Ch. 14

  1. Process of clarifying the key technologies on which an organization depends.
    technology audit
  2. The question an organization asks itself about whether to acquire new technology from an outside source or develop it itself.
    make - or - buy decision
  3. A focused organizationl effort to create a new product or process via technological advances.
    development project
  4. An approach to job design that attempts to redisign tasks to optimize operation of a new technology while preserving employees' interpersonal relationships and oter human aspects of the work.
    sociotechnical systems
  5. The systemwide application of behavioral science knowledge to develop, improve, and reinforce the strategies, structures, and processes that lead to organizational effectiveness.
    organization development (OD)
  6. Realizing that current practices are inappropriate and that new behavior must be enacted.
  7. The difference between actual performance and desired performance.
    performance gap
  8. Instituting the change.
  9. An approach to implementing Lewin's unfreezing/moving/refreezing model, involving identifying the forces that prevent people from changing and those that will drive people toward change.
    force - field analysis
  10. Strengthening the new behaviors that support the change.
  11. Companies that take the crrent industry structure and its evolution as givens, and choose where to compete.
  12. Companies that try to change the structure of their industries, creating a future comptitive landscape of their own design.
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Ch. 14
ch. 14