excitability with neurons(exam4)

  1. what is excitability?
    transmission of a nerve impulse along a single neuron->

    nerve impulse=action potential
  2. have a polarized neuron with what?
    a resting membrane potential
  3. what happens when enough EPSP's have been recieved to reach the neuron threshold level?
    it changes the membrane permeability of neuron by opening Na+ channels
  4. what does the opening of Na+ channels result in?
    results in Na+ flowing into the cell resulting in "depolarization" at that point on membrane
  5. what does depolarization of one point on membrane do?
    opens ion channels in the adjacent membrane
  6. what does opening ion channels in the adjacent membrane result in?
    it results in depolarization moving across neuron like a wave-> reffered to as "action potential"="nerve impulse"
  7. what happens just behind the wave of depolarization?
    Na+ channels close and K+ and Cl- channels open
  8. what does Na+ channels closing and K+ and Cl- channels opening allow? and what does it result in?
    it allows some K+ to move out of cell and some Cl- to move into cell-> resulting in repolarization
  9. repolarization does not re-establish what?
    repolarization does not re-establish "resting membrane potential"
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excitability with neurons(exam4)
exam4 excitability with neurons