
  1. Adenosine
  2. Albuterol
    • If chest pain or arrhythmias appear discontinue
    • Caution with CAD, HTN, Hyerthyroid, Diabetes, Seizures
    • Watch for paradoxical bronchospasm
  3. Amiodarone
    Caution with latent or manifest heart failure
  4. Aspirin
  5. Atropine
    • only give to MI patients with signs of poor perfusion
    • Pediatric brady is almost always due to hypoxia
  6. D50
    • Use large bore IV needle to avoid venous irritation
    • Infiltration= tissue necrosis
    • Caution with head trauma, CVA, Hypokalemia
  7. Diazepam
    • Can cause venous irritation
    • Do not mix with other IV meds
  8. Diphenhydramine
  9. Dopamine
    • decrease dose to 1/10 for MAO inhibitors
    • deactivates alkaline solutions (vasopressors)
    • Causes tachyarrhytmias
  10. Epi 1:1k
    • Deactivated by alkaline solutions
    • Light sensitive
  11. Epi 1:10K
    • Deactivated by alkaline solutions
    • Light sensitive
  12. Fentanyl
    • If neccessary use Atropine if bradycardic rhythm occurs
    • Use with caution in liver and renal dysfunction
  13. Furosemide
    • Light sensitive
    • May need to increase dose for renal failure
    • Synergistic with Morphine and nitrates on preload effect
  14. Xopenex
  15. Lidocaine
  16. Metropolol
    • Monitor vitals,
    • Watch for CHF, bradycardia, shock, heart block, or bronchospasm
    • Do not administer to Pts who have recieved verapamil
    • Caution with anti-hypertensives
  17. Midizolam
    Has more potential than other benzodiazepines to cause respiratory depression and arrest - Be Prepared
  18. Morphine
    • Use Narcan if neccesary
    • May cause vomiting
    • SPO2, ECG, and O2 required
    • Watch for Respiratory depression
  19. Narcan
    • Watch for violent withdrawls
    • 8-12mg for Darvon OD
    • Do not use if intubated
  20. Nitroglycerin
    • Monitor BP
    • May cause transient Hypotension, dont delay for IV if BP is >90
  21. Oxygen
    COPD patients get increments of 2L q 2-3min
  22. Sodium Bicarb
    • Deactivated by vasopressors
    • Initially treat acidosis with hyperventilation- its easier to treat acidosis than alkalosis.
  23. Solu-Medrol
    • Caution with cushings syndrome, GI bleed, HTN, Varicella, Diabetes, Psychosis (CHuG DeeP V)
    • Interacts with lasix
  24. Zofran
    Caution with liver function impairment
  25. Vasopressin
    Can precipitate angina or MI (dont give to conscious patients with CAD or PVD)
  26. Thiamine
    Do not give "coma cocktail," give evidence based drugs
Card Set
Precautions for CFR drugs