Severing the relationship with a patient without giving reasonable notice
The expectation that an individual must justify actions taken that are consistent with contracted responsibilities and be held responsible for such actions.
The process through which health-care education programs, agencies, and managed care plans are authorized.
Aeger Primo
The patient first (motto of the American Association of Surgical Technologists AST)
Voluntary statement of fact sworn before an authority to be true.
The employee acts as an authroized representative of the employer (principal).
Intentional and unlawful physical harm or threat to physically harm another.
A medical examination after death to determine the cause of death.
Intentioal and unlawful attack on another.
Discipline relating to ethics concerning biological research, especially as applied to medicine (eg research on human subjects without thier consent)
Brain death
Final cessation of bodily activity used to determine when death actually occurs: circulatory, respiratory and brain functions have irreversibly ceased.
Breach of confidentiality
A violation of the obligation to keep a patient's records private.
Voluntary credentialing process usually sponsored by a nongovernmental agency; not necessary in order to practice a profession leagally.
Child abuse
Neglect or physical or mental injury to a person under 18; if a person has reason to suspect such injury, it must be reported to the Department of Human Services.
Civil Law
The body of law regulatging private matters, including wrongful acts against people.
Code of ethics
A collection of principles intended to govern the behavior of those entrusted with providing care to the sick; each medical association develps its own principles tailored to the profession.
A condition of deep stupor in which the patient cannot be roused by external stimuli.
Common law
Laws that are based on custom or court decisions.
Statemtn that explains a cause of action due to a wrongful act.
Granting of permission by a patient for someone else to perform an action; can be implied or informed.
Curative cure
Treatment directed toward curing a patient's disease.
Legally recognizable injury or harm to the patient.
The injury of a person's reputation or character by willful and maliciousstaements to a third party, including libel and slander.
Healthcare provider who has breached the duty of care to the patient.
Direct cause
Breach of duty that causes a patient's injury.
Do not resusciate (DNR) order
Request by patient or proxy not to resuscitate if the patient's heart stops.
Doctrine of borrowed servant
The doctrine that the one directing the CST has greater responsibility than the one paying the CST.
Doctrine of found corporate negligence
A health care institution may be found negligent for failing to ensure that acceptable patient care was provided.
Doctrine of foreseeability
The ability to know in advance potential risk or harm caused by an action taken.
Doctrine of reasonable man
The right of the patient to expect that healthcare personnel will perform their duties and meet the standards of reasonable and honest people involved in similar circumstances.
Doctrine of personal liability
Each person is responsible for his or her own actions.
Durable power of attorney
An advance directive that gives a designated person the legal right to act on behalf of the patient.
Duty of care
The legal obligation of healthcare workers to thier patients and sometimes to nonpatients.
Action of care required by one's position.
Employment at will
Either the employer or the employee can terminate employment at any time for any reason.
Standards of behavior based on moral principles of one's concept of right and wrong.
Courtesy, manners, and ethical behavior amound professionals.
Euthanasia (mercy killing)
Painless death of the incurably ill.
Expressed contract
Agreement explicitly stated in written or spoken words.
Crime punishable by death or imprisonment for more than a year.
Futile care
Care that will not benefit the patient.
Futile care
Care that will not benefit the patient.
Healthcare professions
Providers of the delivery of healthcare services; generally requires a certificate, license, associate's degree or bachelor's or advanced degree.
Healthcare proxy
A durable power of attorney made for healthcare decisions
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Hippocratic oath
Pledge that states the duties and obligations of physicians developed by the Greek physician, Hippocrates, around 400 BC
Health Maitenance Organization
Hospice Care
A facility or program in which teams of healthcare practitioners and volunteers provide pallative care that focuses on the emotional and psychological needs of the dying patient.
Implied consent
The conduct of the parties, not expressly stated, that creates the consent that the patient may be treated immediately to preserve life.
Unqualified to perform a duty.
A traditional form of health insurance that covers the insured against a potential loss of money from the medical expenses for an illness or accident.
Informed consent
Presenting the facts regarding the treatment with a complete understanding by the patient; must include a description of the procedure, risks involved, time period and nature of incapacitation, alternate methods of care and consequences if not treated.
Intentional torts
A wrongful act resulting in injury for which one is entitled to compensation under the law.
Invasion of privacy
Trespassing upon the body of a patient or accessing information without his or her consent.
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations; accredits hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, behavioral health care organizations, and clinical laboratories.
Just cause
An employer's legal reason to fire an employee.
Rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority; Medical Practice Acts define laws for the practice of medicine.
Legally responsible for one's own acts on or off the job.
A written defamation of character; an untruthful written statement.
Mandatory stgate credentialing process required to engage in professional practice.
Living will
An advance directive that specifies an individual's end of life wishes
Professional misconduct, improper discharge of duties, failure to meet the standard of care of a professional through ignorance, negligence or criminal intent that results in harm to the patient.
Managed care
A system in which financing, administration, and elivery of health care are combined to provide medical services to subscribers for a prepaid fee.
Medical Boards
State authorities that protect the health, safety and welfare of healthcare consumers through proper licensing and regulation of physicians and other healthcare professionals.
Medical Practice Acts
Sate laws written for the epxress purpose of governing the practice of medicine.
Medical Record
A collection of data recorded when a patient seeks medical advice
Crime punishable by fines or imprisonment
Moral values
One's personal concept of right and wrong formed through the influence of family, culture and society
An omission or commission of an act; an unintentional tort in which a failure in treating or caring for a patient has occurred.
Palliative care
Treatment of patient's symptoms to make dying more comfortable without curing the underlying disease
Primary Care Provider
Persistent vegetative state
Irreversible cessation of the higher functions of the brain
The complaining party in a lawsuit
Preferred Provider Organization
Preganancy Discrimination Act 1976
A law to prevent discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions.
Primum non nocere
Above all do no harm.
The government as plaintiff in legal proceedings against a person.
Rules of etiquette applicable to one's place of employement
The process by which a professional license obtained in one state may be accepted as valid in another state by prior agreement without re-examination.
Entry in a uniform listing of the names of persons in certain occupations.
Res ipsa loquitur
The thing speaks for itself. Doctrine of common knowledge; expert witnesses are not required to verify fact.
Respondent superior
Let the master answer. A doctrine under which an employer is legally liable for the acts of his or her employees, if such acts were performed within the scope of the employee's duties.
A false statement that will damage another person's reputation
Standard of Care
The level of care expected of a healthcare practitioner in carrying out his or her professional duties.
Remote consultation by patients with physicians or other healtcare professionals via telephone, closed circuit TV or the internet.
Terminally ill
Those not expected to live more than 6 months, usually due to an incurable or chronic illness.
Tort liability
A civil wrong, committed against a person or property, exlcuding breach of contract; there are intentional torts and unintentional torts.
Unintentional tort
When one may have performed or failed to perform an act that a reasonalbe person would or would not have done in similar circumstances
Wrongful discharge
When an employer does not have valid reason or just cause to fire an employee.