Engines Ch 3

  1. What are some indications of a compressor stall?
    Mild pulsations, engine vibration, loud bangs, drop in RPMs, rise in turbine temperature.
  2. What causes a compressor stall?
    Excessive compressor blade AOA
  3. Other than compressor stall resulting from mechanical malfunctions, what causes most stalls?
    Airflow distortions
  4. What determines the angle of attack on a compressor blade?
    The angle between the chord line of the rotors and the relative wind. The relative wind is comprised of the inlet airflow and the compressor RPM
  5. List some flight conditions that could cuase a compressor stall.
    Abrupt attitude change or flight through turbulent air.
  6. How can FOD affect compressor performance?
    Adversely due to compressor blade deformation.
  7. What automatically compensates for acceleration and deceleration schedules to help prevent stalls?
    Fuel Control Unit (FCU)
  8. How can an exhaust nozzle cuase a compressor stall?
    (Only applies to variable exhaust nozzle) it could fail to open, cuasing a back pressure and reverse flow back through the compressor.
  9. What are some of the ways manufactures decrease the possibility of stalls?
    Incorporating split-spool compressor, bleed air vlaves, variable inlet guide vanes, and variable exhaust nozzle.
  10. What should a pilot do to avoid compressor stalls?
    Avoid rapid and unnecessary PCL movements. Maintain at least minimum prescribed airspeeds.
  11. What should be done if a stall cannot be controlled?
    Execute engine failure procedures.
Card Set
Engines Ch 3
Chapter 3 Book Questions