
  1. dabble
    • work at in a nonserious fashion ; splash around ; move noisily in a liquid
    • s.amateurish
  2. dapper
    • neat and trim (in appearance) ; quick in movement ; spry (lively;agile;nimble)
    • s.natty(smart and fashionable) ; spruce(neat in dress)
  3. dearth
    • s.absence ; lack ; privation (lack) ; want
    • lack ; scarcity
  4. debase
    a.elevate ; amend (make it better, improve)
    • s.bastardize(adulterate) ; corrupt ; demoralize(dishearten) ; stain(blemish) ; warp(corrupt)
    • degrade ; reduce in quality or value ; degenerate ; lower in esteem ; disgrace
  5. decorum
    • s.decency ; dignity(nobility) ; propriety
    • appropriateness of behavior or conduct
  6. decry
    a.extol(praise) ; puff
    • s.depreciate ; devalue ; lower ; undervalue ; write off
    • express strong disapproval of ; condemn openly ; disparage
  7. deference
    • s.honor ; homage (special honor shown publicly) ; obeisance(respect) ;reverence
    • humble submission (yielding/surrender/compliance) or courteous yielding
  8. deft
    a.awkward ; unhandy
    • s.dexterous ; adroit ; clever ; nimble
    • neat skillful
  9. deleterious
    • s.pernicious ; hurtful ; destructive
    • injurious to health
  10. delineate
    • s.define ; draft ; plot ; portray ; trace
    • to portray in words ; describe or outline with precision
  11. delusional
    a.actuality ; reality ; truth
    • s.apparition (phantom) ; fallacy ; self-deception ; trickery
    • a false belief or opinion
  12. demur
    • s.balk(hesitate) ; shy ; stumble (almost fall; stammer ; hesitate)
    • object because of doubt; raise an objection ; hesitate ; show reluctance
  13. deprecate
    a.endorse (support)
    • s.disapprove ; discountenance (refuse) ; object
    • express disapproval of ; deplore (abhor,detest,condemn,disapproval) ; protest ; belittle
  14. depredation |ˌdeprəˈdā sh ən|
    • s.ravage (cause severe and extensive damage) ; devastate ; pillage (plunder) ; waste ; sack
    • the act of preying upon or plundering
  15. dereliction
    • s.failure ; delinquency (neglect of someone's duty) ; oversight
    • neglect of duty ; abandonment
    • the state of having been abandoned and become dilapidated
  16. deride
    • s.lout(boor) ; mock ; taunt(insult)
    • ridicule ; treat with contempt ; make fun of
  17. derivation
    • s.fountain ; inception (beginning) ; root ; wellspring (original source)
    • deriving ; origin or source of something
  18. descry
    • s.behold(see); discern(perceive,catch sight) ; mark ; note ; observe
    • to make clear ; to say ; catch sight
  19. desiccate
    a.brighten ; enliven
    s.dry ; dehydrate ; parch (becoming dry through intense heat) ; sear(scorch;burn)
  20. despotic
    • s.arbitrary ; autocratic ; tyrannous
    • a ruler with absolute power; tyrant
  21. desultory
    s.aimless ; casual; indiscriminate ; unplanned ; haphazard (random,unplanned,unsystematic)
  22. dexterous
    • s.adroit ; clever ; deft ; nimble
    • skillful in using hand or body
  23. diaphanous
    • s.filmsy ; gauzy (translucent)
    • sheer ; transparent
  24. diatribe
    • s.tirade = harangue (a lengthy and aggressive speech)
    • a bitter abusive denunciation(public condemnation) ; a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone
  25. dichotomy
    • s.break up ; disjoin ; dissect ; sever
    • division into two opposite parts
  26. dictatorial
    • a.humble
    • s.authoritarian ; doctrinaire ; magisterial(authoritative)
    • domineering
  27. didactic
    • s.preachy ; sermonizing
    • intended to teach a moral lessons
  28. diffident
    s.bashful(shy) = coy ; demure ; modest ; timid ; unassertive
  29. dilatory
    • slow ; deliberate ; laggard ; unhurried
    • delaying ; tending to delay
  30. dilettante
    • s.amateur ; uninitiated ; unskilled
    • a dabbler in an art or field of knowledge
  31. diligent
    s.assiduous ; sedulous
  32. din
    s.clamor (a loud confused noise) ; racket (a loud unpleasant noise)
  33. dirge
    • s.chant ; cry ; hymn( a religious song or poem) ; lament ( a song, piece of music, or poem expressing)
    • a funeral song
  34. disabuse
    • purge (cleanse,remove) ; undeceive
    • to free a person from falsehood or error ; disillusion ; persuade someone that an idea or belief is mistaken
  35. discern
    • s.see ; behold ; note ; remark ; view
    • to detect or perceive with the eyes or intellect ; descry
  36. discombobulated |ˌdiskəmˈbäbyəˌlāt|
    • s.agitate ; bother ; fluster ; upset
    • discomposed ; confused ; disconcert (unsettle) or confuse ; discomfort
  37. discourse
    a.descant ; dilate(speak or write at length or in detail = expatiate) ; sermonize
    verbal exchange ; conversation
  38. disdain
    • s.despise ; abhor ; scorn
    • to regard or treat with contempt
  39. disgorge
    • s.bring up ; heave = throw up
    • surrender something ; eject ; vomit ; pour out ; discharge
  40. disingenuous
    • s.artful
    • not straightforward or candid ; crafty ; insincere
  41. disparage
    • s.derogatory(showing disrespectful attitude) ; detracting ; pejorative (expressing contempt or disapproval)
    • belittle
  42. dispart
    a,analogous ; comparable
    • s.dissimilar ; distant ; unalike ; various
    • entirely distinct or different
  43. dispassionate
    • s.neutral ; detached (dispassionate; disinterested)
    • calm ; unbiased ; objective
  44. dissemble
    • s.disguise ; camouflage ; cloak ; mask
    • to conceal one's real motive ; to feign (fake)
  45. dissimulate
    • s.disguise
    • pretend ; conceal by feigning ; dissemble
  46. dissipate
    a.accumulate ; concentrate
    • s.dispel
    • squander ; waste foolishly ; scatter
  47. dissonance
    • s.discord ; conflict ; disharmony ; strife (conflict)
    • a harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds
  48. doddering
    • s.senile (having or showing the weakness of old age) ; totter ; teeter ; toddle
    • shaky ; infirm from old age
  49. dogged
    • s.persistent ; tenacious ; persevering
    • stubborn or determined
  50. dogma
    • s.doctrine ; canon(principle) = tenet
    • a corpus of doctrines set forth by a religion
  51. dogmatic
    • s.dictatorial ; authoritative ; doctrinaire
    • marked by an authoritative ; arrogant ; assertion ; of unproved principles
  52. doldrums
    • s.tedium (the state of tedious = long,slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous) ; boredom
    • blue ; slack (lackluster = uninspired)
  53. dolorous
    • s.deplorable = lamentable ; woeful = misery ; calamitous
    • sorrowful
  54. don
    s.assume ; huddle ; put on
  55. draconian
    • s.rigid ; stringent
    • extremely severe
  56. draught
    • s.draft ; swig(drink in a large gulp) ; gulp(swallow quickly)
    • current air ; act of swallowing liquid or amount of liquid = draft ; act of pulling something along ; a single act of drinking
  57. dubious
    a. cocksure (arrogantly confident) ; reliable
    • s.doubtful ; problematic
    • questionable
  58. dulcet
    a.grating (sounding harsh and unpleasant)
    • s.euphonic ; melodic ; sweet ; tuneful
    • sweet sounding ; pleasing to the ear ; melodious
  59. dupe
    a.enlighten ; inform ; wise
    • s.befool ; con ; hoax(malicious deception) ; trick ; victimize
    • someone easily fooled or deceived
  60. duress
    • s.compulsion (obligation) ; constraint ; violence
    • forcible restraint esp. unlawfully ; coercion (force) by threat ; illegal coercion
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