
  1. cabal
    • a small group of secret plotters ; a secret of political clique or faction
    • s.conspiracy ; intrique ; scheme
  2. cache
    • hiding place
    • s.bury ; conceal ; screen ; stash (a secret store of something)
  3. cacophony
    a harsh discordance of sound ; dissonance
    s.discord ; harshness ; noise
  4. cadence
    • rhythmic rise and fall ; beat ; regular beat of sound rythm
    • s.beat ; measure ; meter ; swing
  5. calumny
    • a false or malicious statement designed to injure the reputation of someone or something
    • s.defamation ; lie
  6. camaraderie
    a.reclusiveness ; unsociability
    good-fellowship ; a mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
  7. camouflage
    • a mean of concealment or a disguise that creates the effect of being part of the natural surrounding
    • s.cloak ; dissimulate ; dress up
  8. candor
    a.deception ; guile
    • s.fairness ; honesty ; veracity (a conformity to fact)
    • candid ; frankness or sincerity of expression
  9. capacious
    a.exiguous (a very small in size or amount)
    • s.ample ; roomy ; wide
    • spacious
  10. castigate
    • s.punish ; correct ; discipline
    • to chastise ; criticize severely
  11. catalyst
    • an agent of change
    • s.goad (a thing that stimulates someone into action) ; incentive ; spur ; stimulant
  12. caucus
    • private meeting of a group of people in a political party to select officers or determine policy
    • s.assembly ; encounter ; gathering
  13. caustic
    a.genial (friendly and cheerful)
    • capable of dissolving by chemical action ; highly critical
    • s.mordacious (denoting or using biting sarcasm) ; salty ; sarcastic
  14. cavalcade
    • procession of riders or horse-drawn carriages ; parade
    • s.array ; drill ; train
  15. chaos
    • great disorder or confusion
    • s.confusion ; clutter (a collection of things lying about in an untidy mass) ; muddle (an untidy or disorganized state or collection)
  16. charlatan
    • pretender to knowledge
    • s.quack
  17. chary
    • cautious ; unwilling to take risks ; sparing or restrained about giving
    • s.calculating ; considerable ; discreet ; guarded ; wary
  18. chauvinist
    • prejudiced belief in the superiority of one's own group
    • s.bigot ( a person is bigoted) bigoted = obstinately convinced of the superiority or correctness of one's own opinions and prejudiced against those who hold different opinion) ; jingoist (extreme patriotism) , sexist (prejudiced, discriminated, on the basis of sex)
  19. chicanery
    • deception by trickery
    • s.dishonesty , fraud , trickery
  20. choleric
    • hot-tempered ; bad-tempered ; easily angered
    • s.irascible ; cranky(ill-tempered) ; ratty (bad-tempered, irritable) ; testy
  21. chortle
    • chuckle with delight
    • s.laugh ; giggle ; snicker(give a smothered (covering nose and mouth) or half-suppressed laugh) ;titter = giggle
  22. churlish
    • s.cloddish (foolish, clumsy) ; clownish (unsophisticated) ; lowbred (vulgar breeding) ; uncultured
    • boorish ; rude
  23. citadel
    • fortress
    • s.fort ; stronghold
  24. clandestine
    • skept or done in secret
    • s.covert ; stealthy ; surreptitious ; undercover
  25. clarity
    • s.clearness ; lucidity ; plainness
    • the quality or condition of being clear
  26. coalesce
    • combine ; fuse
    • s.join ; associate ; connect ; link ; unit
  27. coddle
    • treat gently ; indulge excessively ; pamper(indulge with every attention comfort or kindness) ; mollycoddle (treat very indulgently or protectively)
    • s.cater ; cotton ; humor ; indulge ; spoil
  28. cogent
    • forcefully convincing , clear ; logical ; coherent
    • s.valid ; convincing ; satisfactory ; solid ; sound
  29. cohere
    a.cleave (chop up)
    • to stick or hold together
    • s.adhere ; cling
  30. coherent
    a.disorganized ; irrational ; unintelligible ; muddled
    • having clarity or intelligibility ; united as or forming a whole ; reasonable ; cogent
    • s.articulate ; comprehensible ; logical ; organized ; sound
  31. collusion
    • conspiring in a fraudulent scheme to cheat or deceive others
    • secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy esp. in order to cheat or deceive others.
    • s.complicity ; connivance (willingness to be involved in wrongdoings)
  32. comely
    • attractive ; agreeable ; pleasing appearance
    • s.beautiful ; attractive ; handsome ; lovely
  33. comeuppance
    • well-deserved punishment or misfortunate ; rebuke (expression of sharp disapproval)
    • s.due (of the proper quality or extent) ; lumps ; merit
  34. commensurate
    • equal in extent ;of the same size ; corresponding in size or degree
    • s.proportional ; equal ; symmetrical
  35. complaisant
    • willingly compliant or accepting of the status quo ; agreeable
    • s.easy ; good-natured ; mild
  36. comprehensive
    • large in scope ; including much
    • s.encyclopedic ; inclusive
  37. compunction
    • strong uneasiness caused by guilt
    • s.penitence(feeling sorrow and regret for having done wrong) ; contriteness ; remorse ; repentance
  38. conclave
    • private secret meeting
    • s.assembly ; conference ; gathering
  39. concord
    • harmony ; accord
    • s.agreement = concordance ; tune
    • a.discord
  40. condescending
    a.approachable ; friendly ; humble
    • s.arrogant ; disdainful ; lofty ; superior
    • to descend to the level of one consider inferior
  41. condone
    • to overlook ; forgive without protest or censure
    • s.excuse ; forgive ; pardon
  42. conflagration
    a large destructive fire
    s.holocaust(destruction on a mass scale) ; inferno( a large fire that is dangerously out of control)
  43. congruence
    • correspondence of parts ; harmonious relationship
    • s.accordance ; coherence ; harmony ; similarity
  44. consensus
    • s.accord ; consent ; harmony ; unity
    • an opinion or position reached by a group as a whole or by a majority will
  45. consonance
    • s.accord ; concord ; tune
    • harmony ; agreement
  46. consternation
    • great shock ; dismay (cause someone to feel consternation and distress)
    • s.fear ; alarm ; horror ; panic
  47. contemptuous
    a.humble ; polite ; respected ; shy
  48. s.audacious ; bold ; derisive ; disrespectful ; haughty ; scornful(feeling or expressing contempt or derision)
    manifesting (display/show or be evidence) or feeling contempt= feeling that a person or thing is beneath consideration, worthless (scorn;disdain;disrespect) ; scornful
  49. convivial
    a.taciturn ; stolid (calm ;dependable; showing little emotion)
    • ; companionable
    • pleasantly merry ; festive ; joyous ; gay ; characterized by joviality ; jovial
  50. convoluted
    • intricate ; complex ; intricately folded, twisted or coiled
    • s.winding (moving in a twisting or spiral course) ; meandering (winding) ; serpentine (like snake) ; sinuous (having many curves and turns)
  51. copious
    • s.abundant ; ample ; bountiful
    • plentiful
  52. cordon
    • s.enclose
    • extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress ; a line or circle of police, soldiers, or guards preventing access to or from an area or building
  53. corpulent
    • s.fleshy ; heavy ; obese ; stout (fat or of heavy build)
    • very fat
  54. corroborate
  55. s.authenticate ; justify ; verify
    to strengthen or support ; confirm or give support to a statement
  56. coup |koō|
    • s.action ; feat(an achievement that requires great courage,skill or strength); overthrow (remove forcibly from power) ; upset
    • brilliantly executed stratagem
    • 1 (also coup d'état) a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government : he was overthrown in an army coup.
    • 2 a notable or successful stroke or move : it was a major coup to get such a prestigious contract.
  57. craven |ˈkrāvən|
    • cowardly ; a coward
    • s.chicken ; coward ; pusillanimous (showing a lack of courage; timid)
  58. credulous
    a.incredulous ; skeptical
    • s.unsuspecting ; unsuspicious ; unwary (not cautious, not aware of possible dangers)
    • disposed to believe to readily ; gullible

    • cresendo
    • s.apex ; crest (the top of something) ; rise ; summit ; surge
    • a gradual increase in the volume of sound
  59. crux
    • essential or main point
    • s.substance ; core ; gist ; meat ; thrust = gist
  60. cryptic
    • having an ambiguous or hidden meaning
    • s.dark ; enigmatic (mysterious) ; mystifying
  61. cull
    • pick out from others (to kill the weakest members); reject ; select ; collect
    • s.glean(extract information from various sources) ; extract ; gather
  62. curmudgeon
    • churlish ; miserly individual ; bad-tempered old person
    • s.faultfinder ; grumbler ( a person who complains or protests about something in a bad-tempered but typically muted way) ; moaner (a person expressing physical or mental suffering or equal pleasure)
  63. curtail |kərˈtāl|
  64. s.abbreviate ; abridge ; cut ;retrench
    shorten ; reduce
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