ESP Chapters 10-17

  1. If I Always Do.
    What I've Always Done.
    I'll Always Get.
    What I've Always Got.
  2. COT Disciplinary Procedures.
    • Pending File
    • Letter of Counseling
    • Written Reprimand
    • Suspension 1, 2, 3, 10 days
    • Dismissal
    • Demotion
  3. What motivates employees?
    Whatever people do, they do to satisfy a need. What motivates us is having opportunities to satisfy our needs.
  4. Theory X
    People dislike work & will avoid it if possible. Little initiative or ambition.
  5. Theory Y
    People are motivated by the opportunity to do challenging work.
  6. Complex Person - Theory Z
    People are complex and needs vary from day to day. People bring their personal motives with them to work.
  7. What are the Maslow hierarchy of needs?
    • Physiological Needs - food, shelter & clothing
    • Security Needs - Physical safety & orderly environment
    • Social Needs - Acceptance and a sense of belonging
    • Esteem Needs - Self-respect and the respect of others
    • Self-Actualization - Full development of abilities and a satisfying personal life
  8. Difference between hygiene & motivation factors.
    Employees are not motivated by hygiene factors but will be dissatisfied if those factors are absent.

    Hygiene factors - decent salary, good working conditions, fair supervision, & good interpersonal relations.

    Motivators factors - interesting work, responsibility, recognition, & advancement.
  9. List vertical axis of change
    • A need to change is identified
    • The desire changes are identified
    • A solution is designed
    • New processes & systems are developed
    • The solution is implemented

    This is proress in a change initiative
  10. Name 5 phases of employees' attitudes & behaviors of change.
    • Awareness of need for change
    • Desire for change
    • Knowledge of change
    • Ability to implement change
    • Reinforcement of change
  11. How do you help employees cope with change?
    • Thinking thru the process
    • Keep employees informed
    • Keeping employees involved
  12. List step-by-step problem solving checklist for streamline work systems and processes.
    • Name the problem
    • Brainstorm about causes
    • Select the cause
    • Brainstorm about a solution
    • Choose a solution
    • Write an action plan
    • Implement action plan
    • Evaluate the solution
  13. Steps to strengthening self-discipline.
    • Issue clear, reasonable rules & regulations.
    • Set a good example.
    • Clearly communicate performance expectations.
    • Keep complete records on employees.
  14. Dealing with rule violations what are the steps?
    • Act promptly
    • Get all the facts
    • Decide what action to take
    • Hold a desciplinary interview
    • Use the appeal procedure
  15. What is the difference between gripes, complaints, & grievances?
    Griping is the kind of complaining people do just to let off steam.

    Complaints are next level of dissatisfaction & is more serious requires some sort of action by supervisor.

    Both gripes & complaints can become grievances.

    Grievances is usually a written expression of an employee's dissatisfaction.
  16. What are the functions of a budget?
    By law, your local government must prepare a budget every year.

    • Functions are:
    • Control - legal document
    • Management - Plans to accomplish
    • Planning - budget reflects the major program & policy objectives set by elected officials.
  17. Who uses the budget?
    • Elected officials
    • Management
    • Citizens
    • Interest groups
    • Business groups
    • You, the supervisor
  18. Name types of budgets.
    • Operating Budget - estimated revenues and allocating resources for personnel, supplies, equipment and the operations of facilities needed to provide services to citizens and run the other activities of the government.
    • Line-item budget
    • Program budget
    • Performance Budget
    • Zero-base budget

    Capital Budget - revenues sources and planned expenditures for all capital items. More costly and nonrecurring and have a useful life longer than one year.
  19. Name 3 guidelines of a budget request?
    • Keep the budget simple
    • Provide enough detail
    • Separate capital items from operating expenditures.
  20. What are 2 types of customers and explain?
    Internal & External Customers

    Citizens are external customers receive goods and services. Also visitors are customers.

    External are outside the local government organization and internal are inside the local government organization.
  21. What do citizen's expect?
    Good value for fees and taxes they pay. Services should be delivered prompt, efficient, effective and courteous manner.
  22. What is ethics?
    Ethics is the practice of applying a code of conduct to day-to-day actions. This code is "based on moral principles that balance what is fair to individuals or organizations and what is right for society."
  23. What is the ethical action test?
    • Is it legal?
    • Does it comply with our rules & regulations?
    • Is it consistent with our organizational values?
    • Does it match our stated commitments?
    • Will I feel comfortable & guilt free if I do it?
    • Would I do it to my famiy & friends?
    • Would I feel okay if someone did it to me?
    • Would the most ethical person I know do it?
  24. Remember that when it comes to ethical behavior, you are the model for your employees.
Card Set
ESP Chapters 10-17
Effective Supervisory Practices Chapters 10-17