1. organization structure
    a system of tasks, reporting relationships, and communication linkages
  2. social network analysis
    identifies the informal structures and their embedded social relationships that are active in an organization
  3. departmentalization
    the process of grouping together people and jobs into work units
  4. functional structure
    groups together people with similar skills who preform similar tasks
  5. matrix structure
    combines functional and divisional approaches to emphasize project or program teams
  6. cross-functional team
    brings together memebers from different functional departments
  7. network structure
    uses IT to link with networks of outside suppliers and service contractors
  8. strategic alliance
    organizations join together in partnership to pursure an area of mutual interest
  9. virtual organization
    uses information technologies to operate as a shifting network of alliances
  10. organizantional design
    the process of configuring organizations to meet environmental challenges
  11. centalization
    top management keeps the power to make most decisions
  12. decentralization
    top management allows lower levels to help make many decisions
  13. delegation
    the process of entrusting work to others
  14. mechanistic designs
    bureaucratic, using a centralized and vertical structure
  15. organic designs
    are adaptive, using a decentralized and horizontal structure
  16. job sharing
    splits one job between two people
  17. telecommuting
    involves using IT to work at home or outside the office
  18. organizational culture
    a system of chared beliefs and values guiding behavior
  19. strong cultures
    are clear, well defined, and widely shared among member
  20. socialization
    the process through which new memebers learn the cilture of an organization
  21. obervable culture
    what you see and hear when walking around an organization
  22. core culture
    found in the underlaying values of the organization
  23. core values
    beliefs and values shared by organization memebers. make the mission statement affective
  24. symbolic leader
    uses symbols to establish and maintain a desired organizational culture
  25. innovation
    the process of taking a new idea and putting it into practice
  26. four stages of innovation
    • knowledge accunulation
    • incubation
    • discovery
    • implementation and evaluation
  27. process innovations
    result in better ways of doing things
  28. product innovations
    result in new or improved goods or services
  29. business model innovations
    result in ways for firms to make moeny
  30. green innovation
    the process of turning ideas into innovations that reduce the carbon footprint of an organization or its products
  31. commercializing innovation
    turns ideas into economic vaule added. must be rare, valuable, hard to reproduce
  32. change leader
    tries to change the behavior of another person or social system
  33. transformational change
    results in a major and comprehensice redirection of the organization
  34. incremental change
    bends and adjusts existing ways to improve preformance
  35. human resource management
    the process of attracting, developing, and maintaining a high-quality workforce
  36. human capital
    the economic vaule of people with job-relevant abilites, knowledge, ideas, energies, and commitment
  37. discrimination
    occurs when someone is denied a job or job assignment for non-job-related reasons
  38. equal employment opportunity
    the right to employment and advancement without regar to race, sec. religion, color, or national origin
  39. affirmative action
    an effort to give preference in employment to women and minority group memebers
  40. human resource planning
    analyzes staffing needs and identifies actions to fill those
  41. recruitment
    a set of activities designed to attract a qualifed pool of job applicants
  42. selection
    choosing whom to hire from a pool of qualified job applicants
  43. coaching
    occurs as an ecperenienced person offers performance advice to less -experienced person
  44. mentoring
    assigns early career employees as proeges to senior ones
  45. performance appraisal
    process of formally evauating performance and providing feedback to a job holder
  46. behaviorally anchored rating
    uses specific descriptions of actual behaviors to rate various levels of performance
  47. 360 degrees feedback
    includes in appraisal process superiors, subordinates, peers, and even customers
  48. merit pay
    awards pay increases in proportion to performance contributions
  49. bonus pay
    plans provide one-time payments based on performance accomplishments
  50. profit sharing
    distributes to employees a proportion of net profits earned by the organization
  51. gain sharing
    plans allow employees to share in cost saving or productvity gains realized by their efforts
  52. fringe benefits
    are nonmonetarty forms of compensation such as health insurance and retirement plans
  53. collective bargaining
    the process of negotiating, administering, and interpreting a labor contract
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