
  1. What is a linear or translatory motion produced by a series of rotary mvmts of the joints of the body?
  2. What is a gait cycle?
    initial heel contact of on LE to the next heel contact of the same extremity
  3. What is the initial ground contact of one LE and continues until that LE is no longer in contact with the ground?
    stance phase
  4. What occurs from the instant of toe off until heel strikes the gound (ground contact)?
    swing phase
  5. What is double limb support?
    when one limb is in the beginning of stance and the other is ending stance

    occurs twice in a gait cycle
  6. What is the distribution of time during the stance phase?
    60% of the cycle
  7. What is the distribution of time during the swing phase?
    40% of the cycle
  8. What is the distribution of time for double limb support?
  9. What does RLA stand for?
    rancho los amigos
  10. In traditional gait, what is the sequence of the stance phase?
    • heel strike
    • foot flat
    • midstance
    • heel off
    • toe off
  11. In traditional gait, what is the sequence of the swing phase?
    • acceleration
    • mid swing
    • deceleration
  12. In RLA, what is the stance phase of the gait cycle?
    • initial contact
    • loading response
    • midstance (single limb support)
    • terminal stance
    • pre-swing
  13. In RLA, what is the swing phase of the gait cycle?
    • initial swing
    • mid swing
    • terminal swing
  14. What is the RLA loading response time frame?
    from initial contact until the opposite extremity is off the ground

    ends at foot flat, loading weight to other limb
  15. What is the RLA terminal stance time frame?
    end of midstance to initial contact of the opposite leg/heel

    shifting weight
  16. What isthe RLA time frame for pre-swing?
    initial contact of opposite leg or heel to just before the toe leaves the ground
  17. What is the RLA time frame of the inital swing?
    begins when toe leaves the ground until maximum knee flexion occurs on the reference leg

    toe off to knee flex
  18. What is the RLA mid swing time frame?
    from maximum knee flexion until tibia is vertical
  19. What is the RLA terminal swing time frame?
    from vertical tibia just prior to initial contact
  20. What is the stance phase time of one leg during a gait cycle?
    stance time
  21. What is the time when one leg is supporting body weight during a gait cycle?
    single support time
  22. What is the amt of time that both feet are on the ground during the gait cycle?
    double support time

    as speed increases double support time decreases
  23. What is the length the reference leg travels from heel strike to heel strike?
    stride length

    distance traveled during one gait cycle
  24. What is the time required to perform on stride length?
    stride duration
  25. What is the distance between 2 successive points of contact of opposite extremities (right heel strike to left heel strike)?
    step length
  26. What is the time spent during a single step?
    step duration

    on a weak or painful leg, the step duration may decrease
  27. What is cadence?
    • number of steps per unit of time
    • shorter steps will increase cadence at any velocity
    • increased cadence will decrease double support time
    • slow walking = 70/min
    • fast walking = 130/min
  28. What is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time?
  29. What is the width of BOS?
    from mid heel to mid heel

    2-4 inches
  30. How many degrees of tow out is normal?
    7 degrees
  31. What provides counterbalance while walking?
    arm swing
  32. What is a painful gait called, and what causes it?
    antalgic gait

    weakness, inflammation, injury, joint deformities
  33. What is vertical displacement of COG?
    lowest point of the COG during one gait cycle is during double support

    highest point occurs at midstance

    normal displacement is 2 inches
  34. What is lateral displacement of COG?
    horizontal displacement of COG as body weight shifts from side to side

    greatest during the single-support phase of gait at midstance
  35. What is the horizontal dip of the pelvis?
    • lateral pelvic tilt
    • pelvic drops slightly on the NWB side during swing phase
  36. What muscles work to help keep the pelvic level?
    hip abductors contract on the opposite side and erector spinae contracts on the same side
  37. What degree of knee flexion during the stance phase is normal?
    15-20 degrees
Card Set
gait patterns