Chapter 25

  1. Amplitude
    the height of a crest or trough in a transvers wave; or the size of the compression or rarefaction in a longitudinal wave
  2. Antinodes
    the point on a transvers wave that corresponds to the crest or trough
  3. Blue shift
    An increase in light frequency due to approaching light waves
  4. Bow Wave
    as a vibration source travels faster and faster a bow wave occurs at the spot of minimum wave spacing because the previous wave is now meeting the new wave
  5. Constructive interference
    waves that meet for an instant and the amplitudes are increased because the waves are in phase
  6. Crest
    maximum positive height of a transverse wave or the area of maximum compression in a longitudinal wave
  7. Destructive interference
    waves meet for an instant and the amplitudes cancel each other because the waves are ouf of phase
  8. Doppler Effect
    percieved change in frequency due to differences in relatice motion of a sound source and an observer
  9. Frequency
    number of vibrations per time
  10. Hertz
    SI unit for frequency
  11. In Phase
    waves that meet crest to crest and trough to trough
  12. Interference pattern
    wave pattern observed when two or more vibration meet
  13. Longitudinal wave
    wave produced when the disturbance is parallel to the direction that the wave travels
  14. Node
    equlibrium position for a wave
  15. Out of phase
    waves that meet crest to trough
  16. Period
    Time for one cycle of a vibration to occur
  17. Red shift
    decrease in light frequency due to a light source that is moving away from an observer
  18. Shock Wave
    produced when the speed of the object exceeds the bow wave
  19. Simple Harmonic motion
    repetitive motion of vibrating object; the primaty way in which energy is transmitted
  20. Sine Curve
    the shape associated with transverse waves
  21. Sonic Boom
    occurs when the speed of a source of vibration exceed the shock wave; is a single event
  22. Standing wave
    occurs when the natural frequency of an object matches the reflected vibration
  23. Transveres Wave
    wave produced by disturbance that is perpendicular to the direction of the wave's travel
  24. Trough
    lowest point of a transverse wave, or tthe area of rarefaction of a longitudnal wave
  25. Vibration
    wiggle to create a wave
  26. Wave
    a disturbance that carries energy
  27. Wavelength
    the displacement of vibration
Card Set
Chapter 25
Vocabs on waves