
  1. most basic emotion
  2. anger directed at self by self
  3. anger thought to be directed at self by others
  4. blame is anger directed..
  5. blame directed__ another person is anger
  6. typical behavior in anger
  7. anticipation of death or loss
    anticipatory grief
  8. state of tension, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and other similar ramifications of arousal of autonomic nervous system

    fear something undesirable is going to happen
  9. situation that calls for "at-need counseling"
    death has occured, funeral director is counseling with family as they select service and intems of merchandise
  10. Bowlby known for
    attachment theory
  11. tendency for human beings to make strong affectional bonds with others coming from the need for safety and security
    attachment theory
  12. event that leads to experencing emotion of grief
  13. formal or symbolic act or observance
  14. defense mechanism by which person refuses to see things as they are because such facts are threatening to individuals perception
  15. mechanism related to repression in which the individual simply denies the existence of the events that have aroused anxiety
  16. defense mechanism by which anger is directed toward person or object other than one which originally precipitated anger
    displaced aggression
  17. feelings such as happiness, anger or grief
  18. alarm, dread and disquiet are associated with..
  19. an emotion involved in mourning
  20. killing of one human being by another
  21. not only an inn for travelers, but also an institute designed to treat patients stricken with life threating illness
  22. an adjustment process which involves grief or sorrow over period of time & helps in reorganization of life of individual following loss or death of someone loved
  23. reaction or body may experience that can be sudden, violent and upsetting disturbance
  24. SIDS
    sudden infant death syndrome
  25. What is SIDS
    unexpected, sudden death of seemingly healthy child under age 1, where autopsy does not show explainable cause of death
  26. deliberate act of self-destruction
  27. homicide against one's self
  28. suicidal gesture
    unsuccessful attempt made by person to end his/her own life
  29. guilt felt by survivors
    survivor's guilt
  30. sincere feelings for person who is trying to adjust to serious loss or death of close friend or relative
  31. feeling with
  32. most common emotion shown by parents of baby who died from SIDS
  33. external responses to emotions
    crying, shouting, laughing, facial expressions, reserved, withdrawl
  34. worry
  35. intense feeling
  36. first stage of Kubler-Ross's theory of anticipatory grief
    Denial & isolation
  37. second stage of Kubler-Ross's theory
  38. DABDA
    • Denial
    • Anger
    • Barganing
    • Depression
    • Accepance
  39. grief prior to loss
    anticipatory grief
  40. individuals ability to adjust
  41. Eric Lindemann
    grief syndrome
  42. grief syndrome
    • somatic distress
    • hallucinations
    • guilt
    • hostile reactions
    • changes in patterns of conduct
  43. "normally bereaved"
    can laugh & show variety of emotions appropriate to environmental shifts
  44. respond to reassurance, support and comfort
  45. phases associated with Bowlby's theory
    • 1-shock, alarm, denial
    • 2-acute grief
    • 3-intergration of loss and grief
  46. what Jackson did for topid grief counseling
    pastoral ministry counseling
  47. process of working through grief
  48. anger directed inward can lead to..
  49. four types of guilt
    • associated with loss itself;
    • induced by lack of knowledge;
    • derived from personality factors & from childhood;
    • survivor
  50. lessens degree of pain in grief
  51. being able to carry on daily life tasks, regress to dependency & helplessness during surge of grief
  52. Parkes' searching theory
    compulsive need to go after & retrieve that which has been lost
  53. Western society known for being..
  54. type of counseling involves helping people facilitate uncomplicated grief
    grief canceling
  55. Lindemann defination grief
    somatic distress, hallucinations, guilt, hostile reactions, changes in patterns of conduct; grief syndrome
  56. Grollman - child between ages of 5-9 to comprehend death how
    think person may jump out of casket & "get them"
  57. Grollman - typical 6 year old would respond to their parent's death how
    • accept death as final but may not happen to everyone;
    • personify death
  58. types of death would allow for anticipatory grief
    where actual cause of death comes as confirmation of knowledge of life-limiting condition (AIDS)
  59. philosophical purpose of fineral
    focal point for giving meaning to life
  60. bargaining stage for Kubler-Ross's theory
  61. Worden
    • "tasks of mourning"
    • accept reality, experience pain & express emptions, adjust to environment without deceased, withdrawl emotional energy & direct in another relationship
  62. first part to Worden's theory
    accept reality of loss
  63. emotion/set of emotions due to loss that is involved in work of mourning; intense emotions associated with loss
  64. process of working through grief
  65. three types of suicide defined by Durkheim
    • Anomic
    • Egoistic
    • Altruistic
  66. lack of social; experiences alienation, strong sense of anonymity, no worth
    anomic suicide
  67. focused on "self"
    egoistic suicide
  68. loss of identity, self-sacrifice for benefit of group
    altruistic suicide
  69. defense mechanism used in grief to return to more familiar & often more primative mode of coping
  70. being without power to help oneself; feeble or weak; feeling incompetent & inefficient
  71. for some, to be tolerable after a loss, life must have..
    meaning, adiquate insurance
  72. may be values or purpose of having funeral with body present
    opportunity to receive & express love; show respect; express grief; face to face confrontation with death; emotional support
  73. benefits of having children present at funeral
    • important family event;
    • allows they to say goodbye & helps prevent fears
  74. positive ways to describe death to child
    share your own convictions, speak in concrete terms, grant permission to cry & express feelings
  75. grief of family member influenced by
    functional position or roll deceased played in family, attachment
  76. NOT to say to children
    they fell asleep
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