Number of Cells in Human
Number of Types of Cells
~200 cell types in human body
4 Tissue Catagories
- Epithelial
- connective
- Nervous
- Muscular
Organ function derived from
the cells they contain as well as how the cells are organized into tissues
structure with discrete boundarise composed of 2+ (often all 4) tissues
a.k.a microscopic anatomy--study of tissues and how they are arranged into organs
group of similar cells anc cell products that arise formt he same region of hte embryo and work together to perform a specific structural or physiological role
Matrix (tissue)
extracellular material which surrounds the cells (within a tissue) composed of fibers and ground substance
Ground Substance
- clear gel often found within matrix (a.k.a. tissue fluid, extracellular fluid--ECF, or interstitial fluid) containing water, gases, minerals, nutrients, wastes, hormones, and other chemicals.
- clear gel often found within matrix (a.k.a. tissue fluid, extracellular fluid--ECF, or interstitial fluid)
Tissue Fluid
clear gel often found within matrix (a.k.a. ground substance, extracellular fluid--ECF, or interstitial fluid) containing water, gases, minerals, nutrients, wastes, hormones, and other chemicals.
Extracellular Fluid (ECF)
clear gel often found within matrix (a.k.a. tissue fluid, ground substance, or interstitial fluid) containing water, gases, minerals, nutrients, wastes, hormones, and other chemicals.
Interstitial Fluid
clear gel often found within matrix (a.k.a. tissue fluid, extracellular fluid--ECF, or ground substance) containing water, gases, minerals, nutrients, wastes, hormones, and other chemicals.
Primary Germ Layers
Initial 3 strata formed in an embryo: extoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
Outer layer of primary germ layers that gives rise to epidermis and nervous system
Innermost of primary germ layers giving rise to mucous membrandes of the digestive and respiratory tracts and to the digestive glands, among others
Middle layer of primary germ layers containing moore loosely organized cells which eventually turns to a gelatinous tissue called mesenchyme
gelatinous tisse
- arrisinge from the mesoderm which containes fine, wispy collagen (protein
- fimers and branching mesenchymal cells
- preparations mounted on microscope slides generally artificially colored to
- bring out detail
chemical (e.g.
formalin) which preserves tissues to prevent decay
cutting of tissues
- into a 2D slice one or two cells thick to allow the light of a microscope to
- pass thorough--so that the image is not comfused by too many layers of
- overlapping cells
coloring elements
- which bind differently to different componenet of a tissue in order to
- differentiate between cell types
angle at which a
- slice is taken through tissue--important to consider when mentally
- reconstructing a 2D image (e.g. a meandering uterus gland--[pic])
section (l.s.)
a tissue cut in
the long direction (e.g. the length of the humerus
cross section (c.s.
or x.s.)
a.k.a transverse
section (t.s.); a cut perpendicular to the long axis
- prepartion in which the tisse is rubbed or spread across a slide rather than
- sliced (e.g. liquid tissue--blood, soft tissuue--spinal cord)
- preparation in which tissue is laid out on a slide (as if placing a small
- square of tisse paper or a tuft of lint) used for membranes and cobwebby
- tissue such as areolar tissue
seet of closeley
- adhereing cells, 1+ cells thick, with surface generally exposed to the
- environment or an internal space
seet of closeley
- adhereing cells, 1+ cells thick, with surface generally exposed to the
- environment or an internal space
location of
epithelia tissue
covers body
- surface, lines body cavities, forms external and internal linings of many
- organs, contitutes most gland tissue
function of
epithelial tissue
secretion, excretion, absorptin, filtration, sensation
guard deeper
- tissues form invation/injury/infection (e.g.--stomach lining protects from
- stomach acid and enzymes
produce mucus,
seat, enzymes hormones, most other secretions
void wastes from
- the tissues( e.g. CO2 across pulmonary epithelium and bile form liver
- epithelium)
absorb chemicals
- from adjacent medium; (e.g. nearly all nutrients absorbed through epithelium
- of small intestine
E.g. all
- substances leaving the blood are sleectively filtered thorugh the blood
- vessels' epithelium; all urinary waste is filtered through epithelia of
- kidneys
epithelia are
- provided with nerve endings that sense stimulation( e.g. touch on skin,
- irritation of stomach)
avascular, but
- almost always lie on vessel-rich layer of loose connective tissue (gives
- nutrients and waste removal)
very highly
- cellular w/very thin extracellular material, cells closely packed (like
- bricks and mortar)
cells closest to
- the connective tissue typically show high mitosis rate which allows quick
- repair
layer b/w the
- epithelium and underlying connective tissue containing collagen,
- glycoproteins, other protein-carbohydrate complexes; it blends into the
- proteins of the underlying connective tissue
basement membrane
anchors epitheium
- to connective tissue, regulates exchange of materials, binds growth factors
- that regulate epithelial development
surface of an
epithelial cell that faces the basement membrane
cell curface
- facing a way from basement membrane toward internal cavity (lumen) of an
- organ
simple epithelium
- simple squamous
- simple cuboidal
- simple columnar
- pseudostratified coulmnar
found in simple columnar or pseudostratified
- columnar and produce protective mucous coatings over the mucous membranes;
- expanded apical end (giving it its wineglass shape) is filled w/secretory
- vesicles whose product absorbs/mixes w/water to create mucus
range from 2-20+
- cell layers with only the deepest attached to basement membrane; named
- according to surface/apical cell: stratified squamous, stratified cuboidal,
- stratified columnar, transistional