rhet/lit terms

  1. satire
    A type of humorous writing which exposes human flaws, especially those institutionalized by society, with the hope of correcting the behavior

  2. terza rima
    A form of poetry using tercets with an interlocking rhyme scheme
  3. synecdoche
    • a figure of speech in which a part stands as a whole
    • ex: "Lend me your ears" for give me your attention
  4. parenthetical observation
    a phrase set off by commas or parenthesis with commentary or added detail
  5. interrogative syntax
    sentence structure in question form
  6. imperative syntax
    sentence structures in command form
  7. declarative syntax
    sentence structures in statement form
  8. abstract diction
    Word choice focusing primarily on abstract words such as friendship, passion, hatred
  9. concrete diction
    Word choice focusing primary on descriptive adjectives and sensory imagery
  10. simple sentence
    A sentence which contains a subject and a verb, or one independent clause, may or may not have two subjects or two verbs
  11. complex sentence
    A sentence which contains an independent clause and a dependent (or subordinate) clause
  12. compound sentence
    A sentence with two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction
  13. telegraphic sentence
    A sentence consisting of five words or less
  14. metonymy
    A word that is used to stand for something else that shares its attributes, “crown” for king, the “Oval Office,” for the president
  15. syllogism
    Taking two statements, assumed to be true, and forming a conclusion.
  16. tone
    The writer’s attitude towards the subject
  17. zeugma
    When one word or one phrase governs another two or more words. “She lost her heart and her earring at the prom.”
  18. archiac
    Old-fashioned language, often deliberately used to create a feeling of antiquity
  19. caesura
    A deliberate pause in a poem
  20. cadence
    The beat or rhythm in poetry in a general sense
  21. colloquial
    Every day speech and conversation that is not part of academic or formal writing
  22. couplet
    A pair of lines that end in rhyme
  23. character foil
    A minor character whose attributes serve to highlight aspects of the protagonist’s character, often by contast. Example: Ismene to Antigone, Raymond to Mersault, Laertes to Hamlet.
  24. tropes
    Turning or twisting, figurative language
  25. tragedy
    Serious and often somber drama that typically ends in disaster
Card Set
rhet/lit terms
english vocab