
  1. what is IPE?
    -process by which we train or educate practitioners to work collaboratively

    -Changes how healthcare providers view themselves

    -Is a complex process that requires us to look at learning differently

    -Requires healthcare providers to practice in a way that allows for and accepts shared skills and knowledge-Requires interaction between and among learners.

    -Healthcare providers who are good interprofessional, collaborative practitioners understand the importance of working together with colleagues and the patient/family to achieve the best health outcomes.

    -Helps healthcare providers work together and pool information. No one healthcare provider has all the answers.
  2. what are the benefits of IPE?
    Enhanced practice that improves the delivery of services and makes a positive impact on care

    Improved understanding of the knowledge and skills needed to work collaboratively

    A better and more enjoyable learning experience for participants

    Flexibility to implement in a variety of settings.
  3. what is collaborative practice?
    Occurs when healthcare providers work with people from within their own profession, with people outside of their profession and with patients/clients and their families. 

    • Collaborative practice requires a climate of trust and value, where healthcare providers can comfortably turn to each other to ask questions without worrying that they will be seen as unknowledgeable.
    • When healthcare providers are working collaboratively, they seek common goals and can analyze and address any problems that arise.
  4. What are benifits of collaborative practice?
    Using appropriate language when speaking to other healthcare providers or patients/family

    Understanding that all healthcare providers contribute to the team or collaborative unit

    Showing respect and building trust among team membersIntroducing new members of the team in a way that is welcoming and gives them the information they need in order to be a contributing member

    Turning to colleagues for answers 

    Supporting each other when mistakes are made, and celebrating together when success is achieved.
  5. Collaborate practice could positively impact...
    • Wait times
    • Healthy workplaces
    • Health human resources
    • Patient safety
    • Rural and remote
    • Chronic disease management population health and wellness.
  6. What does patient centered care mean?
    the patient/client (and their family, if applicable) is at the centre of their own health care.
  7. What does patient-centred care involve?
    Listening to patients and families and engaging them as a member of the healthcare team when making care decisions.

    When the patient is at the centre, the healthcare system revolves around their needs rather than the needs of healthcare providers, fiscal pressures or space allocation.
  8. Dose patient-centred care mean patients get exactly what they ask for?
    No, but patients are working with their healthcare providers to determine health goals that are realistic and achievable.
  9. What does patient-centred care require? 
    • A balance between the professional knowledge of care providers and the personal knowledge of the patient and their family
    • Ensures the patient is listened to, valued and engaged in conversation and decision-making about their own health care needs Focuses on the patient’s goals and the professional expertise of the team
    • Adds the knowledge of all team members to the patient’s self-knowledge and self-awareness.
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