conductivity event(exam4)

  1. what is conductivity?
    chemical transmission of a nerve impulse between neurons-> across a synapse or synaptic junction
  2. Image Upload 2
    • a.axon of pre-synaptic neuron
    • b.telodendria
    • c.synaptic knob
    • d.synaptic vesicle
    • e.neurotransmitter receptors
    • f.synaptic cleft
    • neuron plasma membrane
  3. what are synaptic knob at the effector?
    terminal knob
  4. what does synaptic vesicle contain
    a chemical known as "neurotransmitter"->variety of neurotransmitters
  5. nerve impulse moves down the axon and telodendria of the pre-synaptic neuron, what happens when the nerve impulse reaches synaptic knob?
    it causes sunaptic vesicles to fuse with outer membrane and releases neuro transmitter into the synaptic cleft.
  6. neurotransmitter diffuses across synapse and attach to what?
    it attaches to the receptors on the post synaptic neuron
  7. attachment of neurotransmitter to the receptors may be:
    • a)an EPSP and move post synaptic neuron closer to threshold
    • b)an IPSP and move post synaptic neuron farther from threshold
  8. when the post synaptic neuron recieves enough EPSP's to reach threshold....
    that initiates an action potential=nerve impulse in post synaptic neuron
  9. how do you end conductivity?
    by removing neurotransmitter from the synapse
  10. some neurotransmitter diffuses away into what?
    interstital fluid
  11. some of the neurotransmitter is reabsorbed by what?
    the synaptic knob
  12. what enzyme breaks down the neurotransmitter attached to the receptors?
    • a)acetylcholinesterase(cholinesterase)->breaks down acetylcholine
    • b)specific enzyme for each neurotransmitter
  13. chemical transmission at a synapse last about 10 times longer than what?
    the electrical nerve impulse
  14. one chemical transmission at a synapse cause what?
    several action potential in post-synaptic neuron not just 1->short burts of nerve impulses
  15. why does synapse act as a one way valve in the nervous system-> nerve impulse can only travel in one direction across synapse?
    • a)dendrites do not have neurotransmitters to release
    • b)pre-synaptic neuron does not have neurotransmitter receptors
  16. what is conduction pathway?
    route of a nerve impulse from its origin to its termination
  17. what are the 5 basic parts to conduction pathway?
    • 1.receptor
    • 2.afferent neuron (sensory neuron)
    • 4.efferent neuron
    • 5.effector
  18. what is the receptor of a conduction pathway?
    • it is a specialized structure or the distal end of a sensory neuron dendrite
    • a) responds to a stimulus(change in conditions) by initiation an action potential in sensory neuron
  19. what is the afferent neuron(sensory neuron) of a conduction pathway?
    it transmits nerve impulse from receptor to the CNS
  20. what is the center of a conduction pathway?
    • it is one or more association( internundal) neurons with in the CNS
    • a) integrate the nerve impulse by->transmitting nerve impulse, or blocking the nerve impulse, or re-routing nerve impulse or a combination.
  21. what is the efferent neuron(motor neuron) of a conduction pathway?
    it transmits nerve impulse from CNS to the effecto
  22. what is the effector of a conduction pathway?
    the structure that responds to the nerve impulse-> some form of muscle or a gland
  23. Image Upload 4
    • 1.receptor
    • 2.afferent neuron(sensory neuron)
    • 4.efferent neuron
    • 5.effector
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conductivity event(exam4)
exam4 conductivity event