
  1. Conformity
    Going along with oeers- individuals of our own status who have no special right to direct our behavior.
  2. Control Theory
    A view of conformity and deviance that suggests that our connection to members of society leads us to systematically conform to sociery's norms.
  3. Deviance
    Behavior that violates the standards of conducts or expecations of a group or society.
  4. Differential Association
    A theory of deviance that holds that violation of rules resuts from exposure to attitudes favorable to criminal acts.
  5. Formal social control
    Social control that is caried out by authorized agents, such as police officers ,judges, school administrations and employess.
  6. Index Crimes
    • The eight types of crimes reporte anually by the FBI.
    • Murder, rapes, robbery, assault, burglary, theft,vehicle thelf and arson.
  7. Informal Social Control
    Social control that is carried out casually by ordinary people through such means as laughter, smiles, and ridicule.
  8. Labeling theory
    An aproach to deviance that attempts to explain why certain people are viewed as deviants while others engaged in the same behavior are not.
  9. Law
    Governmental social control
  10. Obedience
    Copliance with higher authorities in a hierarchial structure
  11. Social Control
    The techniques and trategies for preventing deviant human behavior in any society.
  12. Stigma
    A label used to devalue members of certain social groups.
  13. Victimless crime
    Term used by sociologists to decribe the willing exchange among adults of widely desired, but illegal, goods and services.
  14. White collar crime
    Illegal acts commited by affluent "respectable" individuals in the course of business activities.
  15. Society brings about acceptance of basic norms through techniquesnand trategies for preventing dviant human behavior. This process is termed:
    Social Control
  16. Which sociological erspective argues that people must respect social norms if any group or society is to survive?
    The Functionalist perspective
  17. Stanley Milgram used the word Conformity to mean
    Going along with peers
  18. Which sociological theory suggests that our connection to members of society leads us to conform systematically to society's norms?
    Control Theory
  19. Which of the following statements is true of deviance?
    Deviance is behavior that violates the standards of conduct of expectations of a group or society.
  20. which of the following theories contents that criminal victimization inceases whem communal relationships and social institutions break down?
    social desorganization theory
  21. if we fail to respect and obey social norms, we may face punishment through informal or formal_________
  22. police officers, jdges, administrations, military officers and managers of movie theaters are all instruments of ___ social control
  23. some norms are considered so important by society that they are formalized into ____ laws controlling people's behavior.
  24. It is important to underscore the fact that _____ is the primary source of conformity and obedience, including obedience in law.
  25. labeling theory is also called ____ ____ approach
    societal reaction
  26. Consumer fraud, bibery, and income tax evasion are considered ____ ____ crimes
    white collar crimes
  27. Caste
    A hereditary rank, usualy religiously dictated, that tends to be fixed and immobile.
  28. Class consciousness
    Karl Marx's View. Subjective awarnesses held by members of class regarding their common vested interests and need for collective political action to bring aout social change.
  29. False consciousness
    Karl Marx. Used to dscribe an attitude held by members of a class that does not accurately reflect their objective position.
  30. Intergenerational mobility
    Changes in the social position of children relative to their parents
  31. Intragenerational mobility
    Changes in social position within a person's adult life,
  32. Proletariat
    working class
  33. borderlands
    Area of common culture along the border between mexico and US
  34. Dependency theory
    An approach that contends that indistrualized nations continue to exploit developing countries for their own gain
  35. Modernization
    The far reaching process by which periphery nations move from traditional or less develope institutions to those characteristic of more developed society.
  36. Modrnization Theory
    A functionalist aproach that proposes that modernization and dvelopment will gradually improve the lives of people in developing nations.
  37. Remitances
    The $$$ that immigrants return to their families of origin.
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