IPPE Med-Term Quiz

  1. Audi/o
    science concerned with the sense of hearing, especially the evaluation and measurement of impaired hearing and the rehabilitation of those with impaired hearing
  2. Bateri/o
    scientific study of bacteria
  3. bi/o
    scientific stufy of living organisms
  4. cardi/o
    study of the heart and its functions
  5. dermat/o
    the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin disease
  6. endocrin/o
    study of the endocrine system
  7. gastr/oenter/o
    study of the stomach and intestine and their disease
  8. gynec/o
    the branch of medicine dealing with disease of the genital tract in women
  9. hemat/o
    science dealing with the morphology of blood and blood forming tissues and with their physiology and pathology
  10. neur/o
    the branch of medical science that deals with the nervous system, both normal and diseased
  11. onc/o
    the sum of knowledge regarding tumors; the study of tumors
  12. ophtalm/o
    the branch of medicine dealing with the eye
  13. path/o
    branch of medicine treating the essential nature of disease, especially changes in body tissues and organs that cause or are caused by disease
  14. physi/o
    treats the functions of the living organisms and its parts, and the physical and chemical factors and processes involved
  15. protc/o
    branch of medicine concerned with disorders of the rectum and anus
  16. psych/o
    science dealing with the mind and mental processes, especially in relation to human and animal behavior
  17. radi/o
    branch of medical science dealing with the use of x-rays, radioactive substances, and other forms of radiant energy in the diagnosis and treatment of disease
  18. ur/o
    branch of medicine dealing with the urinary system in the gemale and the genitourinary system in the male
  19. phys
    branch of medicine that deals with the physical restoration, rehabilitation, and maintenance of the body structures
  20. psych
    branch of medicine that deals with the study, treatment, and prevention of mental illness
  21. -esthesia
    physician that specializes in anesthesiology. Administers anethetics which produce sleep and regional anesthetics which render a specific area insensible to pain
  22. Cardi/o
    physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease
  23. Derm/o (dermat/o)
    physician specializes in the treatment of infections, growths, and injuries related to the skin
  24. Endocrin/o
    physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the glands of internal secretion
  25. Gastr/ oenter/ o
    physician who specializes in the study of the stomach and intestines and their diseases
  26. Geriatric
    physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of the aging and elderly
  27. Gynec/o
    Physician who specializes in the diseases of the genital tract in women
  28. Hemat/o
    physician who specializes in the science of blood and blood forming tissues
  29. Intern
    physician who specializes in the internal organs of the body and their function
  30. Neur/o
    physician who specializes in the science of the central nervous system
  31. Obstetric
    physician who specializes in pregnancy, labor, and the puerperium (state after childbirth)
  32. Onc/o
    physician who specializes in the study of tumors
  33. Ophtalm/o
    physician who specializes in diagnosing and prescribing treatment for defects, injuries, and diseases of the eye
  34. Orth/o
    surgeon who specializes in the preservation and restoration of the function of the skeletal system, its articulation and associated structures
  35. Ot/ orhin/ olarng/ o
    physician who specializes in the diseases of the ear, nose, and throat
  36. Pediatric
    Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of children's disease
  37. Phys
    • specializes in prescribing and providing physical therapy and rehabilitation for patients requiring it
    • one who studies body function, an authorized practitioner of medicine
  38. Practice
    • physician who si schooled in six basic areas; internal, medicine, obstetrics, gynecology, surgery, psychiatry, pediatrics, and community medicine.
    • the practitioner can treat the whole family and coordinate specialty care if neccessary
  39. Proct/o
    physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus
  40. Psych
    physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
  41. Radi/o
    physician who specializes in the interpretation of x-rays and other radioactive substances used for diagnostic purposes
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IPPE Med-Term Quiz
IPPE Med-Term Quiz