The amt of hormone released by any gland is controlled by?
negative feedback
Lab test that can track glucose levels for 8 to 12 weeks:
HbA1c (glycosylated hemoglobin)
What is OGTT?
oral glucose tolerance test; **FBS for blood sugar
Diet for a pt with Cushing's syndrome:
low in sodium for edema and high in potassium
What type of adjustment will a pt with diabetes have to make if they plan to stay active in sports?
monitor blood sugar before, during, and after activity
What are the long term complications of DM?
** renal failure
What is thyroid crisis, when does it occur, and what are the potentially lethal complications of it?
usually as a result of thyroid manipulation during surgery resulting in the release of large amts of thyroid hormones into the bloodstream; ** CHF
What is diabetes insipidus and the clinical manifestations?
** deficient ADH
What is acromegaly? What is the highest priority of care for the pt based on Maslows?
** risk for trauma (safety)
Nursing dx for pt with hypothyroidism as a result of a newly developed goiter.
disturbed body image
What is RAIU?
radioactive iodine uptake test;
What is propylthiouracil?
PTU; tx for hyperthyroidism
Position for pt postop subtotal thyroidectemy?
Most necessary thing you need to place at bedside of someone postop subtotal thyroidectomy?
tracheotomy tray
s/s of Cushing's disease
moon face, weight hain, and excess facial hair
Lispro acts how quickly?
15 minutes after injection
Insulin requirements __________ when a pt exercises.
Chvostek's sign and Trousseau's sign
** both decrease levels of blood calcium
Deficiency of the parathormone secretion has a potential complication of:
laryngeal spasms
Aseptic techniques are used to perform dressing changes on cellulitis. Why?
avoid infection
Why are mid afternoon snacks of milk and crackers given to diabetics on insulin?
to prevent insulin reaction
s/s of insulin reaction:
perspiration, trembling sensation
Early s/s of diabetic ketoacidosis:
thirst and drowsiness
Enlarged hands, feet, amenorrhea, increased hair growth indicates:
acromegaly (pituitary gland)
Give diabetic teaching on feet care:
no hot water or heating pad, do not clip own toe nails
Teaching on glyburide:
** increased sensitivity to receptor sites; stimulates insulin production
Why would someone with hypothyroidism be referred to a dietician?
** calcium restricted meals
Give d/c instructions for hypothyroidism:
regular check-ups and follow-up care
How do you prevent lipodystrophy?
give insulin at room temperature
What is Grave's disease? What is a thyroid storm?
** high temp, HTN, tachycardia (sx)
What is the pituitary gland?
"master gland"
What is iodine 131? Who should not be exposed to it?
radioactive; pregnant women
What foods are rich in iodine?
saltwater fish, milk, eggs
Side effect of calcium gluconate?
cardiac arrest, disrhythmias
Primary clinical manifestation of hyperparathyroidism:
s/s of hypoglycemia
fainting, irritability
Major life threatening complications postop thyroidectomy:
respiratory distress, recurrent laryngeal damage, hemorrhage, and hyperparathyroidism
Cortisol is involved in:
glucose metabolism