Sensory Deprivation leads to:
- Boredom
- Confusion
- Irritability
- Disorientation
- Anxiety
Sensory Deprivation Prevention includes:
- Color
- Pictures
- Textures
- Smells
- Sounds
- Interpret Environment
- Change scene often
- clouding of normally clear, transparent lens.
- Chemical changes in lens protein
- Leading cause of blindiness in the world
Causes of Cataracts
- Aging
- Congenital
- Trauma
- Long term corticosteroid use
- Diabetes
- Radiation Exposure (Sun)
Clinical manifestations of Cataracts
- Decreased visual acuity
- Glare sensitivity
- Poor night vision
- Pupil may appear gray or pearly white
Diagnostics of Catarcts
- Snellen visual acuity test
- Opthalmoscopy
- Slit-lamp biomicroscopic exam
Treatment of Cataracts
- No nonsurgical treatment cures cataracts.
- Use glasses, contact lens, bifocals, magnifying lens.
- Surgical-extracapsular, removes ant capsule and lens, place plastic lens
Complications of Cataracts
- Corneal damage
- Glaucoma
- Hemorrhage
- IOL malposition
- Secondary lens develops
Cataracts Post Op Care
- May read and watch TV
- NO bending forward, rubbing, straining, lifting over 15 lbs, driving, coughing, sneezing, vomiting
- Kneel or squat
- Sleep with protective shield
- Sleep on back
- Wear glasses during day
- Sunglasses outside
- MEDS: Steroids, Antibiotics
- REPORT: pain, headache, ocular redness, swelling, drainage, discharge ,changes in visual acuity
- "Silent thief of sight"
- Visual field loss from damage to optic nerve from high intraocular pressure generally
- Asymptomatic until extensive & irreversible damage done
- Leading cause of blindness in the US
- High risks: Diabetics, Afr Amer, family hx, eye trauma
Classifications of Glaucoma
- Open Angle
- Angle Closure
- Primary
- Secondary
Diagnosis of Glaucoma
- Assess ocular history, medications
- Opthalmic exam
- Tonometry to measure IOP (air puff test)
Clinical manifestations of Glaucoma
- Blurred vision
- Halo vision
- Difficulty focusing, adjusting eyes in low lighting
- Loss of peripheral vision
- Aching or discomfort around eyes
- Headache
Treatment of Glaucoma
- Goal: prevent optic nerve damage and maintain IOP w/in range
- B Blockers: Timolol, Betagen, Betoptic
- Cholinergics: Pilocarpine
- Surgery: Iridectomy, Laser Trabeculoplasty
Glaucoma Post Op Care
- No driving, straining, lifting or bending for 1 week
- Patch 24 hrs a day
- No water in eye
- Antiobiotic drops
- Corticosteroid drops
Consequences of
- Speech discrimination lost
- Social isolation
- Lower performance on mental exams
- Depression
- Boredom
- Safety issues
- Can't test reality-leads to paranoia
Conductive Hearing Loss
- decreased or absent transmission of sound from external auditory canal to and through the middle ear.
- Caused by: impacted cerumen, loss of elasticity of tympanic membrane, bone ridigidity-otosclerosis
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
gradual hearing loss in elder, involves damage to cochlea or vestibulocochlear nerve
- progressive hearing loss
- Caused by: noise damage, aging, ototoxicity (drug toxicity)
Risk Factors for Hearing Loss
- family history
- congenital malformations of the cranial structure
- low birth weight
- use of ototoxic meds
- recurrent ear infxns
- bacterial meningitis
- chronic exposure to loud noises
- perforation of tympanic membrane