Constipation Drug Classes
- Laxatives:
- 1. Bulk Forming Laxatives
- 2. Surfactant Laxatives
- 3. Lubricant Laxatives
- Cathartics
- 1. Stimulant Cathartics
- 2. Saline Cathartics
Bulk Forming Laxative (3)
- Methycellulose: (Citrucel)
- Polycarbophil: (FiberCon, Mitrolan)
- Psyllium Preparations:
- Metamucil
- Effersyllium
- Perdiem plain
- Serutan
When should the nurse not give laxatives to patient and why not?
when Pt. has a stomach pain (or bedridden) since increasing peristalsis can effect the intestinal condition adversely
Constipation Drugs used for what purposes? (4)
- To relief Constipation
- People with limited activity and poor food intake
- To empty intestinal tract in preparation for diagnostic tests or surgery
- Used in conjunction with medications to counteract the medication'constipating preperties
Bulk Forming Side Effects
- May interefere with absorption of calcium, iron, and certain drugs
- Contraindicated in bedridden pt with intetinal strictures
- Can be expensive
Lubricant Laxative Name and Side Effect (2)
- Mineral Oil
- May intefere with fat-soluble vitamins=> ADEK
- Can Be Aspirated causing a lipid pneumonia
Saline Cathartics Drugs (for constipation) (5)
- Milk of Magnesia, Magnesia Magma
- Magnesia Citrate Solution
- Miralax
- Fleet Phophosoda, Fleet Enema
- PEG-ES: Golytely, Colytely, Nulytely, OCL
Who is not recommended to use Saline Cathartics Drugs?
- Not recommended for Elderly and
- Pts with kidney diseases and heart failure
- Dehyradtion can occur
Stimulant Cathartics propeties (4)
- Strongest and most abuse laxative
- Irritate GI Mucosa and pull water into the lumen
- Feces move throught he bowel too rapidly to allow apsorption of fecal water
- A watery stool is eliminated
Stimulant Cathartics drugs (4)
- Come= Castor Oils
- Come= Cascara
- Drives=Dulcolax
- Girl = Glycerin
- Saintly Bad=Senekot, Black Draught
Stimulant side effects/adverse effects (5)
- Most Abuse Laxatives
- Cause Lazy Bowel Syndrome (LBS)
- Not for Elderly
- Altered Electrolite Transport
- Can Effect the Absorption of Calcium and Vitamin D
Surfactant Laxative Side Effects (1)
May Interfere with the absorption of Fat-Soluble vitamin: ADEK
Types of Diarrhea
- Acute diarrhea: bacterial or viral agents, a reaction to medications or change in diet
- Chronic diarrhea: last more than 3-4 weeks.
- Causes are surgery, alcohol, laxatives abuse, chemotherapy, radiation or secondary disease states
AntiDiarrhea Drugs Classification (3)
- 1. Effects On GI Smooth Muscle
- 2. Absorbent
- 3. Anti-Seretory/Antimicrobial
Effects GI smooth Muscle (anti-diarrhea drugs)
Names (3) and Side Effects (4)
- Opium
- Immodium
- Lomotil
- SE: Can be addictive
- Can cause lightheadedness and drowsiness
- Should be stopped as soon as diarrhea dimininishes
- Immodium must be stop if no improvemnet within 48 hours
Name (1) and Sides Effects (2)
- Kaopectate
- Can interfere with some medication
- Prolonged used can interfere with absorption of the nutriens
Anti-secretory/Antimicrobial Drugs name and SE
- Pepto Bismol
- Contain salycilates (aspirin) potential internal bleeding
- Can decrease absorption of some medications