rate of action potential propagation (4 speed of nerve impulse)

  1. which fibers are the fastest and which are the slowest?
    A fibers

    C fiber
  2. which fibers are large diameter neurons that are myelinated?
    A fibers
  3. which fibers have a speed= 394-410 feet/sec (130 meters/sec)
  4. which fibers have sensory fibers that transmit info related to extrmes in touch pressure, hot and cold->patentially dangerous situations?
  5. which fibers have motor fibers that inneriate skeletal muscle?
    A Fibers
  6. which fibers are medium diameter neurons that are myelinated?
    B fibers
  7. which fibers have a speed= 10-30 feet/sec (10 meters/sec)?
    B Fibers
  8. which fibers have sensory fibers that transmit info for pain from skin and viscera?
    B fibers
  9. which fibers have motor fibers that innervate involuntary muscle and glands?
    B & C fibers
  10. which fibers are small diameter neurons that are unmyelinated?
    C fibers
  11. which fibers have a speed=1-2 ft/sec (0.5 m/sec)?
    C fibers
  12. which fibers have sensory fibers that transmit info for pain-> and general sensations of touch, pressure, hot & cold?
    C fibers
  13. which fibers have motor fibers that innervate involuntary muscle and glands?
    B & C fibers
  14. what are the non- dangerous functions for B&C fibers? ( activities where speed is not critical)
    • 1. dilation of pupil
    • 2. slow down heart rate
    • 3. contraction and relaxation of urinary bladder
  15. if we consider the speed of transmission of the nerve impulse and the refractory period we find that....
    human neurons can transmit from 10 to 500 nerve impulses/ sec!!
Card Set
rate of action potential propagation (4 speed of nerve impulse)
rate of action potential propagation (4 speed of nerve impulse)->related to the diameter of neuron and myelination