Attributes of a good business name
- Suggestive of Benefits
- Simple - Easy to Remember
- Distinct
- Extendable
- Translates easily into other languages
- Legally Defensible
Brand design schematic
visual, verbal, vesceral
visual elements
- picturing
- symbolizing
- animating
visceral elements
sound, texture, scent
elements of services
inseparability, perishability, intangible, varibality
New product development process
idea generation, idea screening, concept development and testing, marketing strategy development, business analysis, product development, test marketing, commercialization
brainstorming techniques
- Defer Judgement (No “Buts”)
- Encourage Wild Ideas
- Build on Ideas (Only “Ands”)
- Be Visual
- Stay Focused on the Topic
- One conversation at a time
Product life cycle strategies
- market mdoifying
- product modifying
- marketing mix modifying
Gross margin
net sales - VC/COGS
Unit gross margin
Gross margin as a percent of net sales
mark up
gross margin as a percent of VC(COGS)
pricing process
- Determine your pricing objective
- Estimate Demand
- Estimate Costs
- Analyze Competitors Price and Offering
- Select a Final Price
Pricing strategies
- Product Line Pricing (Basketball Shoes)
- Optional Product Pricing (Computers)
- Captive Product Pricing (Movie Theaters)
- By-Product Pricing
- Product Bundle Pricing (Value Meals)
Purpose of channels
right locations, right quantities, when customers want them
benefits of channels
- Break Bulk
- Provide Assortment
- Hold Inventory
- Offer Services
- Market Efficiency
- Intensive Distribution
- Selective Distribution
- Exclusive Distribution
The feel of the channel
- employee type and density
- merchandise type and density
- fixture type and density
- sound
- odors
- visual factors
communication tools
- Advertising
- Promotion
- Personal Selling
- Public Relations
- Direct Marketing
Advertising Objectives
- Cognitive-build awareness
- Affect- gain interest,liking
- behavioral-stimulate action (AIDA)
AIDA model
- attention
- interest
- desire
- action
promotion tools
rebats, specialty advertising, samples, price packs, premiums, coupons, event marketing, point of purchase
CRM Process
form database, select customers, relationship strategies, monitor results
Customer lifetime value
company wide strategic planning
corporate: define company mission, objectives/goals, busines portfolio
business unit, product and market level: planning marketing and other funtional strategies
busiess unit, product and market level
how do we compete in that business?
what business should we be in?
market research problem
- Define the Problem
- Design the Research Project
- Collect Data
- Analyze Data
- Prepare Results
- informal
- qualitative
- observation
- surveys
- panels
- experiments
- models and simulations
Factors affecting buyer
cultural, social, personal, psychological
- culture
- subculture
- social class
- reference group
- family
- roles and status
- age/life cycle
- economic situation
- lifestyle
- personality and self concept
- motivation
- perception
- learning
- beliefs and attitudes
- self actualization needs
- esteem needs
- social needs
- physiological needs
self actualization
self development and realization
esteem needs
self esteem, recognition, status
social needs
security, protection
physiological needs
hunger, thirst
consumer behavior process
- problem recognition-perceiving a need
- information search-seeking value
- evaluation of alternative-assesing value
- purchase-buying value
- post purchase evaluation-consuming, experiencing, or using value
competitve analysis
- identifying competitors,
- Assesing
competitors objectives, strategies, strenghts, weaknesses and reaction patterns - selecting which competitors to attack or avoid
competitors sweet spot
spot that meets customers needs with companys abilities that is outside competitors offerings.
Customer-drive marketing process
- Basis for Segmentation
- Develop Profiles
- Measure Attractiveness
- Choose Target
- Differentiate Offering
- Choose Position
ways to segment
- geographic
- demographic
- psychographic
- behavioral
lifestyle, personality, attitudes, values
segmentation criteria
- differnentiable
- substantial
- identifiable and measurable
- accessible
- responsive
- Depends on the 4C’s
- Profitability Potential
- Market Size
- Anticipated Market Growth
- Current and Anticipated Competition
- Consumer Behavior and Expectations
How the product is viewed by consumers on important attributes relative to the competition ... not how it’s viewed by you
The actions a marketer takes to influence a product’s position
positioning tactics
- how you are as good as the competition-most used
- how you beat the competition
- how you are like by popular people
- how you fit consumers lifestyle
- how you deliver what is most valued-most useful
position 101 marketing cheer
- Stand for something
- Stand for something that’s different
- Stand for something that’s different that’s important
For target market the name of the product is single most important claim among all competitive frame because reason to believe
augmented product
- after sale service
- warranty
- delivery and credit
- product support
actual product
- brand name
- features
- design
- packaging
- quality level
steps in product decisions
- Product Attributes
- Branding
- Packaging
- Labeling
- Product Support & Services
Roles of packaging
- Functional
- Protect & Inform
- Strategic
- influence choice
- Reinforce Brand
- Differentiate
- Advertise
A brand is not your brand symbols. Your brand is a perception that exists in the minds of your consumers about your relevance and promise of value. Your brand is the sum total impressions formed through exposure to your touchpoints.