleep"
Alpha waves
relatively slow brain waves characterisitic of an awake, relaxed state
natural, periodic, reversible loss of consciousness body/mind depend on healthy functioning
false sensory experienced that occurs without any sensory stimulus
delfa waves
large, slow brian waves associated with deep sleep
sleep disorder, person regularly has difficulty falling/staying asleep
victims suffers sudden uncontrollable sleep attacks, directly entering REM sleep
sleep apnea
person ceases breathing wile asleep, briefly arouses a gasp for air, falls back to sleep, and repeats
night terror
episodeds fo high arousal with apparent horror (usually in stage 4 sleep)
vivid sequences of images, emotions, and thoughts , the most vivid occur in REM sleep
manifest content
remebered storyline
latent content
underlying but sensored meaning of a dream
psychoactive drugs
chemical substances that alter mood and perception, work by affecting or mimicking activity of neurotransmitters
phsyical dependence
phsyiolgical need for a drug that is indicated by the presense of withdrawal sympotms when the drug is not taken
psychological dependence
psychological need to use a drug
compulsive craving for a drug despite adverse consequences and withdrawal sympotms
alcohol, opiates, barbituates
reduce neural activity and slow body function
depressants sometimes used to induce sleep and reduce anxiety
depressants derived from opiatium poppy, reduce neural activity and temporarily lessen pain and anxiety
excite neural activity and speed up body funciton
caffeine, nicotine, amphetiamines, cocaine
stimulant, speed up body funciton and neural activity
powerfully addictive stimulant that speeds up body functions and is associated with energy and mood changes
- stimulant and hallucinogen,
- produces short term euphoria by increasing serotonin levels in the brain
powerful hallucinogen capable of porducing vivid, false perpceptions and disorganizaiton fo though and processes, blocks serotonin
near-death experience
an altered state of consciousness that has been reported by some people who have close brush with death
philosophical belief that the mind and body are distinct entities
belief that midn and body are different aspects of the same thing
major active ingredient in weed, classified as mild
bottom up processing, detect through sense, we see, feel touch
top-down processing, use experience and expectations to interpret what we sensed
bottom-up processing
begins with senses, then brain inteprets
top-down processing (mod 12)
infor processing guided by a higher level mental processes
absolute threshhold
minimum stimulation needed to detect a stimulus 50% of the time
signal detection theory
precisely how and when we detect the presence of a faint stimulus
stimulus that is below abosolute threshold for conscious awareness
activation fo an association by an imperceptible stimulus, teh effect of which is to predispose a perception, memory, or response
* listen all words that make you think "chair"
difference threshold
the minimum difference between two stimuli that a person can detect 50% of the time
Webster's Law
just noticeable difference between 2 stimuli is a constant minimum proportion of the stimulus
sensory adaptation
the decrease in sensititivity that occurs with continued exposure to an unchanging stimulus
* move watch up wrist, will feel for a second
selective attention
focussing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus out of all of those that we are capable of experiencing
* you don't pay attention to feeling of chair when watching movie
light enters through and protects eye and bends light so we can focus
color part, controlling sizing of pupil to optimize amount of light that enters the eye
transparent structure behind pupil changes shape to foccs images on the retina
adjustable opening in the iris, allows light to enter,
light sensitive inner surface of eye, contains the rods and cones, which tranduce light energy to neural impulses
blind spot
region of retina where the optic nerve leaves the eye, contains no rod or cones, meanning there is no vision there
optic nerve
bundle of nerve fibers, carries neural impulses from retina to brain
conversion of one form of energy into another
*transferring sights, sounds, smells into neural impulses that our brain can interpret
distance from one wave peak to the next, determines the color we see (hue)
amount of energy in light waves, influences brightness
sharpness of vision
distant objects are seen clearly but nearby objects are blurred because light rays reflecting form tehm strike the retina before converging
nearby objects are blurry
Rods (mod 13)
concentrate on periphory of retina, function well in dim light
enable color vision
retina's point of central focus, contains only cones, images focussed here are clearest
feature detectors (visual cortext)
nerve cells that selectively respond ot specific visual features such as moement shopre or angle
parallel processing
info processing in which several aspects of a stimulus, such as light or sound are preocessed simultaneously
Young-Helmhotizi Trichromatic Theory
mantains that the retina contains red-green-and blue sensitive color receptors that in combo can produce perception of any color.
opponent-process theory
maintians that color vision depends on pairs of oppsong retical process.
color constancy
perception that familir objects have consistent color despite changes an illumination that shifts wavelengths that reflect
auditory canal
sound wave passing through auditory canal are brought to a point of focus at the eardrum
lying between outer and middle ear, this memebrane vibrates and inner eat, this air-filled chamber contains the hammer, anvil, and sturrip
hammer,anvil, stirrup
- tiny bones of middle ear concentrate the ear drums vibrations on the conchlea's oval window
inner ear
contains semiciraclar canals and conchlea which inclueds receptors that transduce sound energy into neural impulse
sense of hearing
pitch (
sound deterined by frequency (numer of wavelenghts) that can pass a point in a given time
middle ear
chamber between eardrum and conchlea contain hammer, anvil, stirrup that concentrate eardrums vibrations on conchlea's oval window
coiled, bony, fluid-filled tube of inner ear where the transduction of sound waves into neural impulses occur
Place theory
we hear different pitches because sound waves of various frequent trigger activity at different places on conchlea's basiliar membrane
Frequency Theory
rate, or frequency of nerve impulses in the auditory nerve matches the frequency of a tone, thus enabling us to sense its pitch
Conduction hearing loss
problems with the mechanical system that condcuts sound waves to the chochlea
Sensorineural hearing loss
hearing loss caused by damage to the auditory nerve due to disease, aging or prolonged expose ot ear-splitting noise
chochlear implant
an electronic device that converts sound into electrical signals that stimulate the auditory nerve
Gate-control theory
- spinal cord contains a neurological "gate' that blocks pain signals or allows them to pass on to the brain
- OPEN: by activity of pain signals traveling up small nerve fibers
- CLOSED: by activity in large fibers or info from the brain
Sensory Interaction
principle that one sense may influence another
- sense of the position and movement of the parts of the body
- Parts
vestibular sense
- sense of body movement and position included the sense of balance
- movement
the developing prenatal organizism from 2 weeks to 2 months after conception
the developing prenatal human from 9 weeks after conception to birth
any drugs, virsuses, or other substances that cross the mother's placenta and can harm the development of the embryo
physical and congitive abnormalities that heavy drinking by a pregnant woman may cause int eh developing child
rooting relfex
when newborn cheek is stroked, it's tendency to turn toward the touch and search for the nipple
decreasing responsiveness to a stimulus that is repreatedly represented
the biological growht processess that enable orderly change in behavior and are relatively uninfluenced by experience or other environmental factors
mental concepts or frameworks that organize and interpret info
- interpreting a new experience in terms of existing schemas
- ** any four legged animal is a dog
- taking new stimuli and understanding to make new infor
- **a doggie is different than a kittie
all the mental processess associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating
sensory motor stage
2 infant gain knowledge of world through senses and their motor activites
object permanence
develops during sensory motor stage, awaremness that things do not cease to exist when not perceived
preoperational stage
2 to 6 years, language development is rapid, child unable to understand mental operations to understand concrete logic
principle that number, volume, mass remain constant despite changes in the forms of objects
* tall glass, short glass
- children have difficulity considering other's viewpoint,
- they believe everyone thinks the same way they do
theory of mind
thinking about others thinking
disorder, marked by deficiences in communication, social interction, and theory of mind
concrete operational stage
6-11 children canthink logically about concrete events and objects
formal operational stage
starts age 12, think logically about abstract concepts
stranger anxiety
fear of strangers (8 months)
emotional tie with another person
critical period
limited time shortly after birth, an organism must be exposed to certain experiences or influences to develop properly
process by which certain animals form attachments during a limited crticial period early in life
basic trust
a sense that the world is predictable and trustworthy
person's sense of identity and personal worth
puberty to adulthood
sexual maturation
primary sex characterstics
reproductive organs
secondary sex characteristic
all physical changes not used for reproduction, hips, pubic hair, deeper voice, breast
cross sectional study
people of different ages are compared to each other
longitudinal study
same people are tested and retested over a period of years
crystallized intelligence
vocab, general knowledge, relfect accumulated learning, increases with age
fluid intelligence
a person's ability to reason speedily and abstractly (decreases with age)
behavior genetics
study of genetic and environmental influence on behavior
made of DNA molecules, thread like, 23 from Mom 23 from Dad
biochemical units of heredity that make up chromosomes
complex molecules containing the genetic info that makes up chromosomes
complete set of genetic instructions for an organisms make-up
person's characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity
natural selection
- evolutionary principle that traits that cotnribute to reproduction and survival are more likely to be passed down
- *survival of the fittest*
random errors in gene replication
electroencephalogram (EEG)
amplified recording of the waves of electrical brain activites
measure the level of activities of different areas of the brain by tracing glucose consumption
uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produc computer-generated images that show brain structor more clearly
reveal blood flow and brain anatomy and function
oldest part, direct automatic survival functionings
controls breathing and heart beat
reticular formation
nerve network, plays a role in controlling arousal
routes incoming messages to the appopriate cortical centers and transmits replies to teh medulla nad cerebellum
sensory input and balance, coordination
limbic system
associated with emotion, fear, aggression
fear, aggression small
- regulates hunger, thirst, body temp, sex, helps govern endoctrine system
- *reward center of brain
cerbral cortex
bark, think intricate covering,
glia cells
provides nutrience and insulates myelin, helps remove excess ions
frontal lobes
behind forehead, involved in speaking, musclemovements, plans and judgements
parietal lobe
between frontal and occipital lobes, sensory
temporal lobes
side of brain, contain auditory area and recieves info from ears
- Blue: Frontal
- Green: Temporal
- Yellow: Parietal
- PInk: Occipital
motor cortex
located back and frontal lobe, controls voluntary movement
sensory cortex
located at front and parietal, behind motor, regulates body touch and movement
impairment oflanguage as result to Broca and Wernicke
- Broca's Area:
- helps with speaking, forming words
- Wernicke's Area:
- Involved in understanding, comprehending speech
the brain's capacity for modification, as evidence by brain reorganization following damage
corpus callosum
- large band of neural fibers that linkst he riht and left cerebral hemispheres
- "split brain"
busy, branches, receives messages from nerve cells
the extension of a neuron that sends impulses to nother nerve cells or to muscles or glands
myelin sheath
fatty tissue that covers axons and helps speed neural impulse
action potential
neural impulse generated by movement of pistively charged atoms in/out of chanels of axon's membrain
level of stimulation must be exceeded for a neuron to fire
Acetylcholine (Ach)
muscle action/movement, attention, arousal, memory
*too little causes alzheimers
natural, opiate like neurotransmitters linked to pain control and pleasure
- mood, emotion, arousal, learning
- *too little Parkinson's
- *too much Schizophrenia
- *linked wiht cocaine nad amphetamines
- mood, arousal, learning
- *too little, depression
- sleep, hunger, agression, arousal
- *too little, depression
- *too much, anxiety, inhibit dreaming
- inhibitory effect on axon's
- sleep, movement
- * too little Huntingtons disease,seizures
- *alcohol increases GABA
- excitatory effect on axons/neurons
- alcohol blocks glutamate
Right Brain
fun, creative, artsy, music
Left Brain
structure, language and logical math reasoning
central nervous system
brain, spinal cord
peripheral nervous system
- sensor and motor neurons that connect the central nervous system to body's receptors, muscles and glands,
- splits into autonomic and somatic nevous systems
autonomic nervous system
- self-regulated action
- breathing
- controls internal functioning
somatic nervous system
voluntary control of skeletal muscles
Sympathetic nervous system
arousing, alert, flight or fight
parasympathetic nervous system
calming, conserves energy,
pituitary glands
- under influence of hypothalamus, regulats growth and controls endoctrine system
- "master gland"
adrenal glands
produce epinephrine and nonepinephrine, hormoones that prepare body to deal with emergencies or stress
chemical messengers, manufactored by endoctrine glands, produced in one tissue and circulate through the blood stream to to their target tissues