108 Procedures

  1. PA Chest
    • 14 x 17 (crosswise or lengthwide according to body habitus)
    • 72" SID
    • Lead blocker: Top
    • Marker: Top
    • Pt: upright facing wall bucky
    • Chest against board/no rotation, chin up, shoulders rolled forward
    • CR: 7-8" from vertebral prominens, midsagittal plane
    • exposure after 2nd inspiration
    • Must see: both lungs from apices to costophrenic angle, hilum, heart, great vessels, and bony thorax
  2. Lateral Chest
    (left preferred)
    • 14 x 17 lengthwise (wall bucky)
    • 72" SID
    • Blocker: top
    • Marker: top
    • Pt: left side to IR,arms overhead,chin up, true lateral, no tilting or leaning into board
    • exposure after 2nd full inspiration
    • CR: at mid thorax, 3-4" below jugular notch
    • Must see: entire lungs from apices to costophrenic angles and stermun to posterior ribs, no rotation of posterior ribs
  3. AP Supine Abdomen (KUB)
    • 14 x 17" lengthwise (bucky or grid)
    • 40" SID
    • Blocker: botton
    • Marker: bottom
    • Pt: flat, no rotation expose after expiration
    • CR: at level of iliac crest, midline of body (symphysis pubis mist be included)
    • Must see: abdominal structures,symphysis pubis
    • (may have to do 2-14 x 17" crosswise if pt. has very long torso overlat 1-2")
  4. AP Erect Abdmen
    • 14 x 17" lengthwise
    • 40" SID
    • Blocker: bottom
    • Marker: bottom
    • Pt: upright, arms out of way, back against grid, no rotatio, top of IR about level of axilla, expose after expiration
    • CR: to center of IR, on midline of body, about 2" above iliac crest
    • Must see: bilateral diapragm and as much of abdomen as poss.
  5. AP Clavicle
    • 10 x 12" crosswise
    • 40 " SID
    • Pt: erect or supine, arms at side, raise chin, no rotation of body, collimate top to bottom, expose after inspiration
    • CR: to midline of clavicle
    • Must see: entire clavicle, AC joint, and sternoclavicular joint
  6. AP Axial Clavicle
    • 10 x 12" crosswise
    • 40 " SID
    • Pt: erect or supine, arms at side, raise chin, no rotation of body, collimate top to bottom, expose after inspiration
    • CR: 15-30 cephalic angle (15-20 hypersthenic, 25-30 sthenic) to midline of clavicle
    • Must see: entire clavicle, AC joint, and sternoclavicular joint, most of clavicle above scapula and ribs
  7. AP Internal shoulder
    • 10 x 12" lengthwise (erect or supine)
    • 40" SID
    • Marker: lateral aspect
    • Pt: shoulder should touch tabletop or bucky or IR, abduct arm slightly, internally rotate arm (palm down), epicondyle of distal humerus perp. to IR, suspend respiration
    • CR: 1" below coracoid process (or 3" medial and 3" inferior from lateral border of arm
    • Must see: lateral proximal humerus, 2/3 of clavicle, lesser tuercle in full profile (medial aspect of humeral head)
  8. AP External Shoulder
    • 10 x12" lengthwise (erect or supine)
    • 40" SID
    • Blocker: top
    • Marker: lateral aspect
    • Pt: shoulder should touch IR adbuct arm slightly, externally rotate hand(palm in anatomical position), epicondyles of distal humerus parallel to IR, suspend respiration
    • CR: 1" inferior to coracoid process
    • Must see: proximal humerus, 2/3 of clavicle, greater tubercle in full profile
  9. AP Scapula
    • 10 x12" lengthwise (upright or supine)
    • 40" SID
    • Pt: shoulder touching IR, arm abducted 90, hand supinated (palm forward), use breathing technique
    • CR: 2" medial form lateral border of pt. at level of axilla
    • Must see: scapula
  10. AP Humerus
    • 14 x17" upright or supine
    • 40" SID
    • Marker: lateral aspect
    • Pt: rotate body so shoulder and humerus touch IR, extend arm, no rotation of epicondyles, include both joints, suspend respiration
    • CR: at mid-humerus
    • Must see: entire humerus, shoulder joint, elbow joint
  11. Lateral Humerus
    • 14 x 17" erect or supine
    • 40 " SID
    • Pt: back to the IR, internally rotate arm, epicondyles perp to IR, elbow in true lateral, shoulder and elbow joints shown, suspend respiration
    • CR: at midpint of humerus
    • Must see: lateral humerus, elbow joint, shoulder joint, epicondyles superimposed
  12. RAO Stermun
    • 10 x 12" lengthwise (erect or semi-prone)
    • 40" SID
    • Pt: 15-20 oblique RAO, arms by side and chin up and to the side, collimate side to side, breathing technique, to of IR 1 1/2" above jugular notch
    • CR: left of midline, midway between jugular notch and xiphoid process
    • Must see: sternum over heart shadow, sternum not superimposed by vertebrae
  13. Lateral Sternum
    • 11 x 12" lengthwise, erect(preferred) or lateral recumbent
    • 40" SID
    • Pt: shoulders and arms drawn back, true lateral, top of IR 1 1/2" above jugular notch, expose on inspiration
    • CR: just behind sternum, aling CR to IR level
    • Must see: entire sternum
  14. PA Ribs (Above diaphragm-anterior)
    • 14 x 17" erect preferred
    • 40" SID
    • Blocker: top
    • Marker: top
    • Pt: chin up no rotation of body, roll shoulders forward, expose after inspiration
    • CR: to IR at T7 on midsagittal plane (7-8" below vertebral prominens)
    • Must see: ribs 1-9 or 1-10 visualized
  15. AP Ribs (below diapragm-posterior)
    • 14 x 17" supine preferred
    • 40" SID
    • Blocker: bottom
    • Marker: bottom
    • Pt: back agains IR, no rotation, bottom of IR at iliac crest, expose after full expiration
    • CR: align to IR on midsagittal plane
    • Must see: ribs 8-12 visualized
  16. AP Ribs ( above diapragm-posterior)
    • 14 x 17" erect preferred
    • 40" SID
    • Blocker: top
    • Marker: top
    • Pt: back touching IR, roll shoulders forward, raise chin, no rotation of thorax or pelvis, exposure on full inspiration
    • CR: 3-4" below jugular notch
    • Must see: ribs 1-9 or 1-10 visualized
Card Set
108 Procedures
Radiographic Positioning